1 | %%
2 | % create kml linestrings for the partition edges.
3 | %
4 | % [kfold]=kml_part_edges(md,params)
5 | %
6 | % where the required input is:
7 | % md (model, model class object)
8 | %
9 | % the optional input is:
10 | % params (string/numeric, parameter names and values)
11 | %
12 | % and the optional input is:
13 | % latsgn (numeric, +1/-1 for north/south latitude)
14 | % data (numeric, element or nodal results data)
15 | % alt (numeric, altitude for polygons, default 10000)
16 | % cmin (numeric, minimum of color map)
17 | % cmax (numeric, maximum of color map)
18 | % cmap (char or numeric, colormap definition)
19 | % prtplt (char, 'off'/'no' for partition segment plot)
20 | %
21 | % and the required output is:
22 | % kfold (kml_folder, folder of linestring placemarks)
23 | %
24 | function [kfold]=kml_part_edges(varargin)
25 |
26 | if ~nargin
27 | help kml_part_edges
28 | return
29 | end
30 |
31 | %% process input data
32 |
33 | iarg=1;
34 | if (nargin >= 1)
35 | md=varargin{1};
36 | end
37 | if ~exist('md','var') || isempty(md) || ~isa(md,'model')
38 | error(['Model ''' inputname(iarg) ''' is unrecognized class ''' class(md) '''.']);
39 | end
40 |
41 | % parameters
42 |
43 | iarg=iarg+1;
44 | while (iarg <= nargin-1)
45 | if ischar(varargin{iarg})
46 | if ~isempty(strmatch(varargin{iarg},...
47 | {'latsgn','data','alt',...
48 | 'cmin','cmax','cmap','prtplt'},...
49 | 'exact'))
50 | eval([varargin{iarg} '=varargin{iarg+1};']);
51 | disp([varargin{iarg} '=' any2str(varargin{iarg+1},20) ';']);
52 | else
53 | warning([varargin{iarg} '=' any2str(varargin{iarg+1},20) ' is not recognized.']);
54 | end
55 | else
56 | error(['''' any2str(varargin{iarg}) ''' is not a parameter name.']);
57 | end
58 | if strcmpi(varargin{iarg},'data')
59 | cdata=inputname(iarg+1);
60 | end
61 | iarg=iarg+2;
62 | end
63 |
64 | if isempty(md.mesh.lat) || ((numel(md.mesh.lat) == 1) && isnan(md.mesh.lat)) || ...
65 | isempty(md.mesh.long) || ((numel(md.mesh.long) == 1) && isnan(md.mesh.long))
66 | if ~exist('latsgn','var')
67 | error(['Missing ''latsgn'' parameter to calculate missing lat/long data.']);
68 | elseif (abs(latsgn) ~= 1)
69 | error(['Incorrect latsgn=' num2str(latsgn) ' parameter to calculate missing lat/long data.']);
70 | else
71 | display('Converting x/y data to lat/long data.');
72 | [md.mesh.lat,md.mesh.long]=xy2ll(md.x,md.y,latsgn);
73 | end
74 | end
75 |
76 | if exist('data','var') && ~isempty(data)
77 | if (numel(data)==md.mesh.numberofelements)
78 | edata=data;
79 | elseif (numel(data)==md.mesh.numberofvertices)
80 | ndata=data;
81 | display('Averaging nodal data to element data.');
82 | edata=zeros(1,md.mesh.numberofelements);
83 | for i=1:size(md.mesh.elements,1)
84 | for j=1:size(md.mesh.elements,2)
85 | edata(i)=edata(i)+ndata(md.mesh.elements(i,j));
86 | end
87 | edata(i)=edata(i)/size(md.mesh.elements,2);
88 | end
89 | else
90 | error(['Data has incorrect number of ' num2str(numel(data)) ' values.']);
91 | end
92 | end
93 |
94 | % colormap command operates on a figure, so create an invisible one
95 | % (could also directly call colormaps, e.g. jet(64), but risky)
96 |
97 | hfig=figure('Visible','off');
98 | if exist('cmap','var')
99 | colormap(cmap)
100 | end
101 | cmap=colormap;
102 | close(hfig)
103 |
104 | if exist('edata','var')
105 | if ~exist('cmin','var')
106 | cmin=min(min(edata));
107 | end
108 | if ~exist('cmax','var')
109 | cmax=max(max(edata));
110 | end
111 | end
112 |
113 | if ~exist('alt','var')
114 | alt=10000;
115 | end
116 |
117 | %% write folder for partition edges
118 |
119 | if (~exist('prtplt','var') || strncmpi(prtplt,'on' ,2) || strncmpi(prtplt,'y',1)) && ...
120 | md.qmu.numberofpartitions
121 | kfold=kml_folder();
122 | kfold.name ='Partition Edges';
123 | kfold.visibility=1;
124 | kfold.descript =sprintf('Partitions=%d, Nodes=%d',...
125 | md.qmu.numberofpartitions,md.mesh.numberofvertices);
126 | kfold.feature ={repmat(kml_placemark(),1,md.qmu.numberofpartitions)};
127 |
128 | % write each partition as a linestring multigeometry placemark
129 |
130 | disp(['Writing ' num2str(md.qmu.numberofpartitions) ' partitions as KML linestrings.']);
131 | epart=md.qmu.partition(md.mesh.elements)+1;
132 | if exist('ndata','var') || exist('edata','var')
133 | pdata=zeros(1,md.qmu.numberofpartitions);
134 | pdata(:)=NaN;
135 | end
136 |
137 | % loop over each partition
138 |
139 | for k=1:md.qmu.numberofpartitions
140 | % disp(['partition k=' int2str(k)])
141 |
142 | % for each partition, find all the included elements and determine the
143 | % perimeter (including those shared by another partition)
144 |
145 | [icol,irow]=find(epart'==k);
146 | if isempty(irow)
147 | continue;
148 | end
149 | irow=unique(irow);
150 | elemp=md.mesh.elements(irow,:);
151 | epartp=epart(irow,:);
152 | nodeconp=kmlnodeconnectivity(elemp,md.mesh.numberofvertices);
153 | [edgeadjp]=edgeadjacency(elemp,nodeconp);
154 | [edgeper,elemper,iloop]=edgeperimeter(elemp,nodeconp,edgeadjp);
155 | iloop(end+1)=size(edgeper,1)+1;
156 |
157 | % determine the data to be used for the colors (if any)
158 |
159 | if exist('ndata','var')
160 | pdata(k)=ndata(find(md.qmu.partition+1==k,1));
161 | elseif exist('edata','var')
162 | for i=1:size(epartp,1)
163 | if isempty(find(epart(i,:)~=k,1))
164 | pdata(k)=edata(irow(i));
165 | break
166 | end
167 | end
168 | if isnan(pdata(k))
169 | warning('Data for Partition %d is not defined.\n',k)
170 | end
171 | end
172 |
173 | % set up the placemark with multigeometry
174 |
175 | kplace=kml_placemark();
176 | if (length(iloop)-1 > 1)
177 | kplace.name =sprintf('Partition %d (%d loops)',k,length(iloop)-1);
178 | else
179 | kplace.name =sprintf('Partition %d',k);
180 | end
181 | kplace.visibility=1;
182 | if exist('pdata','var')
183 | kplace.descript =sprintf('Partition data: %g',pdata(k));
184 | imap = fix((pdata(k)-cmin)/(cmax-cmin)*size(cmap,1))+1;
185 | if (imap >= 1) && (imap <= size(cmap,1))
186 | kplace.styleurl =sprintf('#MatlabColor%d',imap);
187 | elseif (pdata(k) == cmax)
188 | kplace.styleurl =sprintf('#MatlabColor%d',size(cmap,1));
189 | else
190 | kplace.styleurl =sprintf('#BlackLineEmptyPoly');
191 | end
192 | else
193 | kplace.styleurl =sprintf('#BlackLineRandomPoly');
194 | end
195 |
196 | kmgeom=kml_multigeometry();
197 | kmgeom.geometry ={repmat(kml_linestring(),1,length(iloop)-1)};
198 |
199 | % loop over each loop of the perimeter for the given partition
200 |
201 | for i=1:length(iloop)-1
202 | kline=kml_linestring();
203 | kline.extrude =1;
204 | kline.tessellate=1;
205 | kline.altmode ='relativeToGround';
206 | kline.coords =zeros(0,3);
207 |
208 | elast=0;
209 | nlast=0;
210 | slast=0;
211 | lat=[];
212 | long=[];
213 |
214 | % loop over the element edges on the loop of the partition
215 |
216 | j=iloop(i);
217 | while (j < iloop(i+1))
218 | % find which side of element is referenced in perimeter list
219 | for l=1:size(elemp,2)
220 | if ((elemp(elemper(j),l) == edgeper(j,1)) && ...
221 | (elemp(elemper(j),mod(l,3)+1) == edgeper(j,2))) || ...
222 | ((elemp(elemper(j),l) == edgeper(j,2)) && ...
223 | (elemp(elemper(j),mod(l,3)+1) == edgeper(j,1)))
224 | jedge=l;
225 | break
226 | end
227 | end
228 |
229 | % check if element side connects nodes in partition
230 | if (epartp(elemper(j),jedge) == k) && ...
231 | (epartp(elemper(j),mod(jedge,3)+1) == k)
232 | % write out specified element side
233 | % disp(['segment j=' int2str(j) ' unshared edge ' int2str(edgeper(j,1)) ' to ' int2str(edgeper(j,2)) ' on side ' int2str(jedge) ' from element ' int2str(elemper(j)) ' written.'])
234 | % if first edge, write out first node
235 | if ~elast
236 | kline.coords(end+1,:)=[md.mesh.long(edgeper(j,1)) md.mesh.lat(edgeper(j,1)) alt];
237 | end
238 | kline.coords(end+1,:)=[md.mesh.long(edgeper(j,2)) md.mesh.lat(edgeper(j,2)) alt];
239 | elast=elemper(j);
240 | nlast=edgeper(j,2);
241 | slast=0;
242 | j=j+1;
243 |
244 | % element not entirely within partition, so figure out boundary
245 | else
246 | % disp(['segment j=' int2str(j) ' from element ' int2str(elemper(j)) ' shared by other partitions.'])
247 | ielem=elemper(j);
248 |
249 | % follow partition boundary through elements not wholly in partition
250 | % (may include elements not in perimeter list)
251 |
252 | while 1
253 | % if first edge, figure out direction from perimeter edge direction
254 | if ~nlast && ~slast
255 | nlast=find(elemp(ielem,:)==edgeper(j,1));
256 | nnext=find(elemp(ielem,:)==edgeper(j,2));
257 | if (nlast+nnext == 3)
258 | slast=1;
259 | elseif (nlast+nnext == 5)
260 | slast=2;
261 | elseif (nlast+nnext == 4)
262 | slast=3;
263 | end
264 | if (nnext+(6-nlast-nnext) == 3)
265 | snext=1;
266 | elseif (nnext+(6-nlast-nnext) == 5)
267 | snext=2;
268 | elseif (nnext+(6-nlast-nnext) == 4)
269 | snext=3;
270 | end
271 |
272 | % find how many nodes of current element are in current partition
273 | % (1 or 2, not 3) and handle each permutation separately
274 | ipart=find(epartp(ielem,:)==k);
275 | % two nodes are in current partition, so cut off other node
276 | if (length(ipart) == 2)
277 | switch 6-sum(ipart)
278 | case nlast
279 | slast=6-slast-snext;
280 | nlast=0;
281 | case nnext
282 | if (epartp(ielem,nnext) == k)
283 | nlast=nnext;
284 | end
285 | otherwise
286 | slast=6-slast-snext;
287 | nlast=0;
288 | end
289 | % one node is in current partition
290 | else
291 | % all different, so cut through centroid
292 | if (epartp(ielem,1) ~= epartp(ielem,2)) && ...
293 | (epartp(ielem,2) ~= epartp(ielem,3)) && ...
294 | (epartp(ielem,3) ~= epartp(ielem,1))
295 | switch ipart
296 | case {nlast,nnext}
297 | if (epartp(ielem,nnext) == k)
298 | nlast=nnext;
299 | end
300 | otherwise
301 | slast=6-slast-snext;
302 | nlast=0;
303 | end
304 | % other two are in the same partition, so cut them off
305 | else
306 | switch ipart
307 | case nlast
308 | if (epartp(ielem,nnext) == k)
309 | nlast=nnext;
310 | end
311 | case nnext
312 | slast=snext;
313 | nlast=0;
314 | otherwise
315 | slast=6-slast-snext;
316 | nlast=0;
317 | end
318 | end
319 | end
320 |
321 | % last edge exited last element at node
322 | if nlast
323 | % write out first node of first side for half-edge to midpoint
324 | % disp(['segment j=' int2str(j) ' unshared half edge from node ' int2str(elemp(ielem,nlast)) ' (node ' int2str(nlast) ') on side ' int2str(slast) ' from element ' int2str(ielem) ' written.'])
325 | kline.coords(end+1,:)=[md.mesh.long(elemp(ielem,nlast)) ...
326 | md.mesh.lat(elemp(ielem,nlast)) alt];
327 | end
328 | nlast=0;
329 |
330 | % write out midpoint of first side
331 | kline.coords(end+1,:)=[(md.mesh.long(elemp(ielem,slast))...
332 | +md.mesh.long(elemp(ielem,mod(slast,3)+1)))/2. ...
333 | (md.mesh.lat(elemp(ielem,slast))...
334 | +md.mesh.lat(elemp(ielem,mod(slast,3)+1)))/2. alt];
335 | end
336 |
337 | % last edge exited last element at node
338 | if nlast
339 | if elast
340 | % find where last node on previous element occurs on current element
341 | nlast=find(elemp(ielem,:)==nlast,1);
342 | end
343 | % half-edge occurs on unshared side from current node (unique unless mesh
344 | % is only attached at node)
345 | switch nlast
346 | case 1
347 | if ~edgeadjp(ielem,1)
348 | nnext=2;
349 | slast=1;
350 | else
351 | nnext=3;
352 | slast=3;
353 | end
354 | case 2
355 | if ~edgeadjp(ielem,2)
356 | nnext=3;
357 | slast=2;
358 | else
359 | nnext=1;
360 | slast=1;
361 | end
362 | case 3
363 | if ~edgeadjp(ielem,3)
364 | nnext=1;
365 | slast=3;
366 | else
367 | nnext=2;
368 | slast=2;
369 | end
370 | end
371 | % write out half-edge from current node to midpoint of unshared side
372 | % disp(['segment j=' int2str(j) ' unshared half edge from node ' int2str(elemp(ielem,nlast)) ' (node ' int2str(nlast) ') on side ' int2str(slast) ' from element ' int2str(ielem) ' written.'])
373 | kline.coords(end+1,:)=[(md.mesh.long(elemp(ielem,nlast))...
374 | +md.mesh.long(elemp(ielem,nnext)))/2. ...
375 | (md.mesh.lat(elemp(ielem,nlast))...
376 | +md.mesh.lat(elemp(ielem,nnext)))/2. alt];
377 | nlast=0;
378 |
379 | % last edge exited last element at midpoint of side
380 | elseif slast
381 | if elast
382 | % find where last side on previous element occurs on current element
383 | slast=find(edgeadjp(ielem,:)==elast,1);
384 | end
385 | end
386 |
387 | % find how many nodes of current element are in current partition
388 | % (1 or 2, not 3) and handle each permutation separately
389 | ipart=find(epartp(ielem,:)==k);
390 | if (length(ipart) == 2)
391 | % two nodes are in current partition, so cut off other node
392 | switch 6-sum(ipart)
393 | case 1
394 | snext=3+1-slast;
395 | case 2
396 | snext=1+2-slast;
397 | case 3
398 | snext=2+3-slast;
399 | end
400 | else
401 | if (epartp(ielem,1) ~= epartp(ielem,2)) && ...
402 | (epartp(ielem,2) ~= epartp(ielem,3)) && ...
403 | (epartp(ielem,3) ~= epartp(ielem,1))
404 | % all different, so cut through centroid
405 | % disp(['element ielem=' int2str(ielem) ' centroid written.'])
406 | kline.coords(end+1,:)=[sum(md.mesh.long(elemp(ielem,:)))/3. ...
407 | sum(md.mesh.lat(elemp(ielem,:)))/3. alt];
408 | end
409 | % one node is in current partition, so cut off other two nodes
410 | switch ipart
411 | case 1
412 | snext=3+1-slast;
413 | case 2
414 | snext=1+2-slast;
415 | case 3
416 | snext=2+3-slast;
417 | end
418 | end
419 | % write out midpoint of opposite side
420 | % disp(['segment j=' int2str(j) ' internal edge from side ' int2str(slast) ' to side ' int2str(snext) ' from element ' int2str(ielem) ' written.'])
421 | kline.coords(end+1,:)=[(md.mesh.long(elemp(ielem,snext))...
422 | +md.mesh.long(elemp(ielem,mod(snext,3)+1)))/2. ...
423 | (md.mesh.lat(elemp(ielem,snext))...
424 | +md.mesh.lat(elemp(ielem,mod(snext,3)+1)))/2. alt];
425 | elast=ielem;
426 | nlast=0;
427 | slast=snext;
428 | % find adjacent element to opposite side
429 | ielem=edgeadjp(elast,slast);
430 | % if opposite side is unshared, find it in edge perimeter list
431 | if ~ielem
432 | jlast=find(elemper(j:end)==elast)+j-1;
433 | j=0;
434 | for l=1:length(jlast)
435 | if ((elemp(elast,slast) == edgeper(jlast(l),1)) && ...
436 | (elemp(elast,mod(slast,3)+1) == edgeper(jlast(l),2))) || ...
437 | ((elemp(elast,slast) == edgeper(jlast(l),2)) && ...
438 | (elemp(elast,mod(slast,3)+1) == edgeper(jlast(l),1)))
439 | j=jlast(l);
440 | break
441 | end
442 | end
443 | if ~j
444 | j=iloop(i+1)-1;
445 | end
446 | % write out half-edge from midpoint of unshared side to node
447 | if (epartp(elast,slast) == k)
448 | nnext=slast;
449 | else
450 | nnext=mod(slast,3)+1;
451 | end
452 | % disp(['segment j=' int2str(j) ' unshared half edge on side ' int2str(slast) ' to node ' int2str(elemp(elast,nnext)) ' (node ' int2str(nnext) ') from element ' int2str(elast) ' written.'])
453 | kline.coords(end+1,:)=[md.mesh.long(elemp(elast,nnext)) ...
454 | md.mesh.lat(elemp(elast,nnext)) alt];
455 | break
456 | % if not unshared, advance perimeter list and watch for end
457 | else
458 | if (elast == elemper(j))
459 | if (j+1 < iloop(i+1)) && ...
460 | ~isempty(find(elemper(j+1:end)~=elast,1))
461 | j=j+find(elemper(j+1:end)~=elast,1);
462 | else
463 | break
464 | end
465 | end
466 | end
467 | end
468 | j=j+1;
469 | end
470 | end
471 |
472 | kmgeom.geometry{1}(i)=kline;
473 | clear kline
474 | end
475 |
476 | kplace.geometry=kmgeom;
477 | kfold.feature{1}(k)=kplace;
478 | clear kmgeom kplace
479 | end
480 | end
481 |
482 | end