%NONE class definition % % Usage: % cluster=none(); % cluster=none('np',3); % cluster=none('np',3,'login','username'); classdef none properties (SetAccess=public) name='none' end methods function cluster=none(varargin) % {{{1 options=pairoptions(varargin{:}); for i=1:size(options.list,1), fieldname=options.list{i,1}; fieldvalue=options.list{i,2}; if ismember(fieldname,properties('none')), cluster.(fieldname)=fieldvalue; else disp(['''' fieldname ''' is not a property of cluster none']); end end end %}}} function disp(cluster) % {{{1 % display the object disp(sprintf('cluster class ''%s'' object ''%s'' = ',class(cluster),inputname(1))); disp(sprintf(' name: %s',cluster.name)); end %}}} function checkconsistency(cluster,md,solution,analyses) % {{{1 end %}}} function BuildQueueScript(cluster,md) % {{{1 error('none.BuildQueueScript error message: serial cluster cannot build queue script'); end %}}} end end