1 | function solutionsequence_linear(femmodel::FemModel,analysis::Analysis) # {{{
2 |
3 | #First, update constraints in case the levelset has changed
4 | UpdateConstraintsx(femmodel, analysis)
5 |
6 | #Get new matrices
7 | Kff, Kfs, pf = SystemMatricesx(femmodel,analysis)
8 |
9 | #Enforce constraints
10 | ys = CreateNodalConstraintsx(femmodel.nodes)
11 | Reduceloadx!(pf, Kfs, ys)
12 |
13 | #Solve!
14 | uf = Solverx(Kff, pf)
15 |
16 | #Merge uf with ys and update inputs
17 | gsize = NumberOfDofs(femmodel.nodes,GsetEnum)
18 | ug = IssmVector(gsize)
19 | Mergesolutionfromftogx(ug, uf, ys, femmodel.nodes)
20 |
21 | InputUpdateFromSolutionx(analysis, ug, femmodel)
22 |
23 | end# }}}
24 | function solutionsequence_nonlinear(femmodel::FemModel,analysis::Analysis,maxiter::Int64,restol::Float64,reltol::Float64,abstol::Float64) # {{{
25 |
26 | #First, update constraints in case the levelset has changed
27 | UpdateConstraintsx(femmodel, analysis)
28 |
29 | #Initialize number of iterations
30 | count = 0
31 | converged = false
32 |
33 | #Get existing solution
34 | ug = GetSolutionFromInputsx(analysis,femmodel)
35 | uf = Reducevectorgtofx(ug,femmodel.nodes)
36 |
37 | #Update once again the solution to make sure that vx and vxold are similar (for next step in transient or steadystate)
38 | InputUpdateFromSolutionx(analysis,ug,femmodel)
39 |
40 | #Loop until we reach convergence
41 | while(~converged)
42 |
43 | #Get new matrices
44 | Kff, Kfs, pf = SystemMatricesx(femmodel,analysis)
45 |
46 | #Enforce constraints
47 | ys = CreateNodalConstraintsx(femmodel.nodes)
48 | Reduceloadx!(pf, Kfs, ys)
49 |
50 | #Solve!
51 | old_uf = uf
52 | uf = Solverx(Kff, pf, old_uf)
53 |
54 | #Merge uf with ys
55 | Mergesolutionfromftogx(ug, uf, ys, femmodel.nodes)
56 |
57 | #Check for convergence
58 | converged = convergence(Kff,pf,uf,old_uf,restol,reltol,abstol)
59 | InputUpdateFromSolutionx(analysis,ug,femmodel)
60 |
61 | #Increase count
62 | count += 1
63 | if(count>=maxiter)
64 | println(" maximum number of nonlinear iterations (",maxiter,") exceeded")
65 | converged = true
66 | end
67 | end
68 |
69 | print("\n total number of iterations: ", count, "\n")
70 |
71 | end# }}}
72 | function convergence(Kff::IssmMatrix, pf::IssmVector, uf::IssmVector, old_uf::IssmVector, restol::Float64, reltol::Float64, abstol::Float64)#{{{
73 |
74 | print(" checking convergence\n");
75 |
76 | #If solution vector is empty, return true
77 | if(IsEmpty(uf))
78 | return true
79 | end
80 |
81 | #Convergence criterion #1: force equilibrium (Mandatory)
82 | #compute K[n]U[n-1] - F
83 | KUold = Duplicate(uf); MatMult!(Kff,old_uf,KUold)
84 | KUoldF = Duplicate(KUold); VecCopy!(KUold, KUoldF); AXPY!(KUoldF, -1.0, pf)
85 | nKUoldF = Norm(KUoldF,2)
86 | nF = Norm(pf,2)
87 | res = nKUoldF/nF
88 | if ~isfinite(res)
89 | println("norm nf = ", nF, " and norm kuold = ",nKUoldF)
90 | error("mechanical equilibrium convergence criterion is not finite!")
91 | end
92 | if(res<restol)
93 | print(" mechanical equilibrium convergence criterion ", res*100, " < ", restol*100, " %\n")
94 | converged=true
95 | else
96 | print(" mechanical equilibrium convergence criterion ", res*100, " > ", restol*100, " %\n")
97 | converged=false;
98 | end
99 |
100 | #Convergence criterion #2: norm(du)/norm(u)
101 | if ~isnan(reltol)
102 | duf = Duplicate(old_uf); VecCopy!(old_uf,duf); AXPY!(duf, -1.0, uf)
103 | ndu = Norm(duf, 2); nu = Norm(old_uf, 2)
104 | if ~isfinite(ndu) | ~isfinite(nu)
105 | error("convergence criterion is not finite!")
106 | end
107 | if((ndu/nu)<reltol)
108 | print(" Convergence criterion: norm(du)/norm(u) ", ndu/nu*100, " < ", reltol*100, " %\n")
109 | else
110 | print(" Convergence criterion: norm(du)/norm(u) ", ndu/nu*100, " > ", reltol*100, " %\n")
111 | converged=false;
112 | end
113 | end
114 |
115 | #Convergence criterion #3: max(du)
116 | if ~isnan(abstol)
117 | duf = Duplicate(old_uf); VecCopy!(old_uf,duf); AXPY!(duf, -1.0, uf)
118 | nduinf= Norm(duf, 3)
119 | if ~isfinite(nduinf)
120 | error("convergence criterion is not finite!")
121 | end
122 | if(nduinf<abstol)
123 | print(" Convergence criterion: max(du) ", nduinf, " < ", abstol, "\n")
124 | else
125 | print(" Convergence criterion: max(du) ", nduinf, " > ", abstol, "\n")
126 | converged=false;
127 | end
128 | end
129 |
130 | return converged
131 |
132 | end#}}}