1 | class rotational {//{{{
2 | /**
3 | * ROTATIONAL class definition
4 | *
5 | * Usage:
6 | * rotational = rotational();
7 | */
8 | constructor() {//{{{
9 | this.equatorialmoi = 0;
10 | this.polarmoi = 0;
11 | this.angularvelocity = 0;
12 |
13 | let nargs = arguments.length;
14 | if (nargs == 0) {
15 | this.setdefaultparameters();
16 | } else {
17 | error('constructor not supported');
18 | }
19 | } //}}}
20 |
21 | disp() {//{{{
22 | console.log('WARNING: rotational::disp is not yet implemented');
23 | } //}}}
24 |
25 | setdefaultparameters() {//{{{
26 | // Moment of inertia
27 | this.equatorialmoi = 8.0077e37; // [kg m^2]
28 | this.polarmoi = 8.0345e37; // [kg m^2]
29 |
30 | // Mean rotational velocity of earth
31 | this.angularvelocity = 7.2921e-5; // [s^-1]
32 | } //}}}
33 |
34 | checkconsistency(md, solution, analyses) {//{{{
35 | if (!analyses.includes('SealevelchangeAnalysis') || (solution === 'TransientSolution' && !md.transient.isslc)) {
36 | return md;
37 | }
38 |
39 | md = checkfield(md, 'fieldname', 'solidearth.rotational.equatorialmoi', 'NaN', 1, 'Inf', 1);
40 | md = checkfield(md, 'fieldname', 'solidearth.rotational.polarmoi', 'NaN', 1, 'Inf', 1);
41 | md = checkfield(md, 'fieldname', 'solidearth.rotational.angularvelocity', 'NaN', 1, 'Inf', 1);
42 |
43 | return md;
44 | } //}}}
45 |
46 | defaultoutputs(md) {//{{{
47 | return [];
48 | } //}}}
49 |
50 | marshall(md, prefix, fid) {//{{{
51 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'object', this, 'fieldname', 'equatorialmoi', 'name', 'md.solidearth.rotational.equatorialmoi', 'format', 'Double');
52 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'object', this, 'fieldname', 'polarmoi', 'name', 'md.solidearth.rotational.polarmoi', 'format', 'Double');
53 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'object', this, 'fieldname', 'angularvelocity', 'name', 'md.solidearth.rotational.angularvelocity', 'format', 'Double');
54 | } //}}}
55 |
56 | extrude(md) {//{{{
57 | } //}}}
58 | } //}}}