function expbox(filename) %EXPBOX - Create an ARGUS file using two clicks % % Two clicks on a plot are used to generate a rectangular box % This box is written in EXP format on filename % % Usage: % expbox(filename) %check if exist(filename,'file'), choice=input(['A file ' filename ' already exists, do you want to modify it? (y/n)'],'s'); if ~strcmpi(choice,'y'), disp('no modification done ... exiting'); return end end %Get points disp('Click twice to define a rectangular domain. First click for upper left corner, second for lower right corner'); [x,y]=ginput(2); x1=x(1); x2=x(2); x3=x2; x4=x1; y1=y(1); y2=y1; y3=y(2); y4=y3; %Build Exp structure A=struct(); A.nods=5; A.density=1; A.x=[x1 x2 x3 x4 x1]'; A.y=[y1 y2 y3 y4 y1]'; %Write structure expwrite(A,filename);