1 | import ColorSchemes.jet
2 | using GLMakie
3 | using .ISSM
4 |
5 | function plotmodel(md::ISSM.model,data::Vector)
6 |
7 | vertexcolor = :black
8 | facetcolor = :blue
9 | showvertices = true
10 | showfacets = true
11 |
12 | if data isa AbstractVector
13 |
14 | if length(data)==md.mesh.numberofelements
15 | # vector of polygons
16 | x = md.mesh.x
17 | y = md.mesh.y
18 | index = md.mesh.elements
19 | ps = [Makie.GeometryBasics.Polygon([Point2(x[index[i,1]], y[index[i,1]]), Point2(x[index[i,2]], y[index[i,2]]), Point2(x[index[i,3]], y[index[i,3]])])
20 | for i in 1:md.mesh.numberofelements]
21 |
22 | fig, ax, h = Makie.poly(ps, color = data, colormap = jet)
23 |
24 | #Add colorbar
25 | Colorbar(fig[1, 2], limits = (minimum(data), maximum(data)), colormap = jet)
26 | elseif length(data)==md.mesh.numberofvertices
27 | fig, ax, h = Makie.mesh( [md.mesh.x md.mesh.y], md.mesh.elements, shading = false, color = data, colormap = jet)
28 |
29 | #Add colorbar
30 | #Colorbar(fig[1, 2], h, width=25)
31 | else
32 | error("data of size "*string(length(data))*" not supported yet!")
33 | end
34 | else
35 | # default to single color
36 | @assert length(data)==1
37 | fig, ax, h = Makie.mesh( [md.mesh.x md.mesh.y], md.mesh.elements, shading = false, color = data, colormap = jet)
38 | end
39 |
40 | if showvertices
41 | Makie.scatter!( [md.mesh.x md.mesh.y], markersize = 4, color = vertexcolor)
42 | end
43 |
44 | return fig
45 | end