[26477] | 1 | /*!\file: random
| 2 | * \brief random number generating functions
| 3 | */
| 4 |
| 5 | /*Headers*/
| 6 | /*{{{*/
| 7 | #include <stdio.h>
| 8 | #include <sys/types.h>
| 9 | #include <math.h>
| 10 | #include <float.h> /* DBL_EPSILON */
| 11 | #include <cstdarg>
| 12 | #include <iostream>
| 13 |
| 14 | #include "../Matrix/matrix.h"
| 15 | #include "../Exceptions/exceptions.h"
| 16 | #include "../MemOps/MemOps.h"
| 17 | #include "../io/io.h"
[26621] | 18 | #include "./randomgenerator.h"
[26477] | 19 | /*}}}*/
| 20 |
[26621] | 21 | void univariateNormal(IssmPDouble* prand, IssmPDouble mean, IssmPDouble sdev, int seed=-1) { /*{{{*/
[26482] | 22 |
[26621] | 23 | /*Seed the pseudo-random number generator*/
| 24 | rnd::linear_congruential_engine randomengine;
| 25 | randomengine.seed(seed);
| 26 | /*Normal distribution*/
| 27 | rnd::normal_distribution distriNormal(mean,sdev);
| 28 | *prand = distriNormal.generator(randomengine);
[26477] | 29 | } /*}}}*/
[26621] | 30 | void multivariateNormal(IssmDouble** prand, int dim, IssmDouble mean, IssmDouble* covariancematrix, int seed=-1) { /*{{{*/
[26482] | 31 |
| 32 | IssmPDouble* sampleStandardNormal = xNew<IssmPDouble>(dim);
[26477] | 33 | IssmDouble* sampleMultivariateNormal = xNew<IssmDouble>(dim);
| 34 | IssmDouble* Lchol = xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(dim*dim);
[26479] | 35 |
[26621] | 36 | /*True randomness if seed<0, otherwise random seed is fixed at seed*/
| 37 | /*Seed the pseudo-random number generator, repeatedly calling univariateNormal does not ensure randomness*/
| 38 | rnd::linear_congruential_engine randomengine;
| 39 | randomengine.seed(seed);
| 40 | /*Normal distribution*/
| 41 | rnd::normal_distribution distriNormal(0.0,1.0);
| 42 | for(int i=0;i<dim;i++){
| 43 | sampleStandardNormal[i] = distriNormal.generator(randomengine);
| 44 | }
| 45 |
| 46 | /*Cholsesky decomposition of the covariance matrix*/
[26483] | 47 | CholeskyRealPositiveDefinite(Lchol,covariancematrix,dim);
[26482] | 48 |
| 49 | /*Matrix by vector multiplication*/
| 50 | for(int i=0;i<dim;i++){
| 51 | /*Entry-by-entry multiplication along matrix row*/
[26479] | 52 | IssmDouble sum=0.;
[26482] | 53 | for(int j=0;j<dim;j++) sum += sampleStandardNormal[j]*Lchol[i*dim+j];
| 54 | sampleMultivariateNormal[i] = mean+sum;
[26477] | 55 | }
[26479] | 56 |
| 57 | /*Assign output pointer and cleanup*/
[26477] | 58 | *prand = sampleMultivariateNormal;
[26479] | 59 | xDelete<IssmPDouble>(sampleStandardNormal);
[26477] | 60 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(Lchol);
| 61 | } /*}}}*/
[26621] | 62 | void multivariateNormal(IssmDouble** prand, int dim, IssmDouble* mean, IssmDouble* covariancematrix, int seed=-1) { /*{{{*/
[26482] | 63 |
| 64 | IssmPDouble* sampleStandardNormal = xNew<IssmPDouble>(dim);
[26477] | 65 | IssmDouble* sampleMultivariateNormal = xNew<IssmDouble>(dim);
| 66 | IssmDouble* Lchol = xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(dim*dim);
[26621] | 67 |
| 68 | /*True randomness if seed<0, otherwise random seed is fixed at seed*/
| 69 | /*Seed the pseudo-random number generator, repeatedly calling univariateNormal does not ensure randomness*/
| 70 | rnd::linear_congruential_engine randomengine;
| 71 | randomengine.seed(seed);
| 72 | /*Normal distribution*/
| 73 | rnd::normal_distribution distriNormal(0.0,1.0);
| 74 | for(int i=0;i<dim;i++){
| 75 | sampleStandardNormal[i] = distriNormal.generator(randomengine);
| 76 | }
[26479] | 77 |
[26621] | 78 | /*Cholsesky decomposition of the covariance matrix*/
[26477] | 79 | CholeskyRealPositiveDefinite(Lchol,covariancematrix,dim);
[26479] | 80 |
[26482] | 81 | /*Matrix by vector multiplication*/
| 82 | for(int i=0;i<dim;i++){
[26479] | 83 | IssmDouble sum = 0.;
[26482] | 84 | for(int j=0;j<dim;j++) sum += sampleStandardNormal[j]*Lchol[i*dim+j];
| 85 | sampleMultivariateNormal[i] = mean[i]+sum;
[26477] | 86 | }
[26482] | 87 |
| 88 | /*Assign output pointer and cleanup*/
[26477] | 89 | *prand = sampleMultivariateNormal;
[26479] | 90 | xDelete<IssmPDouble>(sampleStandardNormal);
[26477] | 91 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(Lchol);
| 92 | } /*}}}*/
| 93 |
| 94 |
| 95 |