[26467] | 1 |
| 2 | #Class Triangle's triangulateio
| 3 | mutable struct CTriangulateIO #{{{
| 4 |
| 5 | pointlist :: Ptr{Cdouble}
| 6 | pointattributelist :: Ptr{Cdouble}
| 7 | pointmarkerlist :: Ptr{Cint}
| 8 | numberofpoints :: Cint
| 9 | numberofpointattributes :: Cint
| 10 |
| 11 | trianglelist :: Ptr{Cint}
| 12 | triangleattributelist :: Ptr{Cdouble}
| 13 | trianglearealist :: Ptr{Cdouble}
| 14 | neighborlist :: Ptr{Cint}
| 15 | numberoftriangles :: Cint
| 16 | numberofcorners :: Cint
| 17 | numberoftriangleattributes :: Cint
| 18 |
| 19 | segmentlist :: Ptr{Cint}
| 20 | segmentmarkerlist :: Ptr{Cint}
| 21 | numberofsegments :: Cint
| 22 |
| 23 | holelist :: Ptr{Cdouble}
| 24 | numberofholes :: Cint
| 25 |
| 26 | regionlist :: Ptr{Cdouble}
| 27 | numberofregions :: Cint
| 28 |
| 29 | edgelist :: Ptr{Cint}
| 30 | edgemarkerlist :: Ptr{Cint}
| 31 | normlist :: Ptr{Cdouble}
| 32 | numberofedges :: Cint
| 33 | end #}}}
| 34 | function CTriangulateIO() #{{{
| 35 | return CTriangulateIO(C_NULL, C_NULL, C_NULL, 0, 0,
| 36 | C_NULL, C_NULL, C_NULL, C_NULL, 0, 0, 0,
| 37 | C_NULL, C_NULL, 0,
| 38 | C_NULL, 0,
| 39 | C_NULL, 0,
| 40 | C_NULL, C_NULL, C_NULL, 0)
| 41 | end# }}}
| 42 | function Base.show(io::IO, tio::CTriangulateIO)# {{{
| 43 | println(io,"CTriangulateIO(")
| 44 | for name in fieldnames(typeof(tio))
| 45 | a=getfield(tio,name)
| 46 | print(io,"$(name) = ")
| 47 | println(io,a)
| 48 | end
| 49 | println(io,")")
| 50 | end# }}}
| 51 |
[26472] | 52 | using Printf #needed for sprintf
| 53 |
[26467] | 54 | """
| 55 | TRIANGLE - create model mesh using the triangle package
| 56 |
| 57 | This function creates a model mesh using Triangle and a domain outline, to
| 58 | within a certain resolution
| 59 | #Arguments
| 60 | - md is a model tuple
| 61 | - domainname is the name of an Argus domain outline file
| 62 | - resolution: is a characteristic length for the mesh (same unit as the domain outline unit)
| 63 |
| 64 | # Usage:
| 65 | - md=triangle(md,domainname,resolution)
| 66 | # Examples:
| 67 | - md=triangle(md,'DomainOutline.exp',1000);
| 68 | - md=triangle(md,'DomainOutline.exp','Rifts.exp',1500);
| 69 | """
[26472] | 70 | function triangle(md::model,domainname::String,resolution::Float64) #{{{
[26467] | 71 |
| 72 | #read input file
| 73 | contours = expread(domainname)
| 74 | area = resolution^2
| 75 |
| 76 | #Initialize i/o structures
| 77 | ctio_in = CTriangulateIO();
| 78 | ctio_out = CTriangulateIO();
| 79 | vor_out = CTriangulateIO();
| 80 |
| 81 | #Construct input structure
| 82 | numberofpoints = 0
| 83 | numberofsegments = 0
| 84 | for i in 1:length(contours)
| 85 | numberofpoints += contours[i].nods-1
| 86 | numberofsegments += contours[i].nods-1
| 87 | end
| 88 | numberofpointattributes = 1
| 89 |
| 90 | pointlist=Array{Cdouble,2}(undef,2,numberofpoints)
| 91 | count = 0
| 92 | for i in 1:length(contours)
| 93 | nods = contours[i].nods
| 94 | pointlist[1,count+1:count+nods-1] = contours[i].x[1:end-1]
| 95 | pointlist[2,count+1:count+nods-1] = contours[i].y[1:end-1]
| 96 | count += (nods-1)
| 97 | end
| 98 | pointattributelist=Array{Cdouble,1}(undef,numberofpoints)
| 99 | pointmarkerlist=Array{Cint,1}(undef,numberofpoints)
| 100 | for i in 1:numberofpoints
| 101 | pointmarkerlist[i]=0
| 102 | pointattributelist[i]=0.
| 103 | end
| 104 |
| 105 | counter=0;
| 106 | backcounter=0;
| 107 | segmentlist=Array{Cint,2}(undef,2,numberofsegments)
| 108 | segmentmarkerlist=Array{Cint,1}(undef,numberofsegments)
| 109 | segmentmarkerlist[:].=0
| 110 | for i in 1:length(contours)
| 111 | nods = contours[i].nods
| 112 | segmentlist[1,counter+1:counter+nods-2] = collect(counter+0:counter+nods-3)
| 113 | segmentlist[2,counter+1:counter+nods-2] = collect(counter+1:counter+nods-2)
| 114 | counter+=nods-2
| 115 | #close profile
| 116 | segmentlist[1,counter+1]=counter
| 117 | segmentlist[2,counter+1]=backcounter
| 118 | counter+=1
| 119 | backcounter=counter
| 120 | end
| 121 |
| 122 | numberofregions = 0
| 123 | numberofholes = length(contours)-1
| 124 | holelist = Array{Cdouble,2}(undef,2,numberofholes)
| 125 | if numberofholes>0
| 126 | for i in 2:length(contours)
| 127 | xA=contours[i].x[1]; xB=contours[i].x[end-1]
| 128 | yA=contours[i].y[1]; yB=contours[i].y[end-1]
| 129 | xC=(xA+xB)/2; yC=(yA+yB)/2;
| 130 | xD=xC+tan(10. /180. *pi)*(yC-yA);
| 131 | yD=yC+tan(10. /180. *pi)*(xA-xC);
| 132 | xE=xC-tan(10. /180. *pi)*(yC-yA);
| 133 | yE=yC-tan(10. /180. *pi)*(xA-xC);
| 134 | holelist[1,i-1] = xD
| 135 | holelist[2,i-1] = yD
| 136 | end
| 137 | end
| 138 |
| 139 | #based on this, prepare input structure
| 140 | ctio_in.numberofpoints = numberofpoints
| 141 | ctio_in.pointlist=pointer(pointlist)
| 142 | ctio_in.numberofpointattributes=numberofpointattributes
| 143 | ctio_in.pointattributelist=pointer(pointattributelist)
| 144 | ctio_in.pointmarkerlist=pointer(pointmarkerlist)
| 145 | ctio_in.numberofsegments=numberofsegments
| 146 | ctio_in.segmentlist=pointer(segmentlist)
| 147 | ctio_in.segmentmarkerlist = pointer(segmentmarkerlist)
| 148 | ctio_in.numberofholes=numberofholes
| 149 | ctio_in.holelist=pointer(holelist)
| 150 | ctio_in.numberofregions=0
| 151 |
| 152 | #Call triangle using ISSM's default options
| 153 | triangle_switches = "pQzDq30ia"*@sprintf("%lf",area) #replace V by Q to quiet down the logging
[26500] | 154 | #rc=ccall( (:triangulate,"libtriangle"),
| 155 | rc=ccall( (:triangulate,"../../externalpackages/triangle/src/libtriangle.dylib"),
[26467] | 156 | Cint, ( Cstring, Ref{CTriangulateIO}, Ref{CTriangulateIO}, Ref{CTriangulateIO}),
| 157 | triangle_switches, Ref(ctio_in), Ref(ctio_out), Ref(vor_out))
| 158 |
| 159 | #post process output
[26472] | 160 | points = convert(Array{Cdouble,2}, Base.unsafe_wrap(Array, ctio_out.pointlist, (2,Int(ctio_out.numberofpoints)), own=true))'
| 161 | triangles = convert(Array{Cint,2}, Base.unsafe_wrap(Array, ctio_out.trianglelist, (3,Int(ctio_out.numberoftriangles)), own=true))' .+1
[26522] | 162 | segments = convert(Array{Cint,2}, Base.unsafe_wrap(Array, ctio_out.segmentlist, (2,Int(ctio_out.numberofsegments)), own=true))' .+1
| 163 |
| 164 | #assign output
[26472] | 165 | md.mesh = Mesh2dTriangle()
| 166 | md.mesh.numberofvertices = ctio_out.numberofpoints
| 167 | md.mesh.numberofelements = ctio_out.numberoftriangles
| 168 | md.mesh.x = points[:,1]
| 169 | md.mesh.y = points[:,2]
| 170 | md.mesh.elements = triangles
[26522] | 171 | md.mesh.segments = segments
[26467] | 172 |
[26522] | 173 | #post processing
| 174 | md.mesh.vertexonboundary = zeros(Bool,md.mesh.numberofvertices)
| 175 | md.mesh.vertexonboundary[md.mesh.segments] .= true
| 176 |
[26472] | 177 | return md
[26467] | 178 | end#}}}