1 | function [var_id,counter] = structtonc(ncid,fieldname,field,depth,var_id,counter,step);
2 | %STRUCTTONC- fill nc file with structure fields
3 | %
4 | % WARNING: Do not use this function, this function is called
5 | % by netcdf(model);
6 | %
7 |
8 | %update counter
9 | counter = counter+1;
10 |
11 | %Check that field is not empty
12 | if isempty(field),
13 | if(step==1), disp(['skipping ' fieldname ' (empty)...']); end
14 | return;
15 | end
16 |
17 | %Double scalar
18 | if isa(field,'double') & numel(field)==1,
19 | if step==1,
20 | var_id(counter) = netcdf.defVar(ncid,fieldname,'NC_DOUBLE',[]);
21 | else
22 | netcdf.putVar(ncid,var_id(counter),field);
23 | end
24 |
25 | %Double vector
26 | elseif isa(field,'double') & size(field,2)==1,
27 | if step==1,
28 | dim_id = netcdf.defDim(ncid,[fieldname '_size1'],size(field,1));
29 | var_id(counter) = netcdf.defVar(ncid,fieldname,'NC_DOUBLE',dim_id);
30 | else
31 | netcdf.putVar(ncid,var_id(counter),field);
32 | end
33 |
34 | %double matrix
35 | elseif isa(field,'double') & size(field,2)>1,
36 | if step==1,
37 | dim1_id = netcdf.defDim(ncid,[fieldname '_size1'],size(field,1));
38 | dim2_id = netcdf.defDim(ncid,[fieldname '_size2'],size(field,2));
39 | var_id(counter) = netcdf.defVar(ncid,fieldname,'NC_DOUBLE',[dim2_id dim1_id]);
40 | else
41 | netcdf.putVar(ncid,var_id(counter),transpose(field));
42 | end
43 |
44 | %string
45 | elseif isa(field,'char')
46 | if step==1,
47 | dim_id = netcdf.defDim(ncid,[fieldname '_size1'],numel(field));
48 | var_id(counter) = netcdf.defVar(ncid,fieldname,'NC_CHAR',dim_id);
49 | else
50 | netcdf.putVar(ncid,var_id(counter),transpose(field));
51 | end
52 |
53 | %Boolean of size 1
54 | elseif isa(field,'logical') & numel(field)==1,
55 | if step==1,
56 | var_id(counter) = netcdf.defVar(ncid,fieldname,'NC_BYTE',[]);
57 | else
58 | netcdf.putVar(ncid,var_id(counter),int8(field));
59 | end
60 |
61 | %Structures
62 | elseif isa(field,'struct'),
63 | subfields = fields(field);
64 | sublength = numel(field);
65 | if sublength==1,
66 | for i=1:length(subfields),
67 | [var_id,counter] = structtonc(ncid,[fieldname '.' subfields{i}],field.(subfields{i}),depth+1,var_id,counter,step);
68 | end
69 | else
70 | for n=1:sublength,
71 | for i=1:length(subfields),
72 | [var_id,counter] = structtonc(ncid,[fieldname '.' subfields{i} '(' num2str(n) ')'],field(n).(subfields{i}),depth+1,var_id,counter,step);
73 | end
74 | end
75 | end
76 |
77 | %Cell
78 | elseif isa(field,'cell'),
79 | for i=1:length(field),
80 | [var_id,counter] = structtonc(ncid,[fieldname '{' num2str(i) '}'],field{i},depth+1,var_id,counter,step);
81 | end
82 |
83 | %Objects
84 | elseif isobject(field),
85 | %First we need to keep track of the object class name
86 | [var_id,counter] = structtonc(ncid,[fieldname '_class'],class(field),depth,var_id,counter,step);
87 | subfields = fields(field);
88 | for i=1:length(subfields),
89 | [var_id,counter] = structtonc(ncid,[fieldname '.' subfields{i}],field.(subfields{i}),depth+1,var_id,counter,step);
90 | end
91 | else
92 | disp(['skipping ' fieldname ' (format not supported)...']);
93 | end