select a mesh dimension 0(default) or 3
number of elements
number of verticies
vertex indices of the mesh elements
vertices x coordinate [m]
vertices y coordinate [m]
vertices z coordinate [m]
edges of the 2d mesh (vertex1 vertex2 element1 element2)
number of edges of the 2d mesh
mesh dimension
number of extrusion layers
lower vertices flags list
lower elements flags list
upper vertices flags list
upper element flag list
upper vertex list (NaN for vertex on the upper surface)
upper element list (NaN for element on the upper layer)
lower vertex list (NaN for vertex on the lower surface)
lower element list (NaN for element on the lower layer
vertices on the boundary of the domain flag list
edges on domain boundary (vertex1 vertex2 element)
number associated to each segment
list of vertices connected to vertex_i
list of vertices connected to element_i
average number of vertices connected to one vertex
vertices extracted from the model
elements extracted from the model
vertices latitude [degrees]
verticies longitude [degrees]
Indicate hemisphere 'n' or 's'
is ice grounded ? grounded ice if > 0, grounding line position if = 0, floating ice if < 0
presence of ice if > 0, icefront position if = 0, no ice if < 0
surface elevation [m]
ice thickness [m]
bed elevation [m]
bathymetry elevation [m]
coefficient for ice shelves; thickness correction: hydrostatic_ratio H_obs+ (1-hydrostatic_ratio) H_hydro
gravitational acceleration [m/s^2]
number of seconds in a year [s/yr]
reference temperature used in the enthalpy model [K]
surface mass balance [m/yr ice eq]
basal melting rate (positive if melting) [m/yr]
additional melting applied to compensate for dh/dt [m/yr]
geothermal heat flux [W/m^2]
ice density [kg/m^3]
ocean water density [kg/m^3]
fresh water density [kg/m^3]
water viscosity [N s/m^2]
heat capacity [J/kg/K]
latent heat of fusion [J/kg]
ice thermal conductivity [W/m/K]
temperate ice thermal conductivity [W/m/K]
melting point of ice at 1atm in K
rate of change of melting point with pressure [K/Pa]
mixed layer capacity [W/kg/K]
thermal exchange velocity [m/s]
flow law parameter [Pa/s^(1/n)]
Glens flow law exponent
law for the temperature dependance of the rheology: "None", "Paterson", "Arrhenius" or "LliboutryDuval"
Lithosphere shear modulus [Pa]
Lithosphere density [g/cm^-3]
Mantle shear modulus [Pa]
Mantle density [g/cm^-3]
damage law (string) from {"undamaged","pralong"}
damage tensor (scalar)
damage law (string) from {"undamaged","pralong"}
damage constraints (NaN means no constraint)
maximum possible damage (0<=max_damage<1)
0: no, 1: artificial_diffusivity, 2: SUPG
maximum number of non linear iterations
stabilize unstable damage constraints that keep zigzagging after n iteration (default is 0, no stabilization)
threshold to declare convergence of damage evolution solution (default is 0)
scaling exponent (default is 3)
friction coefficient [SI]
p exponent
q exponent
is the Shallow Ice Approximation (SIA) used ?
is the Shelfy-Stream Approximation (SSA) used ?
is the L1L2 approximation used ?
is the Higher-Order (HO) approximation used ?
are the Full-FS (FS) equations used ?
Finite Element for SSA "P1", "P1bubble" "P1bubblecondensed" "P2"
Finite Element for HO "P1" "P1bubble" "P1bubblecondensed" "P1xP2" "P2xP1" "P2"
Finite Element for FS "P1P1" (debugging only) "P1P1GLS" "MINIcondensed" "MINI" "TaylorHood"
flow equation for each vertex
flow equation for each element
vertices on SSAs border (for tiling)
vertices on HOs border (for tiling)
vertices on FS border (for tiling)
simulation starting time [yr]
final time to stop the simulation [yr]
length of time steps [yr]
use cfl condition to define time step ? (0 or 1)
coefficient applied to cfl condition
x component of velocity [m/yr]
y component of velocity [m/yr]
z component of velocity [m/yr]
velocity norm [m/yr]
pressure field [Pa]
fraction of water in the ice
ice thickness [m]
sediment water head of subglacial system [m]
epl water head of subglacial system [m]
thickness of subglacial water [m]
structure containing all rift information (vertices coordinates, segments, type of melange, ...)
use Valgrind to debug (0 or 1)
use gnu-profiler to find out where the time is spent
enables profiling (memory, flops, time)
results are output for all the nodes of each element
I/O gathering strategy for result outputs (default 1)
is the memory limited ? (0 or 1)
frequency at which results are saved in all solutions with multiple time_steps
maximum number of minutes to wait for batch results (NaN to deactivate)
server hostname where model should be uploaded
path on server where model should be uploaded
server login
port login (default is 0)
unique id generated when uploading the file to server
thickness constraints (NaN means no constraint) [m]
ice thickening rate used in the mass conservation (dh/dt) [m/yr]
0: None, 1: SU, 2: SSAs artificial diffusivity, 3:DG
mechanical equilibrium residual convergence criterion
velocity relative convergence criterion, NaN: not applied
velocity absolute convergence criterion, NaN: not applied
0: Picards fixed point, 1: Newtons method, 2: hybrid
maximum number of nonlinear iterations
over-shooting constant new=new+C*(new-old)
x-axis velocity constraint (NaN means no constraint) [m/yr]
y-axis velocity constraint (NaN means no constraint) [m/yr]
z-axis velocity constraint (NaN means no constraint) [m/yr]
threshold for instability of mechanical constraints
number of iterations before rift penalties are locked
use dampening for floating ice ? Only for FS model
multiplier for incompressibility equation. Only for FS model
local referential
loading force applied on each point [N/m^3]
additional outputs requested
type of grounding line migration: "SoftMigration","AgressiveMigration" or "None"
melting rate applied when previously grounded parts start floating [m/yr]
water thickness constraints (NaN means no constraint) [m]
Manning roughness coefficient
tortuosity parameter
dimensionless exponent in Manning velocity formula
dimensionless exponent in Manning velocity formula
parameter in effective pressure formula
artificial diffusivity (default is 1). can be more than 1 to increase diffusivity.
thickness constraints (NaN means no constraint) [m]
calving rate at given location [m/a]
do we use free surfaces (FS only) are mass conservation
minimum ice thickness allowed [m]
adjustment of ice shelves surface and bed elevations: 'Incremental' or 'Absolute'
0: no, 1: artificial_diffusivity, 2: streamline upwinding, 3: discontinuous Galerkin
offset used by penalties: penalty = Kmax*10^offset
pairs of vertices that are penalized
additional outputs requested
temperature constraints (NaN means no constraint) [K]
0: no, 1: artificial_diffusivity, 2: SUPG
maximum number of non linear iterations
stabilize unstable thermal constraints that keep zigzagging after n iteration (default is 0, no stabilization)
threshold to declare convergence of thermal solution (default is 0)
scaling exponent (default is 3)
use an enthalpy formulation to include temperate ice (default is 0)
enable dynamic setting of basal forcing. required for enthalpy formulation (default is 0)
additional outputs requested
relative tolerance criterion [K]
maximum number of iterations
additional requested outputs
indicates whether a masstransport solution is used in the transient
indicates whether a stressbalance solution is used in the transient
indicates whether a thermal solution is used in the transient
indicates whether a groundingline migration is used in the transient
indicates whether a postglacial rebound model is used in the transient
indicates whether damage evolution is used in the transient
list of additional outputs requested
mantle viscosity[Pa s]
lithosphere thickness (km)
1: square-edged (default). 2: elliptical. See iedge in GiaDeflectionCore
indicates if the automatic differentiation is activated
list of dependent variables
list of independent variables
ADOLC driver ('fos_forward' or 'fov_forward')
Number of operations per buffer (==OBUFSIZE in usrparms.h)
Number of locations per buffer (==LBUFSIZE in usrparms.h)
Number of values per buffer (==CBUFSIZE in usrparms.h)
Number of taylors per buffer (<=TBUFSIZE in usrparms.h)
free location block sorting/consolidation triggered if the ratio between allocated and used locations exceeds gcTriggerRatio
free location block sorting/consolidation triggered if the allocated locations exceed gcTriggerMaxSize
name of kml output targets file
name of kml input tracks file
structure of kml flight requirements (not used yet)
element or nodal criterion for flight path evaluation (metric)
number of grids at equator (determines resolution)
flag to consider target values for flight path evaluation
flag to split polygons on the antimeridian
optimize? (default false)
number of directions to test when moving a point. If this value = 1, a random direction is tested. A value > 1 results in directions equally spaced from [0, 2*PI] being tested. For example, 4 would result in directions [0, PI/2, PI, 3PI/2]
specifies the distance in km (default 25) to move a randomly selected path point on each iteration
number of iterations (default 30,000) to run for flightplan optimization, i.e. the number of times to randomly select a point and move it.
name of kml solution file
quality of kml solution
is inversion activated?
1: linear viscosity, 0: non-linear viscosity
ex: {'FrictionCoefficient'}, or {'MaterialsRheologyBbar'}
number of optimization searches
indicate the type of response for each optimization step
cost_functions_coefficients applied to the misfit of each vertex and for each control_parameter
misfit convergence criterion. Default is 1%, NaN if not applied
maximum iterations during each optimization step
scaling factor on gradient direction during optimization, for each optimization step
decrease threshold for misfit, default is 30%
absolute minimum acceptable value of the inversed parameter on each vertex
absolute maximum acceptable value of the inversed parameter on each vertex
observed velocity x component [m/yr]
observed velocity y component [m/yr]
observed velocity magnitude [m/yr]
observed thickness [m])
is qmu analysis activated?
(arrays of each variable class)
(arrays of each response class)
number of responses
(array of method-independent parameters)
(information from dakota files)
user provided mesh partitioning, defaults to metis if not specified
number of partitions for semi-discrete qmu
use an enthalpy formulation to include temperate ice (default is 0)
array of dakota_method class
directory for mass flux profiles
additional outputs requested
weight applied to each mesh vertex
list of potential outputs that can be requested, but which need additional data to be defined
notes in a cell of strings
model name
empty field to store some data