#module imports {{{ from pairoptions import * from petscversion import * #}}} def jacobiasmoptions(*args): #ASMOPTIONS - return Additive Shwartz Method with Jacobi preconditioner petsc options # # Usage: # options=jacobiasmoptions; #retrieve options provided in varargin arguments=pairoptions(*args) options=[['mat_type','aij'],['ksp_type','gmres'],['pc_type','asm'],['sub_pc_type','jacobi'],['pc_asm_overlap',3],['ksp_max_it',100],['ksp_rtol',1e-15]]; #now, go through our arguments, and write over default options. for i in range(len(arguments.list)): arg1=arguments.list[i][0] arg2=arguments.list[i][1] found=0; for j in range(len(options)): joption=options[j][0] if joption==arg1: joption[1]=arg2; options[j]=joption; found=1; break if not found: #this option did not exist, add it: options.append([arg1,arg2]) return options