1 | %MESH3DSURFACE class definition
2 | %
3 | % Usage:
4 | % mesh3dsurface=mesh3dsurface();
5 |
6 | classdef mesh3dsurface
7 | properties (SetAccess=public)
8 | x = NaN;
9 | y = NaN;
10 | z = NaN;
11 | elements = NaN;
12 | numberofelements = 0;
13 | numberofvertices = 0;
14 | numberofedges = 0;
15 |
16 | lat = NaN;
17 | long = NaN;
18 | r = NaN;
19 |
20 | vertexonboundary = NaN;
21 | edges = NaN;
22 | segments = NaN;
23 | segmentmarkers = NaN;
24 | vertexconnectivity = NaN;
25 | elementconnectivity = NaN;
26 | average_vertex_connectivity = 0;
27 |
28 | extractedvertices = NaN;
29 | extractedelements = NaN;
30 | end
31 | methods (Static)
32 | function self = loadobj(self) % {{{
33 | % This function is directly called by matlab when a model selfect is
34 | % loaded. Update old properties here
35 |
36 | %2014 Oct. 1st
37 | if isstruct(self),
38 | oldself=self;
39 | %Assign property values from struct
40 | self=structtoobj(mesh3dsurface(),oldself);
41 | if isfield(oldself,'hemisphere'),
42 | disp('md.mesh.hemisphere has been automatically converted to EPSG code');
43 | if strcmpi(oldself.hemisphere,'n'),
44 | self.epsg=3413;
45 | else
46 | self.epsg=3031;
47 | end
48 | end
49 | end
50 |
51 | end% }}}
52 | end
53 | methods
54 | function self = mesh3dsurface(varargin) % {{{
55 | switch nargin
56 | case 0
57 | self=setdefaultparameters(self);
58 | case 1
59 | self=mesh3dsurface();
60 | object=varargin{1};
61 | fields=fieldnames(object);
62 | for i=1:length(fields)
63 | field=fields{i};
64 | if ismember(field,properties('mesh3dsurface')),
65 | self.(field)=object.(field);
66 | end
67 | end
68 | otherwise
69 | error('constructor not supported');
70 | end
71 | end % }}}
72 | function obj = setdefaultparameters(obj) % {{{
73 |
74 | %the connectivity is the averaged number of nodes linked to a
75 | %given node through an edge. This connectivity is used to initially
76 | %allocate memory to the stiffness matrix. A value of 16 seems to
77 | %give a good memory/time ration. This value can be checked in
78 | %trunk/test/Miscellaneous/runme.m
79 | obj.average_vertex_connectivity=25;
80 | end % }}}
81 | function md = checkconsistency(obj,md,solution,analyses) % {{{
82 |
83 | if strcmpi(solution,'LoveSolution'), return; end
84 |
85 | md = checkfield(md,'fieldname','mesh.x','NaN',1,'Inf',1,'size',[md.mesh.numberofvertices 1]);
86 | md = checkfield(md,'fieldname','mesh.y','NaN',1,'Inf',1,'size',[md.mesh.numberofvertices 1]);
87 | md = checkfield(md,'fieldname','mesh.z','NaN',1,'Inf',1,'size',[md.mesh.numberofvertices 1]);
88 | md = checkfield(md,'fieldname','mesh.lat','NaN',1,'Inf',1,'size',[md.mesh.numberofvertices 1]);
89 | md = checkfield(md,'fieldname','mesh.long','NaN',1,'Inf',1,'size',[md.mesh.numberofvertices 1]);
90 | md = checkfield(md,'fieldname','mesh.r','NaN',1,'Inf',1,'size',[md.mesh.numberofvertices 1]);
91 | md = checkfield(md,'fieldname','mesh.elements','NaN',1,'Inf',1,'>',0,'values',1:md.mesh.numberofvertices);
92 | md = checkfield(md,'fieldname','mesh.elements','size',[md.mesh.numberofelements 3]);
93 | if any(~ismember(1:md.mesh.numberofvertices,sort(unique(md.mesh.elements(:)))));
94 | md = checkmessage(md,'orphan nodes have been found. Check the mesh outline');
95 | end
96 | md = checkfield(md,'fieldname','mesh.numberofelements','>',0);
97 | md = checkfield(md,'fieldname','mesh.numberofvertices','>',0);
98 | md = checkfield(md,'fieldname','mesh.average_vertex_connectivity','>=',9,'message','''mesh.average_vertex_connectivity'' should be at least 9 in 2d');
99 |
100 | if strcmp(solution,'ThermalSolution')
101 | md = checkmessage(md,'thermal not supported for 2d mesh');
102 | end
103 | end % }}}
104 | function disp(obj) % {{{
105 | disp(sprintf(' 2D tria Mesh (horizontal):'));
106 |
107 | disp(sprintf('\n Elements and vertices:'));
108 | fielddisplay(obj,'numberofelements','number of elements');
109 | fielddisplay(obj,'numberofvertices','number of vertices');
110 | fielddisplay(obj,'elements','vertex indices of the mesh elements');
111 | fielddisplay(obj,'x','vertices x coordinate [m]');
112 | fielddisplay(obj,'y','vertices y coordinate [m]');
113 | fielddisplay(obj,'z','vertices z coordinate [m]');
114 | fielddisplay(obj,'lat','vertices latitude [degrees]');
115 | fielddisplay(obj,'long','vertices longitude [degrees]');
116 | fielddisplay(obj,'r','vertices radius [m]');
117 |
118 | fielddisplay(obj,'edges','edges of the 2d mesh (vertex1 vertex2 element1 element2)');
119 | fielddisplay(obj,'numberofedges','number of edges of the 2d mesh');
120 |
121 | disp(sprintf('\n Properties:'));
122 | fielddisplay(obj,'vertexonboundary','vertices on the boundary of the domain flag list');
123 | fielddisplay(obj,'segments','edges on domain boundary (vertex1 vertex2 element)');
124 | fielddisplay(obj,'segmentmarkers','number associated to each segment');
125 | fielddisplay(obj,'vertexconnectivity','list of vertices connected to vertex_i');
126 | fielddisplay(obj,'elementconnectivity','list of vertices connected to element_i');
127 | fielddisplay(obj,'average_vertex_connectivity','average number of vertices connected to one vertex');
128 |
129 | disp(sprintf('\n Extracted model:'));
130 | fielddisplay(obj,'extractedvertices','vertices extracted from the model');
131 | fielddisplay(obj,'extractedelements','elements extracted from the model');
132 | end % }}}
133 | function marshall(obj,prefix,md,fid) % {{{
134 | WriteData(fid,prefix,'name','md.mesh.domain_type','data',['Domain' domaintype(obj)],'format','String');
135 | WriteData(fid,prefix,'name','md.mesh.domain_dimension','data',dimension(obj),'format','Integer');
136 | WriteData(fid,prefix,'name','md.mesh.elementtype','data',elementtype(obj),'format','String');
137 | WriteData(fid,prefix,'object',obj,'fieldname','x','format','DoubleMat','mattype',1);
138 | WriteData(fid,prefix,'object',obj,'fieldname','y','format','DoubleMat','mattype',1);
139 | WriteData(fid,prefix,'object',obj,'fieldname','z','format','DoubleMat','mattype',1);
140 | WriteData(fid,prefix,'object',obj,'fieldname','lat','data',obj.lat,'format','DoubleMat','mattype',1);
141 | WriteData(fid,prefix,'object',obj,'fieldname','long','data',obj.long,'format','DoubleMat','mattype',1);
142 | WriteData(fid,prefix,'object',obj,'fieldname','r','format','DoubleMat','mattype',1);
143 | WriteData(fid,prefix,'name','md.mesh.z','data',zeros(obj.numberofvertices,1),'format','DoubleMat','mattype',1);
144 | WriteData(fid,prefix,'object',obj,'fieldname','elements','format','DoubleMat','mattype',2);
145 | WriteData(fid,prefix,'object',obj,'fieldname','numberofelements','format','Integer');
146 | WriteData(fid,prefix,'object',obj,'fieldname','numberofvertices','format','Integer');
147 | WriteData(fid,prefix,'object',obj,'fieldname','average_vertex_connectivity','format','Integer');
148 | WriteData(fid,prefix,'object',obj,'fieldname','vertexonboundary','format','DoubleMat','mattype',1);
149 | end % }}}
150 | function t = domaintype(obj) % {{{
151 | t = '3Dsurface';
152 | end % }}}
153 | function d = dimension(obj) % {{{
154 | d = 2;
155 | end % }}}
156 | function s = elementtype(obj) % {{{
157 | s = 'Tria';
158 | end % }}}
159 | function [x y z elements is2d isplanet] = processmesh(self,options) % {{{
160 |
161 | isplanet = 1;
162 | is2d = 0;
163 |
164 | elements = self.elements;
165 | x = self.x;
166 | y = self.y;
167 | z = self.z;
168 | end % }}}
169 | function savemodeljs(self,fid,modelname) % {{{
170 |
171 | fprintf(fid,'%s.mesh=new mesh3dsurface();\n',modelname);
172 | writejs1Darray(fid,[modelname '.mesh.x'],self.x);
173 | writejs1Darray(fid,[modelname '.mesh.y'],self.y);
174 | writejs1Darray(fid,[modelname '.mesh.z'],self.z);
175 | writejs2Darray(fid,[modelname '.mesh.elements'],self.elements);
176 | writejsdouble(fid,[modelname '.mesh.numberofelements'],self.numberofelements);
177 | writejsdouble(fid,[modelname '.mesh.numberofvertices'],self.numberofvertices);
178 | writejsdouble(fid,[modelname '.mesh.numberofedges'],self.numberofedges);
179 | writejs1Darray(fid,[modelname '.mesh.lat'],self.lat);
180 | writejs1Darray(fid,[modelname '.mesh.long'],self.long);
181 | writejs1Darray(fid,[modelname '.mesh.r'],self.r);
182 | writejs1Darray(fid,[modelname '.mesh.vertexonboundary'],self.vertexonboundary);
183 | writejs2Darray(fid,[modelname '.mesh.edges'],self.edges);
184 | writejs2Darray(fid,[modelname '.mesh.segments'],self.segments);
185 | writejs2Darray(fid,[modelname '.mesh.segmentmarkers'],self.segmentmarkers);
186 | writejs2Darray(fid,[modelname '.mesh.vertexconnectivity'],self.vertexconnectivity);
187 | writejs2Darray(fid,[modelname '.mesh.elementconnectivity'],self.elementconnectivity);
188 | writejsdouble(fid,[modelname '.mesh.average_vertex_connectivity'],self.average_vertex_connectivity);
189 | writejs1Darray(fid,[modelname '.mesh.extractedvertices'],self.extractedvertices);
190 | writejs1Darray(fid,[modelname '.mesh.extractedelements'],self.extractedelements);
191 |
192 | end % }}}
193 | end
194 | end