1 | function [output] = interpRTopo2(X,Y,varargin),
2 | %INTERPRTOPO2 - interp from RTOPO-2 onto X and Y
3 | %
4 | % Usage:
5 | % bed = interpRTopo2(X,Y,varargin),
6 | %
7 | % varargin = 1 (Greenland), default
8 | % -1 (Antarctica)
9 |
10 | switch oshostname(),
11 | case {'ronne'}
12 | rootname='/home/ModelData/Global/RTopo-2/RTopo-2.0.1_30sec_bedrock_topography.nc';
13 | otherwise
14 | error('machine not supported yet');
15 | end
16 | verbose = 1;
17 |
18 | if nargin==3,
19 | hemisphere = varargin{1};
20 | else
21 | hemisphere = +1;
22 | end
23 | if abs(hemisphere)~=1,
24 | error('hemisphere should be +/-1');
25 | end
26 |
27 | if hemisphere==+1,
28 | if verbose, disp(' -- RTopo-2: convert to lat/lon using Greenland projection'); end
29 | [LAT, LON ] = xy2ll(double(X(:)),double(Y(:)),+1,45,70);
30 | else
31 | if verbose, disp(' -- RTopo-2: convert to lat/lon using Antarctica projection'); end
32 | [LAT, LON ] = xy2ll(double(X(:)),double(Y(:)),-1,0,71);
33 | end
34 |
35 | Y=reshape(LAT,size(X)); X=reshape(LON,size(X));
36 |
37 | xdata = double(ncread(rootname,'lon'));
38 | ydata = double(ncread(rootname,'lat'));
39 |
40 | offset=2;
41 |
42 | xmin=min(X(:)); xmax=max(X(:));
43 | posx=find(xdata<=xmax);
44 | id1x=max(1,find(xdata>=xmin,1)-offset);
45 | id2x=min(numel(xdata),posx(end)+offset);
46 |
47 | ymin=min(Y(:)); ymax=max(Y(:));
48 | posy=find(ydata<=ymax);
49 | id1y=max(1,find(ydata>=ymin,1)-offset);
50 | id2y=min(numel(ydata),posy(end)+offset);
51 |
52 | if verbose, disp(' -- RTopo-2: reading bed topography'); end
53 | data = double(ncread(rootname,'bedrock_topography',[id1x id1y],[id2x-id1x+1 id2y-id1y+1],[1 1]))';
54 | xdata=xdata(id1x:id2x);
55 | ydata=ydata(id1y:id2y);
56 | data(find(data==-9999))=NaN;
57 |
58 | if verbose, disp(' -- RTopo-2: interpolating'); end
59 | output = InterpFromGrid(xdata,ydata,data,double(X),double(Y));