1 | function [Mvalue Mx My]=CreateDataMatrix(x_m,y_m,track_coord,track_values),
2 | %CREATEDATAMATRIX - Create a map with average values of map
3 | %
4 | % This routine creates a map with average values of tracks.
5 | % x_m1 and y_m1 are two vectors containing the coordinates of the matrix
6 | % trac_coord is an exp file containing the coordinates of the tracks (x and y)
7 | % trav_values is a vector with the values along the track coordinates
8 | %
9 | % Usage:
10 | % [Mvalue Mx My]=CreateDataMatrix(x_m,y_m,track_coord,track_values),
11 | %
12 | % Example:
13 | % [Mvalue Mx My]=CreateDataMatrix(x_m,y_m,'trackcoord.exp',thickness_track)
14 | %
16 |
17 | %Read the points of the tracks
18 | stru=expread(track_coord,1);
19 | nods=stru.nods;
20 | xtracks=stru.x';
21 | ytracks=stru.y';
22 |
23 | %First check that the parameters are ok:
24 | if (size(track_values,1)~=nods) || (size(xtracks,2)~=nods) || (size(ytracks,2)~=nods),
25 | error('CreateDataMatrix error message : track coordinates and track values must have the same size');
26 | end
27 |
28 | %Compute number of rows and columns
29 | numrow=size(y_m,1)-1;
30 | numcol=size(x_m,1)-1;
31 |
32 | %Remove useless points of the track
33 | points=find(track_values==0);
34 | track_values(points)=[];
35 | xtracks(points)=[];
36 | ytracks(points)=[];
37 | points=find(isnan(track_values));
38 | track_values(points)=[];
39 | xtracks(points)=[];
40 | ytracks(points)=[];
41 | points=find(track_values<0);
42 | track_values(points)=[];
43 | xtracks(points)=[];
44 | ytracks(points)=[];
45 |
46 | points=find(xtracks<x_m(1) | xtracks>x_m(end) | ytracks<y_m(1) | ytracks>y_m(end));
47 | track_values(points)=[];
48 | xtracks(points)=[];
49 | ytracks(points)=[];
50 |
51 | %initialize some matrices
52 | numpoints=zeros(numrow,numcol);
53 | value=zeros(numrow,numcol);
54 | coordx=zeros(numrow,numcol);
55 | coordy=zeros(numrow,numcol);
56 |
57 | %Loop over the points of the track
58 | nel=size(track_values,1);
59 | fprintf('%s',' track processing progress: 0.00 %');
60 | for i=1:nel;
61 | if mod(i,1000)==0,
62 | fprintf('\b\b\b\b\b\b\b')
63 | fprintf('%5.2f%s',i/nel*100,' %');
64 | end
65 |
66 | x=xtracks(i);
67 | y=ytracks(i);
68 |
69 | %get indices for the matrix
70 | indexx=max(find(x_m<x));
71 | indexy=max(find(y_m<y));
72 |
73 | %get weighing coefficient
74 | val=track_values(i);
75 |
76 | %update numoverlap and weights
77 | numpoints(indexy,indexx)=numpoints(indexy,indexx)+1;
78 | value(indexy,indexx)=value(indexy,indexx)+val;
79 | coordx(indexy,indexx)=coordx(indexy,indexx)+x;
80 | coordy(indexy,indexx)=coordy(indexy,indexx)+y;
81 |
82 | end
83 | if nel>1000,
84 | fprintf('\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b')
85 | fprintf('%4.2f%s\n',100,' %');
86 | end
87 |
88 | %Change the values of numoverlap to 1 if 0 since we are going to devide by this matrix
89 | numpoints(find(~numpoints))=1;
90 |
91 | %Create the center of mass for coordiantes and values.
92 | Mvalue=value./numpoints;
93 | Mx=coordx./numpoints;
94 | My=coordy./numpoints;