1 | %MODELLIST class definition
2 | %
3 | % Usage:
4 | % modellist=modellist({md1 md2 md3});
5 |
6 | classdef modellist
7 | properties (SetAccess=public)
8 | models = cell(0,1);
9 | cluster = generic();
10 | end
11 | methods
12 | function md_list=modelsextract(md,flags,minel,varargin) % {{{
13 | %modelsextract - extract several self contained models according to a list of element flags.
14 | %
15 | % The difference between this routine and the modelextract.m routine (without an 's') is that
16 | % as many models are extracted as there are closed contours defined in area.
17 | % This routine is needed for example when doing data assimilation of ice shelves in Antarctica.
18 | % Many independent ice shelves are present, and we don't want data assimilation on one ice shelf
19 | % to be hindered by another totally independent ice shelf.
20 | %
21 | % Usage:
22 | % md_list=modelsextract(md,elementfalgs,minel);
23 | %
24 | % Examples:
25 | % md_list=modelsextract(md...,,1000);
26 | %
28 |
29 | disp('selecting pools of elements');
30 | %go through flags and build as many independent element flags as there are groups of connected 1s
31 | %in flags.
32 |
33 | %2D or 3D?
34 | if strcmp(meshtype(md.mesh),'3D'),
35 | numberofelements=md.mesh.numberofelements2d; %this will be forgotten when we get out.
36 | flags=project2d(md,flags,1);
37 | else
38 | numberofelements=md.mesh.numberofelements;
39 | end
40 |
41 | %recover extra arguments:
42 | distance=0;
43 | if nargin==4,
44 | distance=varargin{1};
45 | end
46 |
47 | flag_list=cell(0,1);
48 |
49 | for i=1:size(flags,1),
50 |
51 | if (flags(i)),
52 |
53 | %ok, we are sure element i is part of a new pool.
54 | pool=zeros(numberofelements,1);
55 | pool=PropagateFlagsFromConnectivity(md.mesh.elementconnectivity,pool,i,flags);
56 | flag_list{end+1,1}=pool;
57 |
58 | %speed up rest of computation by taking pool out of flags:
59 | pos=find(pool);flags(pos)=0;
60 |
61 | end
62 | end
63 |
64 | %go through flag_list and discard any pool of less than minel elements:
65 | ex_pos=[];
66 | for i=1:length(flag_list),
67 | if length(find(flag_list{i}))<minel,
68 | ex_pos=[ex_pos; i];
69 | end
70 | end
71 | flag_list(ex_pos)=[];
72 |
73 | %now, if distance was specified, expand the flag_list by distance km:
74 | if distance,
75 | for i=1:length(flag_list),
76 | flag_list{i}=PropagateFlagsUntilDistance(md,flag_list{i},distance);
77 | end
78 | end
79 |
80 | %now, go use the pools of flags to extract models:
81 | disp(['extracting ' num2str(size(flag_list,1)) ' models']);
82 | models=cell(0,1);
83 |
84 | for i=1:size(flag_list,1),
85 | disp([' ' num2str(i) '/' num2str(size(flag_list,1))]);
86 | if strcmp(meshtype(md.mesh),'3D'),
87 | flags2d=flag_list{i};
88 | realflags=project3d(md,flags2d,'element');
89 | else
90 | realflags=flag_list{i};
91 | end
92 | models{end+1,1}=modelextract(md,realflags);
93 | end
94 |
95 | %return model list
96 | md_list=modellist(models);
97 |
98 | end %end of this function }}}
99 | function md_list=modelsextractfromdomains(md,directory) % {{{
100 | %modelsextractfromdomains- extract several self contained models according to a list of domains
101 | %
102 | % Usage:
103 | % md_list=modelsextractfromdomains(md,'Basins/');
104 | %
105 | % Examples:
106 | % md_list=modelsextract(md,'Basins/');
107 | %
109 |
110 | %go into directory and get list of files.
111 | cd(directory);
112 | basins=listfiles;
113 | cd ..
114 |
115 | models=cell(0,1);
116 | for i=1:length(basins),
117 | models{end+1,1}=modelextract(md,[directory '/' basins{i}]);
118 | end
119 |
120 | %return model list:
121 | md_list=modellist(models);
122 |
123 | end % }}}
124 | function obj = modellist(varargin) % {{{
125 |
126 | %initialize list
127 | if nargin==0,
128 | %Do nothing,
129 | elseif nargin==1,
130 | if ~isa(varargin{1},'cell'),
131 | error('not supported yet');
132 | end
133 |
134 | celllist=varargin{1};
135 |
136 | %check on size of cell list:
137 | if (size(celllist,2)~=1),
138 | error('modellist constructor error message: list of models should be a cell list of column size 1');
139 | end
140 |
141 | %check that only models are in the celllist:
142 | for i=1:size(celllist,1),
143 | if ~isa(celllist{i},'model')
144 | error(['modellist constructor error message: element ' num2str(i) ' of cell list is not a model!']);
145 | end
146 | end
147 |
148 | obj.models = celllist;
149 | obj.cluster = obj.models{1}.cluster;
150 | end
151 | end % }}}
152 | function val = get(obj, propName)% {{{
153 | %GET - gets model propertie from a specified object ans returns the value
154 | %
155 | % Usage:
156 | % val = get(a, propName)
157 |
158 | switch propName
159 | case 'numberofelements'
160 | val = obj.numberofelements;
161 | case 'numberofnodes'
162 | val = obj.numberofnodes;
163 | case 'elements'
164 | val = obj.elements;
165 | case 'x'
166 | val = obj.x;
167 | case 'y'
168 | val = obj.y;
169 | case 'z'
170 | val = obj.z;
171 | otherwise
172 | error(['get error message: ' propName,' is not a valid model property'])
173 | end
174 | end % }}}
175 | function obj = loadmultipleresultsfromcluster(obj) % {{{
176 | %LOADMULTIPLERESULTSFROMCLUSTER - load multiple results of solution sequences from cluster
177 | %
178 | % Usage:
179 | % obj=loadresultsfromcluster(obj);
180 |
181 | nummodels=length(obj.models);
182 |
183 | %Get cluster settings
184 | cluster=obj.cluster;
185 | name=obj.name;
186 | cluster_rc_location=which('cluster.rc');
187 | [codepath,executionpath]=ClusterParameters(cluster,cluster_rc_location);
188 |
189 | %Remote tar:
190 | disp('tarring results');
191 | issmssh(cluster,['"cd ' executionpath '/' name ' && rm -rf file_list.txt ModelResults.tar.gz && find -iname ''*-*vs*.outbin'' > file_list.txt && tar zcvf ModelResults.tar.gz --files-from file_list.txt && rm -rf file_list.txt "']);
192 |
193 | %copy results from cluster to present directory
194 | scpin(cluster, [executionpath '/' name], {'ModelResults.tar.gz'});
195 |
196 | %untar:
197 | !tar -zxvf ModelResults.tar.gz
198 |
199 | %ok, go through list and load results from disk:
200 | for i=1:nummodels,
201 | %load results for this model
202 | obj.models{i}=loadresultsfromdisk(obj.models{i},[name '-' num2str(i) 'vs' num2str(nummodels) '.outbin']);
203 |
204 | delete([name '-' num2str(i) 'vs' num2str(nummodels) '.outbin']);
205 | end
206 |
207 | %erase files
208 | delete('ModelResults.tar.gz');
209 | end % }}}
210 | function obj = solve(obj,varargin)% {{{
211 | %SOLVE - apply solution sequence for a list of models. Used in batch mode.
212 | %
213 | % Usage:
214 | % obj=solve(obj,varargin)
215 | % where varargin is a lit of paired arguments.
216 | % arguments can be: 'analysis_type': 'stressbalance','thermal','masstransport','transient'
217 | %
218 | % Examples:
219 | % obj=solve(obj,'analysis_type','stressbalance');
220 |
221 | %recover options
222 | options=pairoptions(varargin{:});
223 |
224 | %add default options
225 | options=process_solve_options(options);
226 |
227 | %length of list
228 | nummodels=length(obj.models);
229 |
230 | %name of queue: to make it unique, add a time stamp
231 | name=[obj.name '-' datestr(now,1) '-' datestr(now,'HH-MM-SS') ];
232 |
233 | %name of cluster will be first name of list
234 | cluster=obj.cluster;
235 |
236 | %Figure out parameters for this particular cluster
237 | cluster_rc_location=which('cluster.rc');
238 | [codepath,executionpath]=ClusterParameters(cluster,cluster_rc_location);
239 |
240 | %solve in batch mode:
241 | for i=1:nummodels,
242 |
243 | %model
244 | mdex=obj.models{i};
245 |
246 | %recover some fields
247 | mdex.analysis_type=options.analysis_type;
248 |
249 | mdex.name=[name '-' num2str(i) 'vs' num2str(nummodels)];
250 | mdex.time=obj.time;
251 | mdex.queue=obj.queue;
252 | mdex.cluster=obj.cluster;
253 | if ~isnan(obj.np),
254 | mdex.np=obj.np;
255 | end
256 |
257 | %call solve in batch mode:
258 | if strcmpi(cluster,oshostname),
259 | mdex=solve(mdex,varargin{:});
260 | else
261 | mdex=solve(mdex,varargin{:},'batch','yes','directory',name);
262 | end
263 |
264 | %feed back
265 | obj.models{i}=mdex;
266 | end
267 |
268 | %locally, we are done.
269 | if strcmpi(cluster,oshostname),
270 | return
271 | end
272 |
273 | %now, tar all the files and then erase them.
274 | eval(['!find -iname ''' name '-*'' > file_list.txt']);
275 | !tar zcvf ModelList.tar.gz --files-from file_list.txt
276 | !rm -rf *.bin *.queue file_list.txt
277 |
278 | %still have to build a launching script.
279 | BuildMultipleQueueingScript(cluster,name,executionpath,codepath);
280 |
281 | %launch jobs on remote cluster
282 | LaunchMultipleQueueJob(cluster,name,executionpath);
283 |
284 | %erase files:
285 | delete([name '.queue']);
286 | delete('ModelList.tar.gz');
287 |
288 | %save name:
289 | obj.name=name;
290 | end % }}}
291 | end
292 | end
293 |
294 | function BuildMultipleQueueingScript(cluster,name,executionpath,codepath)% {{{
296 | %
297 | % Usage:
298 | % BuildMultipleQueueingScript(executionpath,codepath)
299 |
300 | disp('building queueing script');
301 |
302 | %First try and figure out if there is a special script for this particular cluster
303 | function_name=['BuildMultipleQueueingScript' cluster]
304 |
305 | %some specific treatment of identical cluster, gemini, castor and pollux
306 | if strcmpi(cluster,'castor') || strcmpi(cluster,'pollux'),
307 | function_name='BuildMultipleQueueingScriptgemini';
308 | end
309 |
310 | if exist(function_name,'file'),
311 | %Call this function:
312 | eval([function_name '(name,executionpath,codepath);']);
313 | else
314 | %Call the generic BuildQueueingScript:
315 | BuildMultipleQueueingScriptGeneric(name,executionpath,codepath);
316 | end
317 | end % }}}
318 | function BuildQueueingScriptgemini(name,executionpath,codepath)% {{{
320 | %
321 | % Usage:
322 | % BuildQueueingScriptgemini(md,executionpath,codepath)
323 |
324 | scriptname=[name '.queue'];
325 |
326 | fid=fopen(scriptname,'w');
327 | if fid==-1,
328 | error(['BuildQueueingScriptgeminierror message: could not open ' scriptname ' file for ascii writing']);
329 | end
330 |
331 | fprintf(fid,'#!/bin/sh\n');
332 | fprintf(fid,'cd %s\n',executionpath);
333 | fprintf(fid,'mkdir %s\n',name);
334 | fprintf(fid,'cd %s\n',name);
335 | fprintf(fid,'mv ../ModelList.tar.gz ./\n');
336 | fprintf(fid,'tar -zxvf ModelList.tar.gz\n');
337 | fprintf(fid,'foreach i (%s-*vs*.queue)\n',name);
338 | fprintf(fid,'qsub $i\n');
339 | fprintf(fid,'end\n');
340 | fclose(fid);
341 | end% }}}
342 | function LaunchMultipleQueueJob(cluster,name,executionpath)% {{{
344 | %
345 | % Usage:
346 | % LaunchMultipleQueueJob(executionpath)
347 |
348 | %First try and figure out if there is a special script for thie particular cluster
349 | function_name=['LaunchMultipleQueueJob' cluster]
350 |
351 | %some specific treatment of identical cluster, gemini, castor and pollux
352 | if strcmpi(cluster,'castor') || strcmpi(cluster,'pollux'),
353 | function_name='LaunchMultipleQueueJobgemini';
354 | end
355 |
356 | if exist(function_name,'file'),
357 | %Call this function:
358 | eval([function_name '(cluster,name,executionpath);']);
359 | else
360 | %Call the generic LaunchMultipleQueueJob:
361 | LaunchMultipleQueueJobGeneric(cluster,name,executionpath);
362 | end
363 | end% }}}
364 | function md=LaunchMultipleQueueJobgemini(cluster,name,executionpath)% {{{
365 | %LAUNCHMULTIPLEQUEUEJOBGEMINI - Launch multiple queueing script on Gemini cluster
366 | %
367 | % Usage:
368 | % LaunchMultipleQueueJobgemini(cluster,name,executionpath)
369 |
370 | %first, check we have the binary file and the queueing script
371 | if ~exist([ name '.queue'],'file'),
372 | error('LaunchMultipleQueueJobgemini error message: queueing script issing, cannot go forward');
373 | end
374 |
375 | if ~exist('ModelList.tar.gz','file'),
376 | error('LaunchMultipleQueueJobgemini error message: inputs models file missing, cannot go forward');
377 | end
378 |
379 | %upload both files to cluster
380 | disp('uploading input file, queueing script and variables script');
381 | eval(['!scp ModelList.tar.gz ' name '.queue ' cluster ':' executionpath]);
382 |
383 | disp('launching solution sequence on remote cluster');
384 | issmssh(cluster,login,['"cd ' executionpath ' && source ' name '.queue "']);
385 | end% }}}