[22928] | 1 | function segmentstobasin(basin,varargin)
| 2 | %SEGMENTSTOBASIN - read exp or shp files corresponding to the boundaries of a basin, and assemble
| 3 | % a basin file accordingly (by concatenating the segments). The segments might not be oriented
| 4 | % the right way, so the list of exp segment files given goes along booleans that determined whether
| 5 | % each segment should be inverted or not.
| 6 | %
| 7 | % Usage:
| 8 | % segmentstobasin(basinname,basin1,invert1,basin2,invert2,...)
| 9 | %
| 10 | % Example:
| 11 | % segmentstobasin('Antarctica.exp','Antarctica1.exp',0,'Antarctica2.shp',1); %we inverte the segments in Antarctica2.shp
| 12 | %
| 13 | % See also EXPREAD
| 14 |
| 15 | %some checks
| 16 | if exist(basin),
| 17 | %choice=input(['A file ' basin ' already exists, do you want to modify it? (y/n)'],'s');
| 18 | %if ~strcmpi(choice,'y'),
| 19 | % disp('no modification done ... exiting');
| 20 | % return;
| 21 | %end
| 22 | end
| 23 |
| 24 | %go through the list of basins
| 25 | if mod(length(varargin),2)~=0,
| 26 | error('an even number of arguments should be provided after the basin name');
| 27 | end
| 28 |
| 29 | domain.x=[]; domain.y=[]; domain.nods=1;
| 30 | for i=1:nargin/2,
| 31 | expfile=varargin{(i-1)*2+1};
| 32 | invert=varargin{(i-1)*2+2};
| 33 | if isexp(expfile),
| 34 | expstruct=expread(expfile,'invert',invert);
| 35 | else
| 36 | expstruct=shpread(expfile,'invert',invert);
| 37 | end
| 38 | domain.x=[domain.x;expstruct.x];
| 39 | domain.y=[domain.y;expstruct.y];
| 40 | domain.nods=domain.nods+length(expstruct.x);
| 41 | end
| 42 |
| 43 | domain.nods=domain.nods+1;
| 44 | domain.x=[domain.x;domain.x(1)];
| 45 | domain.y=[domain.y;domain.y(1)];
| 46 | domain.Geometry='Polygon';
| 47 |
| 48 | if isexp(basin),
| 49 | expwrite(domain,basin);
| 50 | else
| 51 | shpwrite(domain,basin);
| 52 | end