[21447] | 1 | function diagnostics(md,varargin)
[21455] | 2 | %DIAGNOSTICS - output diagnostics for use in qgis
| 3 | %
| 4 | %
| 5 | % Usage:
| 6 | % diagnostics(md,options)
| 7 | %
| 8 | % where options include:
| 9 | % 'path': where are the diagnostics file output
| 10 | % 'mesh': 0 or 1 (output mesh?, default 0)
| 11 | % 'gl': 0 or 1 (output grounding line position?, default 0)
| 12 | % 'vel': defaults to md.initialization.vel (can suplly another field if need be)
| 13 | % Suboptions include:
| 14 | % 'velposting': resolution at which the tiff file will be printed.
| 15 | % 'hotspots' (0 or 1, default 0). spots where md.results.TransientSolution(i).Vel>threshold
| 16 | % Suboptions include:
| 17 | % 'threshold': vel value
| 18 | % 'hotspotsi': index into results.TransientSolution
| 19 | %
| 20 | %
| 21 | %
| 22 | % Examples:
| 23 | % diagnostics(md,'vel',md.initialization.vel,'gl',1,'hotspots',1,'hotspotsi',10,'threshold',500);
[21447] | 24 |
[21455] | 25 |
[21447] | 26 | %process options:
| 27 | options=pairoptions(varargin{:});
| 28 | path=getfieldvalue(options,'path','./');
| 29 |
| 30 | %mesh:
| 31 | if getfieldvalue(options,'mesh',0),
| 32 | mesh2shp(md,[path '/mesh']);
| 33 | end
| 34 |
| 35 | %grounding line :
| 36 | if getfieldvalue(options,'gl',0),
| 37 | contours=contourlevelzero(md,md.mask.groundedice_levelset,0);
| 38 | expwrite(contours,[path '/groundingline.exp']);
| 39 | exp2shp([path '/groundingline.shp'],[path '/groundingline.exp']);
| 40 | end
| 41 |
| 42 | %velocity:
| 43 | if exist(options,'vel'),
| 44 | vel=getfieldvalue(options,'vel',md.initialization.vel);
| 45 | xposting=getfieldvalue(options,'velposting',500);
| 46 | yposting=getfieldvalue(options,'velposting',500);
| 47 |
[21828] | 48 | xm=min(md.mesh.x):posting:max(md.mesh.x);
| 49 | ym=min(md.mesh.y):posting:max(md.mesh.y);
[21447] | 50 |
[21828] | 51 | vel=InterpFromMeshToGrid(md.mesh.elements,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,vel,xm,ym,0.);
[21447] | 52 | vel=uint16(flipud(vel));
| 53 |
[21455] | 54 | imwrite(vel,[path '/veltemp.tif'],'tiff');
[21447] | 55 |
[21455] | 56 | string=sprintf('!gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:3031 -a_ullr %g %g %g %g %s/veltemp.tif %s/vel.tif',...
[21447] | 57 | min(md.mesh.x),max(md.mesh.y),max(md.mesh.x),min(md.mesh.y),path,path);
| 58 | eval(string);
[21455] | 59 | delete([path '/veltemp.tif']);
[21447] | 60 | end
| 61 |
| 62 | %hot spots:
| 63 | if getfieldvalue(options,'hotspots',0),
| 64 | threshold=getfieldvalue(options,'threshold',5000);
| 65 | i=getfieldvalue(options,'hotspotsi',length(md.results.TransientSolution));
| 66 | pos=find(md.results.TransientSolution(i).Vel>threshold);
| 67 | contour.x=md.mesh.x(pos); contour.y=md.mesh.y(pos); contour.density=1;
| 68 | expwrite(contour,[path '/hotspots.exp']);
| 69 | exp2shp([path '/hotspots.shp'],[path '/hotspots.exp']);
| 70 | end