1 | %VERBOSE class definition
2 | %
3 | % Available verbosity levels:
4 | % mprocessor : model processing
5 | % module : modules
6 | % solution : solution sequence
7 | % solver : solver info (extensive)
8 | % convergence : convergence criteria
9 | % control : control method
10 | % qmu : sensitivity analysis
11 | % autodiff : AD analysis
12 | %
13 | % Usage:
14 | % verbose=verbose();
15 | % verbose=verbose(3);
16 | % verbose=verbose('001100');
17 | % verbose=verbose('module',true,'solver',false);
18 |
19 | %WARNING: some parts of this file are Synchronized with src/c/shared/Numerics/Verbosity.h
20 | % Do not modify these sections. See src/c/shared/Numerics/README for more info
21 |
22 | classdef verbose
23 | properties (SetAccess=public)
24 | % {{{
26 | mprocessor=false;
27 | module=false;
28 | solution=false;
29 | solver=false;
30 | convergence=false;
31 | control=false;
32 | qmu=false;
33 | autodiff=false;
35 | % }}}
36 | end
37 | %}}}
38 | methods
39 | function verbose=verbose(varargin) % {{{
40 |
41 | switch(nargin),
42 | case 0,
43 | %Don't do anything
44 | case 1,
45 | binary=varargin{1};
46 | if ischar(binary),
47 | if strcmpi(binary,'all'),
48 | binary=2^11-1; %all ones
49 | verbose=BinaryToVerbose(verbose,binary);
50 | verbose.solver=false; %Do not use by default
51 | else
52 | binary=bin2dec(binary);
53 | verbose=BinaryToVerbose(verbose,binary);
54 | end
55 | elseif isnumeric(binary),
56 | verbose=BinaryToVerbose(verbose,binary);
57 | end
58 | otherwise,
59 | %Use options to initialize object
60 | verbose=AssignObjectFields(pairoptions(varargin{:}),verbose);
61 |
62 | %Cast to logicals
63 | listproperties=properties('verbose');
64 | for i=1:numel(listproperties),
65 | fieldname=listproperties{i};
66 | fieldvalue=verbose.(fieldname);
67 | if (islogical(fieldvalue) | isnumeric(fieldvalue)) & numel(fieldvalue)==1,
68 | verbose.(fieldname)=logical(fieldvalue);
69 | else
70 | error('verbose supported field values are logicals only (true or false)');
71 | end
72 | end
73 | end
74 | end
75 | %}}}
76 | function binary=VerboseToBinary(verbose) % {{{
77 |
79 | binary=0;
80 | if (verbose.mprocessor), binary=bitor(binary,1); end
81 | if (verbose.module), binary=bitor(binary,2); end
82 | if (verbose.solution), binary=bitor(binary,4); end
83 | if (verbose.solver), binary=bitor(binary,8); end
84 | if (verbose.convergence), binary=bitor(binary,16); end
85 | if (verbose.control), binary=bitor(binary,32); end
86 | if (verbose.qmu), binary=bitor(binary,64); end
87 | if (verbose.autodiff), binary=bitor(binary,128); end
89 |
90 | end
91 | %}}}
92 | function verbose=BinaryToVerbose(verbose,binary) % {{{
93 |
95 | if bitand(binary,1), verbose.mprocessor=true; else verbose.mprocessor=false; end
96 | if bitand(binary,2), verbose.module=true; else verbose.module=false; end
97 | if bitand(binary,4), verbose.solution=true; else verbose.solution=false; end
98 | if bitand(binary,8), verbose.solver=true; else verbose.solver=false; end
99 | if bitand(binary,16), verbose.convergence=true; else verbose.convergence=false; end
100 | if bitand(binary,32), verbose.control=true; else verbose.control=false; end
101 | if bitand(binary,64), verbose.qmu=true; else verbose.qmu=false; end
102 | if bitand(binary,128), verbose.autodiff=true; else verbose.autodiff=false; end
104 |
105 | end
106 | %}}}
107 | function md = checkconsistency(obj,md,solution,analyses) % {{{
108 |
109 | end % }}}
110 | function disp(verbose) % {{{
111 |
113 | disp(sprintf('class ''%s'' = ',class(verbose)));
114 | disp(sprintf(' %15s : %s','mprocessor',mat2str(verbose.mprocessor)));
115 | disp(sprintf(' %15s : %s','module',mat2str(verbose.module)));
116 | disp(sprintf(' %15s : %s','solution',mat2str(verbose.solution)));
117 | disp(sprintf(' %15s : %s','solver',mat2str(verbose.solver)));
118 | disp(sprintf(' %15s : %s','convergence',mat2str(verbose.convergence)));
119 | disp(sprintf(' %15s : %s','control',mat2str(verbose.control)));
120 | disp(sprintf(' %15s : %s','qmu',mat2str(verbose.qmu)));
121 | disp(sprintf(' %15s : %s','autodiff',mat2str(verbose.autodiff)));
122 | %ENDDISP
123 |
124 | end
125 | %}}}
126 | function marshall(obj,fid) % {{{
127 | WriteData(fid,'data',VerboseToBinary(obj),'enum',VerboseEnum(),'format','Integer');
128 | end % }}}
129 | end
130 | end