#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; class Matrix{/*{{{*/ private: int M; /*Number of lines */ int N; /*Number if Columns */ double *values; public: Matrix(int m_in,int n_in){/*{{{*/ this->M = m_in; this->N = n_in; this->values = new double[M*N]; }/*}}}*/ ~Matrix(){/*{{{*/ delete [] this->values; }/*}}}*/ void Echo(void){/*{{{*/ for(int i=0;ivalues[i*N+j]; } cout << endl; } }/*}}}*/ void SetValue(int i,int j,double value){/*{{{*/ this->values[i*N+j] = value; }/*}}}*/ double GetValue(int i,int j){/*{{{*/ return this->values[i*N+j]; }/*}}}*/ void GetSize(int* pM,int* pN){/*{{{*/ *pM = this->M; *pN = this->N; }/*}}}*/ double* GetPointer(void){/*{{{*/ return this->values; }/*}}}*/ void MatrixSum(Matrix* A,Matrix* B){/*{{{*/ /*Check that sizes are compatible*/ int M_B,N_B,M_A,N_A; B->GetSize(&M_B,&N_B); A->GetSize(&M_A,&N_A); assert(this->M==M_B && this->N==N_B); assert(this->M==M_A && this->N==N_A); for(int i=0;iM;i++){ for(int j=0;jN;j++){ this->SetValue(i,j,A->GetValue(i,j) + B->GetValue(i,j)); } } }/*}}}*/ void MatrixDiff(Matrix* A,Matrix* B){/*{{{*/ /*Check that sizes are compatible*/ int M_B,N_B,M_A,N_A; B->GetSize(&M_B,&N_B); A->GetSize(&M_A,&N_A); assert(this->M==M_B && this->N==N_B); assert(this->M==M_A && this->N==N_A); for(int i=0;iM;i++){ for(int j=0;jN;j++){ this->SetValue(i,j,A->GetValue(i,j) - B->GetValue(i,j)); } } }/*}}}*/ void MatrixAbs(Matrix* A){/*{{{*/ for(int i=0;iM;i++){ for(int j=0;jN;j++){ this->SetValue(i,j,fabs(A->GetValue(i,j))); } } }/*}}}*/ void MatrixEqual(Matrix* A){/*{{{*/ for(int i=0;iM;i++){ for(int j=0;jN;j++){ this->SetValue(i,j,A->GetValue(i,j)); } } }/*}}}*/ double MatrixInternSum(){/*{{{*/ double sum=0; for(int i=0;iM;i++){ for(int j=0;jN;j++){ sum+=this->GetValue(i,j); } } return sum; }/*}}}*/ void ExtractLine(Matrix* A,int i){/*{{{*/ /* Check that the size of A is compatible */ int M_A,N_A; A->GetSize(&M_A,&N_A); assert(M_A==1 && this->N==N_A); for(int j=0;jN;j++){ A->SetValue(0,j,this->GetValue(i,j)); } }/*}}}*/ void ExtractColumn(Matrix* A,int j){/*{{{*/ /* Check that the size of A is compatible */ int M_A,N_A; A->GetSize(&M_A,&N_A); assert(N_A==1 && this->M==M_A); for(int i=0;iM;i++){ A->SetValue(i,0,this->GetValue(i,j)); } }/*}}}*/ void AddNumber(double a){/*{{{*/ for(int i=0;iM;i++){ for(int j=0;jN;j++){ this->SetValue(i,j,this->GetValue(i,j) + a); } } }/*}}}*/ };/*}}}*/ /*Local prototypes{{{*/ void makep(Matrix *Pobs,int nx,int ny, int dx, int dy); void vec2grid(Matrix *V,Matrix *V1,Matrix *V2,int nx, int ny); void msplit( Matrix *m, Matrix *m1,Matrix *m2,double dlevel); void plouff(Matrix *g,Matrix *Pobs,Matrix *Pp,Matrix * mesh,Matrix *rho,int dx,int dy, int dn,int m,int n,int l); void vec2gridsimple(Matrix *V,Matrix *V1,int nx, int ny); void reshape(Matrix* V,Matrix* V1,int nx,int ny); double misfit(Matrix* m0,Matrix* evalid,Matrix* gobs,int dlevel,Matrix* Pobs,Matrix* xobs,Matrix* yobs,Matrix* Pp,Matrix* rho1, Matrix* rho2,int dx,int dy,int dn,int nx,int ny, int mx,int my); void GSLsquarefit(Matrix** pX,Matrix* A,Matrix* B); /*}}}*/ int main(){/*{{{*/ /* Seed the random number generator {{{*/ srand (time(NULL)); /*}}}*/ /* Define the variables {{{*/ int dx = 500; /* prism dimension in x-direction */ int dy = 500; /* prism dimension in y-direction */ int mx = 39; /* number of prisms in x-direction */ int my = 60; /* number of prisms in y-direction */ int nx = 39; /* number of data points in x-direction */ int ny = 60; /* number of data points in y-direction */ int dn = 15000; /* distance for neighbouting prisms for gravity calculation */ double ptval = 100.; /* max. amount to perturb model */ double ptval2 = 100.; Matrix *Pobs=new Matrix(nx*ny,2); /* data positions */ makep(Pobs,nx,ny,dx,dy); // Pobs->Echo(); Matrix *Pp=new Matrix(mx*my,2); /* data positions */ makep(Pp,mx,my,dx,dy); // Pp->Echo(); double rhoi = 890; /* ice density */ double rhow = 1030; /* water density */ // double rhos = 2013; /* sediment density */ double rhoc = 2670; /* bedrock density */ Matrix *Rho = new Matrix(1,2); Rho->SetValue(0,0,rhoi); Rho->SetValue(0,1,rhow); Matrix *rho1 = new Matrix(1,3); rho1->SetValue(0,0,rhoi); rho1->SetValue(0,1,rhow); rho1->SetValue(0,2,rhoc); Matrix *rho2 = new Matrix(1,2); rho2->SetValue(0,0,rhoi-rhoc); rho2->SetValue(0,1,rhow-rhoc); double ctr=1; /* parameter for filtering */ double sd=0.1; Matrix *xobs= new Matrix(ny,nx); Matrix *yobs= new Matrix(ny,nx); vec2grid(Pobs,xobs,yobs,nx,ny); // xobs->Echo(); // yobs->Echo(); double dlevel= 860; /* mean level of data acquisition */ double mmax = 1000; /* max value for layer interfaces */ double mmax2 = 1000; double mmax3 = 1000; /* control parameter for temperature schedule */ double ca=0.9; /* for acceptance */ double cm=0.5; /* for model perturbation */ /*}}}*/ /* load the data {{{*/ /* Observed gravity anomaly */ ifstream file1("store_fa500_36s.txt"); Matrix * gobs= new Matrix(nx*ny,1); double inputnumber; for(int i=0;i> inputnumber; gobs->SetValue(i,0, inputnumber*1e-5); } file1.close(); // gobs->Echo(); /* load data about the ice thickness */ ifstream file2("store_flag_icethick500.txt"); Matrix * icethick= new Matrix(mx*my,1); for(int s=0;s> inputnumber; icethick->SetValue(s,0,inputnumber); } file2.close(); // icethick->Echo(); /* load the batimethry data */ ifstream file3("store_flag_bathy500.txt"); Matrix * bathy= new Matrix(mx*my,1); for(int s=0;s> inputnumber; bathy->SetValue(s,0,inputnumber); } file3.close(); // bathy->Echo(); /* id of grid to evaluate misfit */ ifstream file4("store_flag_eval500.txt"); Matrix * evalid= new Matrix(mx*my,1); for(int s=0;s> inputnumber; evalid->SetValue(s,0,inputnumber); } file4.close(); // evalid->Echo(); /* initial guess of the model */ ifstream file5("m0_140114b.txt"); Matrix * mesh_ini= new Matrix(mx*my,3); for(int s=0;s> inputnumber; mesh_ini->SetValue(s,j,inputnumber); } } file5.close(); // mesh_ini->Echo(); /*}}}*/ double q=0; q=misfit(mesh_ini,evalid,gobs,dlevel,Pobs,xobs,yobs,Pp,rho1,rho2,dx,dy,dn,nx,ny,mx,my); cout<< q; /* Matrix* G=new Matrix(4,3); Matrix* df=new Matrix(4,1); Matrix* o=new Matrix(4,1); for(int i= 0;i<4;i++){ for(int j=0;j<3;j++){ if(j==2){G->SetValue(i,j,1);} else{G->SetValue(i,j,i+j);} } df->SetValue(i,0,i*1e-3); } G->SetValue(0,0,1); G->SetValue(0,1,2); Matrix* M = NULL; GSLsquarefit(&M,G,df); for(int i= 0;i<4;i++){ o->SetValue(i,0,G->GetValue(i,0)*M->GetValue(0,0)+G->GetValue(i,1)*M->GetValue(1,0)+G->GetValue(i,2)*M->GetValue(2,0));} G->Echo(); df->Echo(); M->Echo(); o->Echo();*/ return 0; }/*}}}*/ void GSLsquarefit(Matrix** pX,Matrix* A,Matrix* B){/*{{{*/ /*GSL Matrices and vectors: */ int M,N; double chisq; /*Get system size*/ A->GetSize(&M,&N); /*Initialize gsl matrices and vectors: */ gsl_matrix* a = gsl_matrix_alloc(M,N); for(int i=0;iGetValue(i,j)); } } gsl_vector* b = gsl_vector_alloc(M); for(int i=0;iGetValue(i,0)); } gsl_vector* x = gsl_vector_alloc(N); gsl_matrix* cov = gsl_matrix_alloc(N,N); /*Least square fit: */ gsl_multifit_linear_workspace* work = gsl_multifit_linear_alloc(M,N); gsl_multifit_linear (a, b, x, cov, &chisq, work); gsl_multifit_linear_free (work); /*Clean up and assign output pointer*/ Matrix* X = new Matrix(N,1); for(int j=0;jSetValue(j,0,gsl_vector_get(x,j)); } *pX = X; gsl_matrix_free(a); gsl_vector_free(b); gsl_matrix_free(cov); }/*}}}*/ void makep(Matrix *Pobs,int nx,int ny, int dx, int dy){/*{{{*/ for(int i=0;iSetValue(j+nx*i,0,j*dx); Pobs->SetValue(j+nx*i,1,i*dy); } } }/*}}}*/ void vec2grid(Matrix *V,Matrix *V1,Matrix *V2,int nx, int ny){/*{{{*/ for(int i=0;iSetValue(i,j, V->GetValue(j+nx*i,0)); V2->SetValue(i,j, V->GetValue(j+nx*i,1)); } } }/*}}}*/ void msplit( Matrix *m, Matrix *m1,Matrix *m2,double dlevel){/*{{{*/ int sizem1,sizem2; m->GetSize(&sizem1,&sizem2); for(int i=0;iSetValue(i,j,1e-10*(sizem2+1-j)); m2->SetValue(i,j,m->GetValue(i,j)); if(m->GetValue(i,j)<0){ m1->SetValue(i,j,m->GetValue(i,j)); m2->SetValue(i,j,i*1e-10); } } else{ m1->SetValue(i,j,1e-10); } } } m1->AddNumber(dlevel); m2->AddNumber(dlevel); }/*}}}*/ void plouff(Matrix *g,Matrix *Pobs,Matrix *Pp,Matrix * mesh,Matrix *rho,int dx,int dy, int dn,int m,int n,int l){/*{{{*/ double gg=6.673e-11; int si,sj,id,s; double R,Q,P; Matrix *xp= new Matrix(1,2); Matrix *yp= new Matrix(1,2); Matrix *xpp= new Matrix(1,2); Matrix *ypp= new Matrix(1,2); Matrix *U= new Matrix(l,4); Matrix *U1=new Matrix(1,4); Matrix *U2=new Matrix(1,4); Matrix *gl= new Matrix(1,l-1); bool test=true; for(int c=0;cSetValue(c,0,0); for(int a=0;aSetValue(0,0,Pp->GetValue(a,0)-Pobs->GetValue(c,0)); xp->SetValue(0,1,Pp->GetValue(a,0)-Pobs->GetValue(c,0)+dx); if(xp->GetValue(0,0)<0 && xp->GetValue(0,0)GetValue(0,1) && xp->GetValue(0,0)*xp->GetValue(0,1)>=0){ xpp->SetValue(0,0,xp->GetValue(0,1)); xpp->SetValue(0,1,xp->GetValue(0,0)); xp->MatrixAbs(xpp); } yp->SetValue(0,0,Pp->GetValue(a,1)-Pobs->GetValue(c,1)); yp->SetValue(0,1,Pp->GetValue(a,1)-Pobs->GetValue(c,1)+dy); if(yp->GetValue(0,0)<0 && yp->GetValue(0,0)GetValue(0,1) && yp->GetValue(0,0)*yp->GetValue(0,1)>=0){ ypp->SetValue(0,0,yp->GetValue(0,1)); ypp->SetValue(0,1,yp->GetValue(0,0)); yp->MatrixAbs(ypp); } P=sqrt(xp->GetValue(0,0)*xp->GetValue(0,0)+yp->GetValue(0,0)*yp->GetValue(0,0)); if(P>dn){ test=false; for(int i=0;iSetValue(0,i,0); } } if(test==true){ si=1; sj=1; id=0; for(int i=0;i<2;i++){ si*=-1; for(int j=0;j<2;j++){ si*=-1; s=si*sj; for(int k=0;kGetValue(0,i)*xp->GetValue(0,i)+yp->GetValue(0,j)*yp->GetValue(0,j)+mesh->GetValue(a,k)*mesh->GetValue(a,k)); Q=atan(xp->GetValue(0,i)*yp->GetValue(0,j)/(mesh->GetValue(a,k)*R)); U->SetValue(k,id,s*(mesh->GetValue(a,k)*Q-xp->GetValue(0,i)*log(R+yp->GetValue(0,j))-yp->GetValue(0,j)*log(R+xp->GetValue(0,i)))); } id++; } } for(int b=0;bExtractLine(U1,b); U->ExtractLine(U2,b+1); gl->SetValue(0,b,rho->GetValue(0,b)*(U1->MatrixInternSum()*(-1)+U2->MatrixInternSum())); } } g->SetValue(c,0,g->GetValue(c,0)+gg*gl->MatrixInternSum()); } } delete xp; delete yp; delete xpp; delete ypp; delete gl; delete U; delete U1; delete U2; }/*}}}*/ void vec2gridsimple(Matrix *V,Matrix *V1,int nx, int ny){/*{{{*/ for(int i=0;iSetValue(i,j, V->GetValue(j+nx*i,0)); } } }/*}}}*/ void reshape(Matrix* V,Matrix* V1,int nx,int ny){/*{{{*/ for (int i=0;iSetValue(j+nx*i,0,V->GetValue(i,j)); } } }/*}}}*/ double misfit(Matrix* m0,Matrix* evalid,Matrix* gobs,int dlevel,Matrix* Pobs,Matrix* xobs,Matrix* yobs,Matrix* Pp,Matrix* rho1, Matrix* rho2,int dx,int dy,int dn,int nx,int ny, int mx,int my){/*{{{*/ Matrix* m1=new Matrix(mx*my,4); Matrix* m2=new Matrix(mx*my,3); Matrix* g1=new Matrix(nx*ny,1); Matrix* g2=new Matrix(nx*ny,1); Matrix* g=new Matrix(nx*ny,1); Matrix* gcalgr=new Matrix(ny,nx); Matrix* gcalvec=new Matrix(mx*my,1); Matrix* df=new Matrix(mx*my,1); Matrix* G=new Matrix(mx*my,3); double a=0; double b=0; double e=0; msplit(m0,m1,m2,dlevel); plouff(g1,Pobs,Pp,m1,rho1,dx,dy,dn,mx*my,nx*ny,4); plouff(g2,Pobs,Pp,m2,rho2,dx,dy,dn,mx*my,nx*ny,3); g->MatrixSum(g1,g2); vec2gridsimple(g,gcalgr,nx,ny); reshape(gcalgr,gcalvec,mx,my); for (int i=0;iSetValue(i,0,evalid->GetValue(i,0)*(gobs->GetValue(i,0)-gcalvec->GetValue(i,0))); G->SetValue(i,0,evalid->GetValue(i,0)*Pobs->GetValue(i,0)); G->SetValue(i,1,evalid->GetValue(i,0)*Pobs->GetValue(i,1)); G->SetValue(i,2,evalid->GetValue(i,0)); } Matrix* M = NULL; GSLsquarefit(&M,G,df); for (int i=0;iSetValue(i,j,gcalgr->GetValue(i,j)+xobs->GetValue(i,j)*M->GetValue(0,0)+yobs->GetValue(i,j)*M->GetValue(1,0)+M->GetValue(2,0)); } } reshape(gcalgr,g,mx,my); for (int i=0;iGetValue(i,0)*(gobs->GetValue(i,0)-g->GetValue(i,0))); b=b+fabs(evalid->GetValue(i,0)*(gobs->GetValue(i,0)+g->GetValue(i,0))); } e=2*a/(a+b); return e; }/*}}}*/