1 | function md=partitioner(md,varargin)
2 | %PARTITIONER - partition mesh
3 | %
4 | % List of options to partitioner:
5 | %
6 | % package: 'chaco', 'metis' or 'scotch'
7 | % npart: number of partitions.
8 | % weighting: 'on' or 'off': default off
9 | % section: 1 by defaults(1=bisection, 2=quadrisection, 3=octasection)
10 | % recomputeadjacency: 'on' by default (set to 'off' to compute existing one)
11 | % Output: md.qmu.partition recover the partition vector
12 | %
13 | % Usage:
14 | % md=partitioner(md,'package','chaco','npart',100,'weighting','on');
15 | %
16 |
17 | %get options:
18 | options=pairoptions(varargin{:});
19 |
20 | %set defaults
21 | options=addfielddefault(options,'package','chaco');
22 | options=addfielddefault(options,'npart',10);
23 | options=addfielddefault(options,'weighting','on');
24 | options=addfielddefault(options,'section',1);
25 | options=addfielddefault(options,'recomputeadjacency','on');
26 |
27 | %get package:
28 | package=getfieldvalue(options,'package');
29 | npart=getfieldvalue(options,'npart');
30 | recomputeadjacency=getfieldvalue(options,'recomputeadjacency');
31 |
32 | if(dimension(md.mesh)==3),
33 | %partitioning essentially happens in 2D. So partition in 2D, then
34 | %extrude the partition vector vertically.
35 | md3d=md; %save for later
36 | md.mesh.elements=md.mesh.elements2d;
37 | md.mesh.x=md.mesh.x2d;
38 | md.mesh.y=md.mesh.y2d;
39 | md.mesh.numberofvertices=md.mesh.numberofvertices2d;
40 | md.mesh.numberofelements=md.mesh.numberofelements2d;
41 | md.qmu.vertex_weight=[];
42 | md.mesh.vertexconnectivity=[];
43 | recomputeadjacency='on';
44 | end
45 |
46 | %adjacency matrix if needed:
47 | if strcmpi(recomputeadjacency,'on'),
48 | md=adjacency(md);
49 | else
50 | disp('skipping adjacency matrix computation as requested in the options');
51 | end
52 |
53 | if strcmpi(package,'chaco'),
54 |
55 | % default method (from chaco.m)
56 | method=[1 1 0 0 1 1 50 0 .001 7654321]';
57 | method(1)=3; % global method (3=inertial (geometric))
58 | method(3)=0; % vertex weights (0=off, 1=on)
59 |
60 | %specify bisection
61 | method(6)=getfieldvalue(options,'section');% ndims (1=bisection, 2=quadrisection, 3=octasection)
62 |
63 | %are we using weights?
64 | if strcmpi(getfieldvalue(options,'weighting'),'on'),
65 | weights=floor(md.qmu.vertex_weight/min(md.qmu.vertex_weight));
66 | method(3)=1;
67 | else
68 | weights=[];
69 | end
70 |
71 | % partition into nparts
72 | if isa(md.mesh,'mesh2d'),
73 | part=Chaco(md.qmu.adjacency,weights,[],md.mesh.x, md.mesh.y,zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1),method,npart,[])'+1; %index partitions from 1 up. like metis.
74 | else
75 | part=Chaco(md.qmu.adjacency,weights,[],md.mesh.x, md.mesh.y,md.mesh.z,method,npart,[])'+1; %index partitions from 1 up. like metis.
76 | end
77 |
78 | elseif strcmpi(package,'scotch'),
79 |
80 | %are we using weights?
81 | if strcmpi(getfieldvalue(options,'weighting'),'on'),
82 | weights=floor(md.qmu.vertex_weight/min(md.qmu.vertex_weight));
83 | else
84 | weights=[];
85 | end
86 | maptab=Scotch(md.qmu.adjacency,[],weights,[],'cmplt',[npart]);
87 |
88 | part=maptab(:,2)+1;%index partitions from 1 up. like metis.
89 |
90 | elseif strcmpi(package,'linear'),
91 |
92 | part=1:1:md.mesh.numberofvertices;
93 |
94 | elseif strcmpi(package,'metis'),
95 |
96 | [element_partitioning,part]=MeshPartition(md.mesh,md.qmu.numberofpartitions);
97 |
98 | else
99 |
100 | error(['partitioner error message: could not find ' package ' partitioner']);
101 | help partitioner
102 | end
103 |
104 | %extrude if we are in 3D:
105 | if dimension(md.mesh)==3,
106 | md3d.qmu.vertex_weight=md.qmu.vertex_weight;
107 | md3d.qmu.adjacency=md.qmu.adjacency;
108 | md=md3d;
109 | part=project3d(md,'vector',part','type','node');
110 | end
111 |
112 | md.qmu.partition=part;