1 | import numpy as np
2 | #from vlist_write import *
3 | from MatlabArray import *
4 |
5 |
6 | class uniform_uncertain(object):
7 | '''
8 | definition for the uniform_uncertain class.
9 |
10 | [uuv] = uniform_uncertain.uniform_uncertain(args)
11 | uuv = uniform_uncertain()
12 |
13 | where the required args are:
14 | descriptor (str, description, '')
15 | lower (float, lower bound, -np.Inf)
16 | upper (float, upper bound, np.Inf)
17 |
18 | note that zero arguments constructs a default instance, one
19 | argument of the class copies the instance, and three or more
20 | arguments constructs a new instance from the arguments.
21 | '''
22 |
23 | def __init__(self):
24 | self.descriptor = ''
25 | self.lower = -np.Inf
26 | self.upper = np.Inf
27 |
28 | @staticmethod
29 | def uniform_uncertain(*args):
30 | nargin = len(args)
31 |
32 | # create a default object
33 | if nargin == 0:
34 | return uniform_uncertain()
35 |
36 | # copy the object
37 | elif nargin == 1:
38 | if isinstance(args[0], uniform_uncertain):
39 | uuv = args[0]
40 | else:
41 | raise RuntimeError('Object ' + str(args[0]) + ' is a ' + str(type(args[0])) + ' class object, not "uniform_uncertain".')
42 |
43 | # not enough arguments
44 | elif nargin == 2:
45 | raise RuntimeError('Construction of "uniform_uncertain" class object requires at least 3 inputs.')
46 |
47 | # create the object from the input
48 | else:
49 | # leaving this here in case it becomes important in the future
50 | #asizec = array_size(*args[0:min(nargin, 3)])
51 | #uuv = [uniform_uncertain() for i in range(asizec[0]) for j in range(asizec[1])]
52 | uuv = uniform_uncertain()
53 | uuv.descriptor = str(args[0])
54 | uuv.lower = args[1]
55 | uuv.upper = args[2]
56 | if (nargin > 3):
57 | print('WARNING: uniform_uncertain:extra_arg: Extra arguments for object of class ' + type(uuv) + '.')
58 |
59 | return [uuv]
60 |
61 | def __repr__(self):
62 | # display an individual object
63 | string = '\n'
64 | string += 'class "uniform_uncertain" object = \n'
65 | string += ' descriptor: ' + str(self.descriptor) + '\n'
66 | string += ' lower: ' + str(self.lower) + '\n'
67 | string += ' upper: ' + str(self.upper) + '\n'
68 |
69 | return string
70 |
71 | # from here on, uuv is either a single, or a 1d vector of, uniform_uncertain
72 |
73 | @staticmethod
74 | def prop_desc(uuv, dstr):
75 | if type(uuv) not in [list, np.ndarray]:
76 | if uuv.descriptor != '' or type(uuv.descriptor) != str:
77 | desc = str(uuv.descriptor)
78 | elif dstr != '':
79 | desc = str(dstr)
80 | else:
81 | desc = 'uuv'
82 | return desc
83 |
84 | desc = ['' for i in range(np.size(uuv))]
85 | for i in range(np.size(uuv)):
86 | if uuv[i].descriptor != '' or type(uuv[i].descriptor) != str:
87 | desc[i] = str(uuv[i].descriptor)
88 | elif dstr != '':
89 | desc[i] = str(dstr) + str(string_dim(uuv, i, 'vector'))
90 | else:
91 | desc[i] = 'uuv' + str(string_dim(uuv, i, 'vector'))
92 |
93 | desc = allempty(desc)
94 |
95 | return desc
96 |
97 | @staticmethod
98 | def prop_initpt(uuv):
99 | initpt = []
100 | return initpt
101 |
102 | @staticmethod
103 | def prop_lower(uuv):
104 | if type(uuv) not in [list, np.ndarray]:
105 | return uuv.lower
106 |
107 | lower = np.zeros(np.size(uuv))
108 | for i in range(np.size(uuv)):
109 | lower[i] = uuv[i].lower
110 |
111 | lower = allequal(lower, -np.Inf)
112 |
113 | return lower
114 |
115 | @staticmethod
116 | def prop_upper(uuv):
117 | if type(uuv) not in [list, np.ndarray]:
118 | return uuv.upper
119 |
120 | upper = np.zeros(np.size(uuv))
121 | for i in range(np.size(uuv)):
122 | upper[i] = uuv[i].upper
123 |
124 | upper = allequal(upper, np.Inf)
125 |
126 | return upper
127 |
128 | @staticmethod
129 | def prop_mean(uuv):
130 | mean = []
131 | return mean
132 |
133 | @staticmethod
134 | def prop_stddev(uuv):
135 | stddev = []
136 | return stddev
137 |
138 | @staticmethod
139 | def prop_initst(uuv):
140 | initst = []
141 | return initst
142 |
143 | @staticmethod
144 | def prop_stype(uuv):
145 | stype = []
146 | return stype
147 |
148 | @staticmethod
149 | def prop_scale(uuv):
150 | scale = []
151 | return scale
152 |
153 | @staticmethod
154 | def dakota_write(fidi, dvar):
155 | # collect only the variables of the appropriate class
156 | uuv = [struc_class(i, 'uniform_uncertain', 'uuv') for i in dvar]
157 | # possible namespace pollution, the above import seems not to work
158 | from vlist_write import vlist_write
159 | # write variables
160 | vlist_write(fidi, 'uniform_uncertain', 'uuv', uuv)