1 | function plot_tensor_principalaxis(md,options,width,i,tensor,type,plot_options);
2 | %PLOT_TENSOR_PRINCIPALAXIS - plot ytensor principal axis
3 | %
4 | % Usage:
5 | % plot_tensor_principalaxis(md,options,width,i);
6 | %
7 | % See also: PLOTMODEL
8 |
9 | %prepare subplot
10 | subplot(width,width,i);
11 |
12 | %process data and model
13 | [x y z elements is2d isplanet]=processmesh(md,[],options);
14 |
15 | if ((md.mesh.dimension==2)),
16 | eval(['Vx=tensor.principalaxis' type(end) '(:,1); Vy=tensor.principalaxis' type(end) '(:,2);'])
17 | eval(['value=tensor.principalvalue' type(end) ';']);
18 | [Vx datatype]=processdata(md,Vx,options);
19 | [Vy datatype]=processdata(md,Vy,options);
20 | [value datatype]=processdata(md,value,options);
21 | else
22 | eval(['Vx=tensor.principalaxis' type(end) '(:,1); Vy=tensor.principalaxis' type(end) '(:,2); Vz=tensor.principalaxis' type(end) '(:,3);'])
23 | [Vx datatype]=processdata(md,Vx,options);
24 | [Vy datatype]=processdata(md,Vy,options);
25 | [Vz datatype]=processdata(md,Vz,options);
26 | [value datatype]=processdata(md,value,options);
27 | end
28 |
29 | %take the center of each element if ~isonnode
30 | if datatype==1,
31 | x=mean(md.mesh.x(md.mesh.elements'))'; y=mean(md.mesh.y(md.mesh.elements'))'; z=mean(md.mesh.z(md.mesh.elements'))';
32 | end
33 |
34 | %plot quivers
35 | if (md.mesh.dimension==2),
36 |
37 | %density
38 | if exist(options,'density')
39 | density=getfieldvalue(options,'density');
40 | x=x(1:density:end);
41 | y=y(1:density:end);
42 | Vx=Vx(1:density:end);
43 | Vy=Vy(1:density:end);
44 | value=value(1:density:end);
45 | end
46 |
47 | %scaling:
48 | delta=((min(x)-max(x))^2+(min(y)-max(y))^2)/numel(x);
49 | scale=0.5/max(sqrt((Vx.^2+Vy.^2)/delta));
50 | Vx=scale*Vx; Vy=scale*Vy;
51 |
52 | pos=find(value>=0);
53 | q1=quiver(x(pos),y(pos),Vx(pos),Vy(pos),'Color','r','ShowArrowHead','off','AutoScale','off');
54 | hold on
55 | pos=find(value<0);
56 | q2=quiver(x(pos),y(pos),Vx(pos),Vy(pos),'Color','b','ShowArrowHead','off','AutoScale','off');
57 |
58 | else
59 | %density
60 | if exist(options,'density')
61 | density=getfieldvalue(options,'density');
62 | x=x(1:density:end);
63 | y=y(1:density:end);
64 | z=z(1:density:end);
65 | Vx=Vx(1:density:end);
66 | Vy=Vy(1:density:end);
67 | Vz=Vz(1:density:end);
68 | value=value(1:density:end);
69 | end
70 |
71 | %scaling:
72 | delta=((min(x)-max(x))^2+(min(y)-max(y))^2)/numel(x);
73 | scale=0.5/max(sqrt((Vx.^2+Vy.^2)/delta));
74 | Vx=scale*Vx; Vy=scale*Vy; Vz=scale*Vz;
75 |
76 | pos=find(value>=0);
77 | q1=quiver3(x(pos),y(pos),z(pos),Vx(pos),Vy(pos),Vz(pos),'Color','r','ShowArrowHead','off','AutoScale','off');
78 | hold on
79 | pos=find(value<0);
80 | q2=quiver3(x(pos),y(pos),z(pos),Vx(pos),Vy(pos),Vz(pos),'Color','b','ShowArrowHead','off','AutoScale','off');
81 | end
82 |
83 | %legend
84 | if strcmpi(type(1:6),'strain')
85 | legend([q1 q2],'extension','compression')
86 | elseif strcmpi(type(1:6),'stress')
87 | legend([q1 q2],'compression','traction')
88 | end
89 |
90 | %apply options
91 | strings=strsplit(type,'_');
92 | string=strings{1};
93 | options=addfielddefault(options,'title',[upper(string(1)) string(2:end) ' principal axis ' type(end)]);
94 | options=addfielddefault(options,'colorbar',0);
95 | applyoptions(md,[],options);