/*! \file StringParam.h * \brief: header file for triavertexinput object */ #ifndef _STRINGPARAM_H_ #define _STRINGPARAM_H_ /*Headers:*/ /*{{{*/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #else #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!" #endif #include "./Param.h" #include "../../include/include.h" #include "../../shared/shared.h" /*}}}*/ class StringParam: public Param{ private: /*just hold 3 values for 3 vertices: */ int enum_type; char* value; public: /*StringParam constructors, destructors: {{{*/ StringParam(); StringParam(int enum_type,char* value); ~StringParam(); /*}}}*/ /*Object virtual functions definitions:{{{ */ void Echo(); void DeepEcho(); int Id(); int MyRank(); int ObjectEnum(); Object* copy(); /*}}}*/ /*Param vritual function definitions: {{{*/ int InstanceEnum(){return enum_type;} void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a bool");} void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an integer");} void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an array of integers");} void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an array of integers");} void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble");} void GetParameterValue(char** pstring); void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string array");} void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array");} void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array");} void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a matrix array");} void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Vec");} void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Mat");} void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a FILE");} void SetValue(bool boolean){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a boolean");} void SetValue(int integer){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an integer");} void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a scalar");} void SetValue(char* string); void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string array");} void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble array");} void SetValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble array");} void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int array");} void SetValue(int* pintarray,int M,int N){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int array");} void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Vec");} void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Mat");} void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a FILE");} void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an array of matrices");} void UnitConversion(int direction_enum); void GetParameterName(char**pname); /*}}}*/ }; #endif /* _STRINGPARAM_H */