1 | import subprocess
2 |
3 | import numpy as np
4 |
5 | from fielddisplay import fielddisplay
6 | try:
7 | from fram_settings import fram_settings
8 | except ImportError:
9 | print('You need fram_settings.py to proceed, check presence and sys.path')
10 | from helpers import *
11 | from pairoptions import pairoptions
12 | from IssmConfig import IssmConfig
13 | from issmscpin import issmscpin
14 | from issmscpout import issmscpout
15 | from issmssh import issmssh
16 | from QueueRequirements import QueueRequirements
17 |
18 |
19 | class fram(object):
20 | """FRAM cluster class definition
21 |
22 | This is a SLURM queue
23 | The priorities are based on a point system, reservation when reaching 20000 and earning 1 point per min.
24 | - Devel queue starts at 19990
25 | - Normal starts at 19940
26 | - Normal unpri atarts at 19400
27 |
28 | Jobs can be:
29 | - normal (4 to 30 nodes, more if asked, 48h max walltime, 60Gb per nodes)
30 | - bigmem for big memory nodes (8 512Gb nodes and 2 6Tb nodes, shared nodes, 14days max walltime
31 |
32 | Usage:
33 | cluster = fram()
34 | """
35 |
36 | def __init__(self, *args): # {{{
37 | self.name = 'fram'
38 | self.login = ''
39 | self.numnodes = 2
40 | self.cpuspernode = 20
41 | self.mem = 1.6
42 | self.queue = 'normal'
43 | self.time = 2 * 60
44 | self.codepath = ''
45 | self.executionpath = ''
46 | self.interactive = 0
47 | self.port = []
48 | self.accountname = ''
49 | self.profiling = 0
50 | # Use provided options to change fields
51 | options = pairoptions(*args)
52 |
53 | # Initialize cluster using user settings if provided
54 | self = fram_settings(self)
55 |
56 | # OK get other fields
57 | self = options.AssignObjectFields(self)
58 | self.np = self.numnodes * self.cpuspernode
59 | # }}}
60 |
61 | def __repr__(self): # {{{
62 | # Display the object
63 | s = "class fram object:"
64 | s = "%s\n%s" % (s, fielddisplay(self, 'name', 'name of the cluster'))
65 | s = "%s\n%s" % (s, fielddisplay(self, 'login', 'login'))
66 | s = "%s\n%s" % (s, fielddisplay(self, 'numnodes', 'number of nodes'))
67 | s = "%s\n%s" % (s, fielddisplay(self, 'cpuspernode', 'number of nodes per CPUs'))
68 | s = "%s\n%s" % (s, fielddisplay(self, 'mem', 'memory per CPU'))
69 | s = "%s\n%s" % (s, fielddisplay(self, 'queue', 'name of the queue (normal (D), short, singlenode, multinode, devel)'))
70 | s = "%s\n%s" % (s, fielddisplay(self, 'time', 'walltime requested in minutes'))
71 | s = "%s\n%s" % (s, fielddisplay(self, 'codepath', 'code path on the cluster'))
72 | s = "%s\n%s" % (s, fielddisplay(self, 'executionpath', 'execution path on the cluster'))
73 | s = "%s\n%s" % (s, fielddisplay(self, 'interactive', ''))
74 | s = "%s\n%s" % (s, fielddisplay(self, 'accountname', 'your cluster account'))
75 | s = "%s\n%s" % (s, fielddisplay(self, 'profiling', 'enable profiling if 1 default is 0'))
76 | return s
77 | # }}}
78 |
79 | def checkconsistency(self, md, solution, analyses): # {{{
80 | # Queue dictionary gives queue name as key and max walltime and CPUs as var
81 | queuedict = {'normal': [2 * 24 * 60, 2048],
82 | 'devel': [4 * 60, 2048]}
83 | QueueRequirements(queuedict, self.queue, self.np, self.time)
84 |
85 | # Miscellaneous
86 | if not self.login:
87 | md = md.checkmessage('login empty')
88 | if not self.codepath:
89 | md = md.checkmessage('codepath empty')
90 | if not self.executionpath:
91 | md = md.checkmessage('executionpath empty')
92 | if self.interactive == 1:
93 | md = md.checkmessage('interactive mode not implemented')
94 | return self
95 | # }}}
96 |
97 | def BuildQueueScript(self, dirname, modelname, solution, io_gather, isvalgrind, isgprof, isdakota, isoceancoupling): # {{{
98 | executable = 'issm.exe'
99 | if isdakota:
100 | version = IssmConfig('_DAKOTA_VERSION_')[0:2]
101 | version = float(version)
102 | if version >= 6:
103 | executable = 'issm_dakota.exe'
104 | if isoceancoupling:
105 | executable = 'issm_ocean.exe'
106 | # Write queuing script
107 | shortname = modelname[0:min(12, len(modelname))]
108 | fid = open(modelname + '.queue', 'w')
109 |
110 | fid.write('#!/bin/bash -l\n')
111 | fid.write('#SBATCH --job-name=%s \n' % shortname)
112 | fid.write('#SBATCH --partition %s \n' % self.queue)
113 | fid.write('#SBATCH --nodes=%i' % self.numnodes)
114 | fid.write('#SBATCH --ntasks-per-nodes==%i \n' % self.cpuspernode)
115 | fid.write('#SBATCH --time=%s\n' % self.time) #walltime is minutes
116 | fid.write('#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=%iGB\n' % self.mem) # mem is in GB
117 | if (np.mod(self.np, 16) + np.mod(self.np, 20)) == 0:
118 | fid.write('#SBATCH --ntask=%i\n' % self.np)
119 | fid.write('#SBATCH --account=%s\n' % self.accountname)
120 | fid.write('#SBATCH --output %s/%s /%s.outlog \n' % (self.executionpath, dirname, modelname))
121 | fid.write('#SBATCH --error %s/%s /%s.errlog \n\n' % (self.executionpath, dirname, modelname))
122 |
123 | fid.write('export ISSM_DIR="%s/../ "\n' % self.codepath)
124 | fid.write('module restore system\n')
125 | fid.write('module load load Automake/1.15.1-GCCcore-6.3.0\n')
126 | fid.write('module load libtool/2.4.6-GCCcore-6.3.0\n')
127 | fid.write('module load CMake/3.9.1\n')
128 | fid.write('module load PETSc/3.8.0-intel-2017a-Python-2.7.13\n')
129 | fid.write('module load ParMETIS/4.0.3-intel-2017a\n')
130 | fid.write('cd %s/%s/ \n\n' % (self.executionpath, dirname))
131 | if self.profiling:
132 | fid.write('module load perf-report\n')
133 | fid.write('perf-report mpirun -np %i %s/%s %s %s/%s %s\n' % (self.np, self.codepath, executable, str(solution), self.executionpath, dirname, modelname))
134 | else:
135 | fid.write('mpirun -np %i %s/%s %s %s/%s %s\n' % (self.np, self.codepath, executable, str(solution), self.executionpath, dirname, modelname))
136 | fid.close()
137 | # }}}
138 |
139 | def UploadQueueJob(self, modelname, dirname, filelist): # {{{
140 | # Compress the files into one zip
141 | compressstring = 'tar -zcf %s.tar.gz ' % dirname
142 | for file in filelist:
143 | compressstring += ' {}'.format(file)
144 | subprocess.call(compressstring, shell=True)
145 |
146 | print('uploading input file and queuing script')
147 | issmscpout(self.name, self.executionpath, self.login, self.port, [dirname + '.tar.gz'])
148 |
149 | # }}}
150 | def LaunchQueueJob(self, modelname, dirname, filelist, restart, batch): # {{{
151 | print('launching solution sequence on remote cluster')
152 | if not isempty(restart):
153 | launchcommand = 'cd %s && cd %s && sbatch %s.queue' % (self.executionpath, dirname, modelname)
154 | else:
155 | launchcommand = 'cd %s && rm -rf ./%s && mkdir %s && cd %s && mv ../%s.tar.gz ./ && tar -zxf %s.tar.gz && sbatch %s.queue' % (self.executionpath, dirname, dirname, dirname, dirname, dirname, modelname)
156 | issmssh(self.name, self.login, self.port, launchcommand)
157 | # }}}
158 | def Download(self, dirname, filelist): # {{{
159 | # Copy files from cluster to current directory
160 | directory = '%s/%s/' % (self.executionpath, dirname)
161 | issmscpin(self.name, self.login, self.port, directory, filelist)
162 | # }}}