1 | //STEADYSTATE class definition
2 | //
3 | // Usage:
4 | // steadystate=new steadystate();
5 |
6 | function steadystate (){
7 | //methods
8 | this.setdefaultparameters = function(){// {{{
9 |
10 | //maximum of steady state iterations
11 | this.maxiter=100;
12 |
13 | //Relative tolerance for the steadystate convertgence
14 | this.reltol=0.01;
15 |
16 | //default output
17 | this.requested_outputs=['default'];
18 |
19 |
20 | }// }}}
21 | this.disp= function(){// {{{
22 |
23 | console.log(sprintf(' steadystate solution parameters:'));
24 |
25 | fielddisplay(this,'reltol','relative tolerance criterion');
26 | fielddisplay(this,'maxiter','maximum number of iterations');
27 | fielddisplay(this,'requested_outputs','additional requested outputs');
28 |
29 | }// }}}
30 | this.checkconsistency = function(md,solution,analyses) {// {{{
31 |
32 | //Early return
33 | if (solution!=SteadystateSolutionEnum()) return;
34 |
35 | if (md.timestepping.time_step!=0){
36 | md.checkmessage('for a steadystate computation, timestepping.time_step must be zero.');
37 | }
38 | checkfield(md,'fieldname','steadystate.requested_outputs','stringrow',1);
39 |
40 | if (isNaN(md.stressbalance.reltol)){
41 | md.checkmessage('for a steadystate computation, stressbalance.reltol (relative convergence criterion) must be defined!');
42 | }
43 | } // }}}
44 | //properties
45 | // {{{
46 |
47 | this.reltol = 0;
48 | this.maxiter = 0;
49 | this.requested_outputs = [];
50 |
51 | this.setdefaultparameters();
52 | //}}}
53 | }