1 | function marshall(md)
2 | %MARSHALL - output JPL-package compatible binary file from @model md, for certain solution type.
3 | %
4 | % The routine creates a JPL-package compatible binary file from @model md
5 | % This binary file will be used for parallel runs in JPL-package
6 | %
7 | % Usage:
8 | % marshall(md)
9 |
10 | disp(['marshalling file ' md.miscellaneous.name '.bin']);
11 |
12 | %open file for binary writing
13 | fid=fopen([ md.miscellaneous.name '.bin'],'wb');
14 | if fid==-1,
15 | error(['marshall error message: could not open ' [md.miscellaneous.name '.bin'],' file for binary writing']);
16 | end
17 |
18 | %automatically marshall model md, using template information available from an empty model class.
19 | template=model.template();
20 | MarshallObject(fid,template,md,'');
21 |
22 | %close file
23 | st=fclose(fid);
24 | if st==-1,
25 | error(['marshall error message: could not close file ' [md.miscellaneous.name '.bin']]);
26 | end
27 |
28 | function MarshallObject(fid,template,object,prefix) % {{{
29 | fields=fieldnames(template);
30 | for i=1:length(fields),
31 | fieldname=fields{i};
32 | if ~isa(template.(fieldname),'modelfield'),
33 | %Recursive call
34 | MarshallObject(fid,template.(fieldname),object.(fieldname),[prefix fieldname])
35 | elseif template.(fieldname).marshall,
36 | if ~isempty(template.(fieldname).preprocess),
37 | eval(['fieldvalue=' template.(fieldname).preprocess '(object.(fieldname));']);
38 | else
39 | fieldvalue=object.(fieldname);
40 | end
41 |
42 | %Capitalize for enums
43 | fieldnamecap=fieldname;
44 | fieldnamecap(1)=upper(fieldname(1));
45 | prefixcap=prefix;
46 | if ~isempty(prefix), prefixcap(1)=upper(prefix(1)); end
47 |
48 | %Write Data
49 | WriteData(fid,[prefixcap fieldnamecap],fieldvalue,template.(fieldname));
50 | end
51 | end
52 | % }}}
53 | function WriteData(fid,fieldname,fieldvalue,fieldprop) % {{{
54 | %WRITEDATA - write model field in binary file
55 | %
56 | % Usage:
57 | % WriteData(fid,fieldname,fieldvalue,fieldprop)
58 | %
59 |
60 | %first recover data, enum of the data and type of data
61 | data=fieldvalue;
62 | if fieldprop.enum==NoneEnum,
63 | enum=BuildEnum(fieldname);
64 | else
65 | %Field enum overloaded
66 | enum=fieldprop.enum;
67 | end
68 | data_type=fieldprop.format;
69 |
70 | if issparse(data),
71 | data=full(data);
72 | end
73 |
74 | %Ok! write the enum (name) to identify this record uniquely
75 | fwrite(fid,enum,'int');
76 |
77 | %Now, write the data itself.
78 | if strcmpi(data_type,'Boolean'),% {{{
79 | if(numel(data)~=1), error(['field ' field ' cannot be marshalled as it has more than one element!']); end
80 |
81 | %first write length of record
82 | fwrite(fid,4+4,'int'); %1 bool (disguised as an int)+code
83 |
84 | %write data code:
85 | fwrite(fid,TypeToCode(data_type),'int');
86 |
87 | %now write integer
88 | fwrite(fid,data,'int'); %send an int, not easy to send a bool
89 | % }}}
90 | elseif strcmpi(data_type,'Integer'), % {{{
91 | if(numel(data)~=1), error(['field ' field ' cannot be marshalled as it has more than one element!']); end
92 |
93 | %first write length of record
94 | fwrite(fid,4+4,'int'); %1 integer + code
95 |
96 | %write data code:
97 | fwrite(fid,TypeToCode(data_type),'int');
98 |
99 | %now write integer
100 | fwrite(fid,data,'int');
101 | % }}}
102 | elseif strcmpi(data_type,'Double'), % {{{
103 | if(numel(data)~=1), error(['field ' field ' cannot be marshalled as it has more than one element!']); end
104 |
105 | %first write length of record
106 | fwrite(fid,8+4,'int'); %1 double+code
107 |
108 | %write data code:
109 | fwrite(fid,TypeToCode(data_type),'int');
110 |
111 | %now write double
112 | fwrite(fid,data,'double');
113 | % }}}
114 | elseif strcmpi(data_type,'String'), % {{{
115 | %first write length of record
116 | fwrite(fid,length(data)+4+4,'int'); %string + string size + code
117 |
118 | %write data code:
119 | fwrite(fid,TypeToCode(data_type),'int');
120 |
121 | %now write string
122 | fwrite(fid,length(data),'int');
123 | fwrite(fid,data,'char');
124 | % }}}
125 | elseif strcmpi(data_type,'BooleanMat'), % {{{
126 |
127 | %matrix type:
128 | mattype=fieldprop.mattype;
129 |
130 | %Get size
131 | s=size(data);
132 | %if matrix = NaN, then do not write anything
133 | if (s(1)==1 & s(2)==1 & isnan(data)),
134 | s(1)=0; s(2)=0;
135 | end
136 |
137 | %first write length of record
138 | fwrite(fid,4+4+8*s(1)*s(2)+4+4,'int'); %2 integers (32 bits) + the double matrix + code + matrix type
139 |
140 | %write data code and matrix type:
141 | fwrite(fid,TypeToCode(data_type),'int');
142 | fwrite(fid,mattype,'int');
143 |
144 | %now write matrix
145 | fwrite(fid,s(1),'int');
146 | fwrite(fid,s(2),'int');
147 | if s(1)*s(2),
148 | fwrite(fid,data','double'); %get to the "c" convention, hence the transpose
149 | end
150 | % }}}
151 | elseif strcmpi(data_type,'IntMat'), % {{{
152 |
153 | %matrix type:
154 | mattype=fieldtype{2};
155 |
156 | %Get size
157 | s=size(data);
158 | %if matrix = NaN, then do not write anything
159 | if (s(1)==1 & s(2)==1 & isnan(data)),
160 | s(1)=0; s(2)=0;
161 | end
162 |
163 | %first write length of record
164 | fwrite(fid,4+4+8*s(1)*s(2)+4+4,'int'); %2 integers (32 bits) + the double matrix + code + matrix type
165 |
166 | %write data code and matrix type:
167 | fwrite(fid,TypeToCode(data_type),'int');
168 | fwrite(fid,mattype,'int');
169 |
170 | %now write matrix
171 | fwrite(fid,s(1),'int');
172 | fwrite(fid,s(2),'int');
173 | if s(1)*s(2),
174 | fwrite(fid,data','double'); %get to the "c" convention, hence the transpose
175 | end
176 | % }}}
177 | elseif strcmpi(data_type,'DoubleMat'), % {{{
178 |
179 | %matrix type:
180 | mattype=fieldprop.mattype;
181 |
182 | %Get size
183 | s=size(data);
184 | %if matrix = NaN, then do not write anything
185 | if (s(1)==1 & s(2)==1 & isnan(data)),
186 | s(1)=0; s(2)=0;
187 | end
188 |
189 | %first write length of record
190 | fwrite(fid,4+4+8*s(1)*s(2)+4+4,'int'); %2 integers (32 bits) + the double matrix + code + matrix type
191 |
192 | %write data code and matrix type:
193 | fwrite(fid,TypeToCode(data_type),'int');
194 | fwrite(fid,mattype,'int');
195 |
196 | %now write matrix
197 | fwrite(fid,s(1),'int');
198 | fwrite(fid,s(2),'int');
199 | if s(1)*s(2),
200 | fwrite(fid,data','double'); %get to the "c" convention, hence the transpose
201 | end
202 | % }}}
203 | elseif strcmpi(data_type,'MatArray'), % {{{
204 |
205 | numrecords=numel(data);
206 |
207 | %first get length of record
208 | recordlength=4+4; %number of records + code
209 | for i=1:numrecords,
210 | matrix=data{i};
211 | s=size(matrix);
212 | recordlength=recordlength+4*2+... %row and col of matrix
213 | s(1)*s(2)*8; %matrix of doubles
214 | end
215 |
216 | %write length of record
217 | fwrite(fid,recordlength,'int');
218 |
219 | %write data code:
220 | fwrite(fid,TypeToCode(data_type),'int');
221 |
222 | %write data, first number of records
223 | fwrite(fid,numrecords,'int');
224 |
225 | %write each matrix:
226 | for i=1:numrecords,
227 | matrix=data{i};
228 | s=size(matrix);
229 | fwrite(fid,s(1),'int');
230 | fwrite(fid,s(2),'int');
231 | fwrite(fid,matrix','double');
232 | end
233 | % }}}
234 | elseif strcmpi(data_type,'StringArray'), % {{{
235 |
236 | %first get length of string array:
237 | num=numel(data);
238 | %now get length of record:
239 | recordlength=4+4; %for length of array + code
240 | for i=1:num,
241 | string=data{i};
242 | recordlength=recordlength+4+length(string); %for each string
243 | end
244 |
245 | %write length of record
246 | fwrite(fid,recordlength,'int');
247 |
248 | %write data code:
249 | fwrite(fid,TypeToCode(data_type),'int');
250 |
251 | %now write length of string array
252 | fwrite(fid,num,'int');
253 |
254 | %now write the strings
255 | for i=1:num,
256 | string=data{i};
257 | fwrite(fid,length(string),'int');
258 | fwrite(fid,string,'char');
259 | end
260 | % }}}
261 | else
262 | error(['WriteData error message: data type: ' num2str(data_type) ' not supported yet! (' EnumToString(enum) ')']);
263 | end
264 | % }}}
265 | function enum=BuildEnum(string) % {{{
266 | %BUILDENUM - build enum out of string
267 | %
268 | % Usage:
269 | % enum=BuildEnum(string)
270 |
271 | if findstr(string,'_'),
272 | indices=findstr(string,'_');
273 | for i=1:length(indices),
274 | string(indices(i)+1)=upper(string(indices(i)+1));
275 | end
276 | string(indices)=[];
277 | end
278 |
279 | %take first letter of string and make it uppercase:
280 | string(1)=upper(string(1));
281 |
282 | %Get Enum
283 | enum=eval([string 'Enum']);
284 | % }}}
285 | function code=TypeToCode(data_type) % {{{1
286 | %This routine takes the data_type string, and hardcodes it into an integer, which
287 | %is passed along the record, in order to identify the nature of the dataset being
288 | %sent.
289 | if strcmpi(data_type,'Boolean'),
290 | code=1;
291 | elseif strcmpi(data_type,'Integer'),
292 | code=2;
293 | elseif strcmpi(data_type,'Double'),
294 | code=3;
295 | elseif strcmpi(data_type,'String'),
296 | code=4;
297 | elseif strcmpi(data_type,'BooleanMat'),
298 | code=5;
299 | elseif strcmpi(data_type,'IntMat'),
300 | code=6;
301 | elseif strcmpi(data_type,'DoubleMat'),
302 | code=7;
303 | elseif strcmpi(data_type,'MatArray'),
304 | code=8;
305 | elseif strcmpi(data_type,'StringArray'),
306 | code=9;
307 | else
308 | error('TypeToCode error message: data type not supported yet!');
309 | end% }}}
310 |
311 | %FIXME Some processing, should be moved to the corresponding classes in the future
312 | function out=marshallverbose(in)
313 | out = VerboseToBinary(in);
314 | function out=marshallicefront(in)
315 | out=in;
316 | pos=find(in(:,end)==0); out(pos,end)=AirEnum;
317 | pos=find(in(:,end)==1); out(pos,end)=WaterEnum;
318 | pos=find(in(:,end)==2); out(pos,end)=IceEnum;
319 |
320 | function out=marshallrifts(in)
321 | if isempty(in) | isnans(in),
322 | numrifts=0;
323 | else
324 | numrifts=numel(in);
325 | end
326 | numpairs=0;
327 | for i=1:numrifts,
328 | numpairs=numpairs+size(in(i).penaltypairs,1);
329 | end
330 |
331 | out=zeros(numpairs,12); % 2 for nodes + 2 for elements+ 2 for normals + 1 for length + 1 for fill + 1 for friction + 1 for fraction + 1 for fractionincrement + 1 for state.
332 |
333 | count=1;
334 | for i=1:numrifts,
335 | numpairsforthisrift=size(in(i).penaltypairs,1);
336 | out(count:count+numpairsforthisrift-1,1:7)=in(i).penaltypairs;
337 | out(count:count+numpairsforthisrift-1,8)=in(i).fill;
338 | out(count:count+numpairsforthisrift-1,9)=in(i).friction;
339 | out(count:count+numpairsforthisrift-1,10)=in(i).fraction;
340 | out(count:count+numpairsforthisrift-1,11)=in(i).fractionincrement;
341 | out(count:count+numpairsforthisrift-1,12)=in(i).state;
342 | count=count+numpairsforthisrift;
343 | end
344 | function out=marshallapproximations(in),
345 | out=in;
346 | pos=find(in==0); out(pos,end)=NoneApproximationEnum;
347 | pos=find(in==1); out(pos,end)=HutterApproximationEnum;
348 | pos=find(in==2); out(pos,end)=MacAyealApproximationEnum;
349 | pos=find(in==3); out(pos,end)=PattynApproximationEnum;
350 | pos=find(in==4); out(pos,end)=StokesApproximationEnum;
351 | pos=find(in==5); out(pos,end)=MacAyealPattynApproximationEnum;
352 | pos=find(in==6); out(pos,end)=MacAyealStokesApproximationEnum;
353 | pos=find(in==7); out(pos,end)=PattynStokesApproximationEnum;
354 |
355 | function out=marshallcontroltype(in)
356 | out=zeros(1,numel(in));
357 | for i=1:numel(in),
358 | out(i)=StringToEnum(in{i});
359 | end
360 | function out=marshallcmresponses(in),
361 | out=in;
362 | pos=find(in==101); out(pos)=SurfaceAbsVelMisfitEnum;
363 | pos=find(in==102); out(pos)=SurfaceRelVelMisfitEnum;
364 | pos=find(in==103); out(pos)=SurfaceLogVelMisfitEnum;
365 | pos=find(in==104); out(pos)=SurfaceLogVxVyMisfitEnum;
366 | pos=find(in==105); out(pos)=SurfaceAverageVelMisfitEnum;
367 | pos=find(in==201); out(pos)=ThicknessAbsMisfitEnum;
368 | pos=find(in==501); out(pos)=DragCoefficientAbsGradientEnum;
369 | pos=find(in==502); out(pos)=RheologyBbarAbsGradientEnum;
370 | pos=find(in==503); out(pos)=ThicknessAbsGradientEnum;