function [vxout vyout errxout erryout stdxout stdyout]= interpMouginotAntTimeSeries1973to2018(X,Y,T) %INTERPMOUGINOTANTTIMESERIES1973TO2018 - interpolate observed (time series) velocities % % Inputs % X,Y: spatial (scatter) coordinates % T: time (indexed by YEAR1 (YEAR2 is optional); see below) % % Outputs % vxout,vyout: interpolated velocities at X,Y, for each time requested in T % % Available time series: % % YEAR1 YEAR2 % 1 1973 1975 % 2 1973 1984 % 3 1973 1988 % 4 1984 1988 % 5 1986 1988 % 6 1988 1990 % 7 1991 1992 % 8 1995 1996 % 9 2000 2001 % 10 2002 2003 % 11 2003 2004 % 12 2005 2006 % 13 2006 2007 % 14 2007 2008 % 15 2008 2009 % 16 2009 2010 % 17 2010 2011 % 18 2011 2012 % 19 2012 2013 % 20 2013 2014 % 21 2014 2015 % 22 2015 2016 % 23 2016 2017 % 24 2017 2018 % % Usage: % T refers to YEAR1, but the user can also use YEAR2 (e.g., the "1973" case in YEAR1). % % Then, these codes generate the same results: % % [vxout vyout]= interpMouginotAntTimeSeries1973to2018(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,[1986; 1991; 1995; 2000]); % [vxout vyout]= interpMouginotAntTimeSeries1973to2018(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,[1986 1988; 1991 1992; 1995 1996; 2000 2001]); % % Another examples: % [vxout vyout]= interpMouginotAntTimeSeries1973to2018(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,[1973 1975; 1973 1988; 1991 1992; 2011 2012]); % [vel]= interpMouginotAntTimeSeries1973to2018(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,[1986; 1991; 1995; 2000]); % [vxout vyout errxout erryout stdxout stdyout]= interpMouginotAntTimeSeries1973to2018(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,[1986; 1991; 1995; 2000]); %read data switch (oshostname()), case {'ronne'} nc = '/home/ModelData/Antarctica/MouginotVel/'; case {'totten'} nc = '/totten_1/ModelData/Antarctica/MouginotVel/'; otherwise error('hostname not supported yet'); end xdata = double(ncread(nc,'x')); ydata = double(ncread(nc,'y')); year1 = ncread(nc,'YEAR1'); year2 = ncread(nc,'YEAR2'); % get the positions related to T if nargin==3 % initial checks %{{{ if ~isvector(T) error('Size of input T not supported!'); end T=T(:); if size(T,2)==1 & any(T(:,1)==1973), disp(' '); disp(' Found year=1973 in T (array). Please, specify the data series using a second index.'); disp(' Data available for 1973:'); disp(' 1973 1975'); disp(' 1973 1984'); disp(' 1973 1988'); disp(' '); disp(' Usage:'); disp(' [vxout vyout]= interpMouginotAntTimeSeries1973to2018(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,[1973 1975; 1973 1988; 1991 1992; 2011 2012])'); disp(' '); error(' Change input T before continuing.'); end %}}} pos = []; for i=1:size(T,1), flag = (T(i,1)==year1); if size(T,2)==2, % ok, check both indexes (year1 and year2) flag = (T(i,1)==year1).*(T(i,2)==year2); end pos = [pos; find(flag)]; end % check again {{{ if length(pos)~=size(T,1) | length(unique(pos))~=length(pos), disp(' '); disp(' Time resquested does not exist in data set or is repeated!'); disp(' Data resquested:'); for i=1:length(T(:,1)), str = [' ' int2str(T(i,1)) ' ']; if size(T,2)==2, % ok, check both indexes (year1 and year2) str = [str int2str(T(i,2))]; end disp(str); end disp(' '); disp(' Data available (24 series):'); for i=1:length(year1), str = [' ' int2str(year1(i)) ' ' int2str(year2(i))]; disp(str); end disp(' '); disp(' Usage:'); disp(' [vxout vyout]= interpMouginotAntTimeSeries1973to2018(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,[1986; 1991; 1995; 2000])'); disp(' [vxout vyout]= interpMouginotAntTimeSeries1973to2018(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,[1986 1988; 1991 1992; 1995 1996; 2000 2001])'); disp(' [vxout vyout]= interpMouginotAntTimeSeries1973to2018(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,[1973 1975; 1973 1988; 1991 1992; 2011 2012])'); disp(' '); error(' Change input T before continuing.'); end%}}} elseif nargin<3, pos = 1:24; % all available data else error('nargin not supported yet!'); end if nargout~=1 & nargout~=2 & nargout~=6 error('nargout not supported!'); end % get the spatial positions offset=2; xmin=min(X(:)); xmax=max(X(:)); posx=find(xdata<=xmax); id1x=max(1,find(xdata>=xmin,1)-offset); id2x=min(numel(xdata),posx(end)+offset); ymin=min(Y(:)); ymax=max(Y(:)); posy=find(ydata>=ymin); id1y=max(1,find(ydata<=ymax,1)-offset); id2y=min(numel(ydata),posy(end)+offset); disp([' -- Mouginot Time Series 1973 to 2018: loading velocities']); vxdata = []; vydata = []; if nargout==6 % it includes ERRX, ERRY, STDX and STDY errxdata = []; errydata = []; stdxdata = []; stdydata = []; end for i=1:length(pos), disp([' step = ' int2str(i) '/' int2str(length(pos)) ', position = ' int2str(pos(i)) ', year = ' int2str(year1(pos(i))) ' - ' int2str(year2(pos(i)))]); vx = double(ncread(nc,'VX',[id1x id1y pos(i)],[id2x-id1x+1 id2y-id1y+1 1],[1 1 1])); vy = double(ncread(nc,'VY',[id1x id1y pos(i)],[id2x-id1x+1 id2y-id1y+1 1],[1 1 1])); vxdata(:,:,i) = permute(vx,[2 1 3]); vydata(:,:,i) = permute(vy,[2 1 3]); if nargout==6 % it includes ERRX, ERRY, STDX and STDY errx = double(ncread(nc,'ERRX',[id1x id1y pos(i)],[id2x-id1x+1 id2y-id1y+1 1],[1 1 1])); erry = double(ncread(nc,'ERRY',[id1x id1y pos(i)],[id2x-id1x+1 id2y-id1y+1 1],[1 1 1])); stdx = double(ncread(nc,'STDX',[id1x id1y pos(i)],[id2x-id1x+1 id2y-id1y+1 1],[1 1 1])); stdy = double(ncread(nc,'STDY',[id1x id1y pos(i)],[id2x-id1x+1 id2y-id1y+1 1],[1 1 1])); errxdata(:,:,i) = permute(errx,[2 1 3]); errydata(:,:,i) = permute(erry,[2 1 3]); stdxdata(:,:,i) = permute(stdx,[2 1 3]); stdydata(:,:,i) = permute(stdy,[2 1 3]); end end xdata=xdata(id1x:id2x); ydata=ydata(id1y:id2y); disp([' -- Mouginot Time Series 1973 to 2018: interpolating']); vxout = []; vyout = []; if nargout==6 % it includes ERRX, ERRY, STDX and STDY errxout = []; erryout = []; stdxout = []; stdyout = []; end for i=1:length(pos), disp([' step = ' int2str(i) '/' int2str(length(pos)) ', position = ' int2str(pos(i)) ', year = ' int2str(year1(pos(i))) ' - ' int2str(year2(pos(i)))]); vxout = [vxout InterpFromGrid(xdata,ydata,vxdata(:,:,i),double(X),double(Y))]; vyout = [vyout InterpFromGrid(xdata,ydata,vydata(:,:,i),double(X),double(Y))]; if nargout==6 % it includes ERRX, ERRY, STDX and STDY errxout = [errxout InterpFromGrid(xdata,ydata,errxdata(:,:,i),double(X),double(Y))]; erryout = [erryout InterpFromGrid(xdata,ydata,errydata(:,:,i),double(X),double(Y))]; stdxout = [stdxout InterpFromGrid(xdata,ydata,stdxdata(:,:,i),double(X),double(Y))]; stdyout = [stdyout InterpFromGrid(xdata,ydata,stdydata(:,:,i),double(X),double(Y))]; end end %return vel if only one output is requested if nargout==1, vxout = sqrt(vxout.^2+vyout.^2); end