1 | /*!\file: MatPartition.cpp
2 | * \brief partition matrix according to node sets
3 | */
4 |
5 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
6 | #include <config.h>
7 | #else
8 | #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
9 | #endif
10 |
11 | /*Petsc includes: */
12 | #include "petscmat.h"
13 | #include "petscvec.h"
14 | #include "petscksp.h"
15 |
16 | #include "../../../shared/shared.h"
17 | #include "../../mpi/patches/mpipatches.h"
18 |
19 | int MatPartition(Mat* poutmatrix,Mat matrixA,double* row_partition_vector,int row_partition_vector_size ,
20 | double* col_partition_vector,int col_partition_vector_size){
21 |
22 | int i;
23 |
24 | /*Petsc matrix*/
25 | int d_nz;
26 | int o_nz;
27 | int* node_rows=NULL;
28 | int* node_cols=NULL;
29 | int count;
30 | IS col_index=NULL;
31 | IS row_index=NULL;
32 | int lower_row,upper_row,range;
33 | int MA,NA; //matrixA dimensions
34 | const char* type=NULL;
35 | int csize;
36 |
37 | /*output*/
38 | Mat outmatrix=NULL;
39 |
40 | /*get input matrix size: */
41 | MatGetSize(matrixA,&MA,&NA);
42 |
43 | /*If one of the partitioning row or col vectors has a 0 dimension, we return a NILL matrix. Return it with the same type as matrixA.*/
44 |
45 | if ((row_partition_vector_size==0) || (col_partition_vector==0)){
46 | MatGetType(matrixA,&type);
47 | if (strcmp(type,"mpiaij")==0){
48 | d_nz=0;
49 | o_nz=0;
50 | #ifdef _HAVE_PETSCDEV_
52 | #else
54 | #endif
55 | }
56 | else if (strcmp(type,"mpidense")==0){
57 | #ifdef _HAVE_PETSCDEV_
59 | #else
61 | #endif
62 | }
63 | else{
64 | _error_("MatType %s not supported yet",type);
65 | }
66 | /*Assemble*/
67 | MatAssemblyBegin(outmatrix,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
68 | MatAssemblyEnd(outmatrix,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
69 | }
70 | else{
71 | /*Both vectors are non nill, use MatGetSubMatrix to condense out*/
72 | /*Figure out which rows each node is going to get from matrix A.*/
73 | MatGetOwnershipRange(matrixA,&lower_row,&upper_row);
74 | upper_row--;
75 | range=upper_row-lower_row+1;
76 |
77 | count=0;
78 | if (range){
79 | node_rows=(int*)xmalloc(range*sizeof(int)); //this is the maximum number of rows one node can extract.
80 |
81 | for (i=0;i<row_partition_vector_size;i++){
82 | if ( ((int)(*(row_partition_vector+i))>=(lower_row+1)) && ((int)(*(row_partition_vector+i))<=(upper_row+1)) ){
83 | *(node_rows+count)=(int)*(row_partition_vector+i)-1;
84 | count++;
85 | }
86 | }
87 | }
88 | else{
89 | count=0;
90 | }
91 |
92 | /*Now each node has a node_rows vectors holding which rows they should extract from matrixA. Create an Index Set from node_rows.*/
93 | #if _PETSC_MAJOR_ < 3 || (_PETSC_MAJOR_ == 3 && _PETSC_MINOR_ < 2)
94 | ISCreateGeneral(MPI_COMM_WORLD,count,node_rows,&row_index);
95 | #else
96 | ISCreateGeneral(MPI_COMM_WORLD,count,node_rows,PETSC_COPY_VALUES,&row_index);
97 | #endif
98 |
99 | /*Same deal for columns*/
100 | node_cols=(int*)xmalloc(col_partition_vector_size*sizeof(int));
101 | for (i=0;i<col_partition_vector_size;i++){
102 | *(node_cols+i)=(int)*(col_partition_vector+i)-1;
103 | }
104 | #if _PETSC_MAJOR_ < 3 || (_PETSC_MAJOR_ == 3 && _PETSC_MINOR_ < 2)
105 | ISCreateGeneral(MPI_COMM_WORLD,col_partition_vector_size,node_cols,&col_index);
106 | #else
107 | ISCreateGeneral(MPI_COMM_WORLD,col_partition_vector_size,node_cols,PETSC_COPY_VALUES,&col_index);
108 | #endif
109 |
110 | /*Call MatGetSubMatrix*/
111 | csize=DetermineLocalSize(col_partition_vector_size);
112 | if(col_partition_vector_size==row_partition_vector_size){
113 | #if _PETSC_MAJOR_ >= 3
114 | MatGetSubMatrix(matrixA,row_index,col_index,MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX,&outmatrix);
115 | #else
116 | MatGetSubMatrix(matrixA,row_index,col_index,count,MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX,&outmatrix);
117 | #endif
118 | }
119 | else{
120 | #if _PETSC_MAJOR_ >= 3
121 | MatGetSubMatrix(matrixA,row_index,col_index,MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX,&outmatrix);
122 | #else
123 | MatGetSubMatrix(matrixA,row_index,col_index,csize,MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX,&outmatrix);
124 | #endif
125 | }
126 |
127 | }
128 |
129 | /*Free ressources:*/
130 | xfree((void**)&node_rows);
131 | xfree((void**)&node_cols);
132 | ISFree(&col_index);
133 | ISFree(&row_index);
134 |
135 | /*Assign output pointers:*/
136 | *poutmatrix=outmatrix;
137 | return 1;
138 | }