1 | //AUTODIFF class definition
2 | //
3 | // Usage:
4 | // autodiff=new autodiff();
5 |
6 | function autodiff (){
7 | //methods
8 | this.setdefaultparameters = function(){// {{{
9 |
10 | this.obufsize = 524288;
11 | this.lbufsize = 524288;
12 | this.cbufsize = 524288;
13 | this.tbufsize = 524288;
14 | this.gcTriggerRatio=2.0;
15 | this.gcTriggerMaxSize=65536;
16 |
17 | }// }}}
18 | this.disp= function(){// {{{
19 |
20 | console.log(sprintf(' automatic differentiation parameters:'));
21 | fielddisplay(this,'isautodiff','indicates if the automatic differentiation is activated');
22 | fielddisplay(this,'dependents','list of dependent variables');
23 | fielddisplay(this,'independents','list of independent variables');
24 | fielddisplay(this,'driver',"ADOLC driver ('fos_forward' or 'fov_forward')");
25 | fielddisplay(this,'obufsize','Number of operations per buffer (==OBUFSIZE in usrparms.h)');
26 | fielddisplay(this,'lbufsize','Number of locations per buffer (==LBUFSIZE in usrparms.h)');
27 | fielddisplay(this,'cbufsize','Number of values per buffer (==CBUFSIZE in usrparms.h)');
28 | fielddisplay(this,'tbufsize','Number of taylors per buffer (<=TBUFSIZE in usrparms.h)');
29 | fielddisplay(this,'gcTriggerRatio','free location block sorting/consolidation triggered if the ratio between allocated and used locations exceeds gcTriggerRatio');
30 | fielddisplay(this,'gcTriggerMaxSize','free location block sorting/consolidation triggered if the allocated locations exceed gcTriggerMaxSize');
31 |
32 | }// }}}
33 | //properties
34 | // {{{
35 | this.isautodiff = false;
36 | this.dependents = {};
37 | this.independents = {};
38 | this.driver = 'fos_forward';
39 | this.obufsize = NaN;
40 | this.lbufsize = NaN;
41 | this.cbufsize = NaN;
42 | this.tbufsize = NaN;
43 | this.gcTriggerRatio = NaN;
44 | this.gcTriggerMaxSize = NaN;
45 |
46 | this.setdefaultparameters();
47 | //}}}
48 | }