1 | /*!\file exceptions.h
2 | * \brief: two types of exceptions are handled for now. Errors, and
3 | * warnings. Those exceptions are trapped provided the matlab modules
4 | * are started using MODULEBOOT, and ended using MODULEEND. These are
5 | * macros hiding try, catch statements. This header file defines our
6 | * own exceptions
7 | */
8 |
9 | #ifndef _MY_EXCEPTIONS_H_
10 | #define _MY_EXCEPTIONS_H_
11 |
12 | #include <exception>
13 | #include <string>
14 | #include <iostream>
15 | #include <sstream>
16 | #include <iomanip>
17 |
18 | using namespace std;
19 |
20 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
21 | #include <config.h>
22 | #else
23 | #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
24 | #endif
25 |
26 | /*macros: */
27 | /* _assert_ {{{*/
28 | /*Assertion macro: do nothing if macro _ISSM_DEBUG_ undefined*/
29 | #ifdef _ISSM_DEBUG_
30 | #define _assert_(statement)\
31 | if (!(statement)) _error_("Assertion \""<<#statement<<"\" failed, please report bug to "<<PACKAGE_BUGREPORT)
32 | #else
33 | #define _assert_(ignore)\
34 | ((void) 0)
35 | #endif
36 | /*}}}*/
37 | /* _error_ {{{*/
38 | /*new Error exception macro*/
39 | #ifdef _INTEL_WIN_
40 | #define _error_(StreamArgs)\
41 | do{std::ostringstream aLoNgAnDwEiRdLoCaLnAmeFoRtHiSmAcRoOnLy; \
42 | aLoNgAnDwEiRdLoCaLnAmeFoRtHiSmAcRoOnLy << StreamArgs << std::ends; \
43 | throw ErrorException(aLoNgAnDwEiRdLoCaLnAmeFoRtHiSmAcRoOnLy.str());}while(0)
44 | #else
45 | #define _error_(StreamArgs)\
46 | do{std::ostringstream aLoNgAnDwEiRdLoCaLnAmeFoRtHiSmAcRoOnLy; \
47 | aLoNgAnDwEiRdLoCaLnAmeFoRtHiSmAcRoOnLy << StreamArgs << std::ends; \
48 | throw ErrorException(__FILE__,__func__,__LINE__,aLoNgAnDwEiRdLoCaLnAmeFoRtHiSmAcRoOnLy.str());}while(0)
49 | #endif
50 | /*}}}*/
51 | /* ExceptionTrapBegin/ExceptionTrapEnd {{{*/
52 |
53 | /*The following macros hide the error exception handling in a matlab module. Just put
54 | * ExceptionTrapBegin(); and ExceptionTrapEnd(); at the beginning and end of a module, and c++ exceptions
55 | * will be trapped. Really nifty!*/
56 |
57 | #define ExceptionTrapBegin(); \
58 | try{
59 |
60 | #define ExceptionTrapEnd(); }\
61 | catch(ErrorException &exception){\
62 | exception.Report();\
63 | return 0;\
64 | }\
65 | catch (exception& e) {\
66 | _printf_("Standard exception: " << e.what() << "\n\n");\
67 | return 0;\
68 | }\
69 | catch(...){\
70 | _printf_("An unexpected error occurred \n\n");\
71 | return 0;\
72 | }
73 | /*}}}*/
74 |
75 | /*ISSM exception class: */
76 | class ErrorException: public exception { /*{{{*/
77 |
78 | char* what_str;
79 | char* function_name;
80 | char* file_name;
81 | int file_line;
82 |
83 | public:
84 | ErrorException(const string &what_arg); //for windows
85 | ErrorException(const string &what_file,const string& what_function,int what_line,const string& what_arg);//UNIX
86 | ~ErrorException() throw();
87 | virtual const char *what() const throw();
88 | void Report() const;
89 | const char* MatlabReport() const;
90 | const char* PythonReport() const;
91 |
92 | };
93 | /*}}}*/
94 |
95 | char* exprintf(const char* format,...);
96 |
97 | #endif