1 | /*!\file DoubleMatExternalResult.c
2 | * \brief: implementation of the DoubleMatExternalResult object
3 | */
4 |
5 | /*header files: */
6 | /*{{{*/
7 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
8 | #include <config.h>
9 | #else
10 | #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
11 | #endif
12 |
13 | #include <stdio.h>
14 | #include <string.h>
15 | #include "../objects.h"
16 | #include "../../EnumDefinitions/EnumDefinitions.h"
17 | #include "../../shared/shared.h"
18 | #include "../../Container/Container.h"
19 | #include "../../include/include.h"
20 | /*}}}*/
21 |
22 | /*DoubleMatExternalResult constructors and destructor*/
23 | /*FUNCTION DoubleMatExternalResult::DoubleMatExternalResult(){{{*/
24 | DoubleMatExternalResult::DoubleMatExternalResult(){
25 | return;
26 | }
27 | /*}}}*/
28 | /*FUNCTION DoubleMatExternalResult::DoubleMatExternalResult(int in_id, int enum_type,IssmDoubleMat values,int M,int N,int in_step,IssmPDouble in_time){{{*/
29 | DoubleMatExternalResult::DoubleMatExternalResult(int in_id, int in_enum_type,IssmPDouble* in_values, int in_M,int in_N,int in_step,IssmPDouble in_time){
30 |
31 | id=in_id;
32 | enum_type=in_enum_type;
33 | M=in_M;
34 | N=in_N;
35 |
36 | /*Copy result in values*/
37 | if(M*N){
38 | values=xNew<IssmPDouble>(M*N);
39 | xMemCpy<IssmPDouble>(values,in_values,M*N);
40 | }
41 | else values=NULL;
42 |
43 | step=in_step;
44 | time=in_time;
45 | }
46 | /*}}}*/
47 | /*FUNCTION DoubleMatExternalResult::~DoubleMatExternalResult(){{{*/
48 | DoubleMatExternalResult::~DoubleMatExternalResult(){
49 |
50 | xDelete<IssmPDouble>(this->values);
51 | return;
52 | }
53 | /*}}}*/
54 |
55 | /*Object virtual functions definitions:*/
56 | /*FUNCTION DoubleMatExternalResult::Echo {{{*/
57 | void DoubleMatExternalResult::Echo(void){
58 |
59 | printf("DoubleMatExternalResult:\n");
60 | printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));
61 | printf(" step: %i\n",this->step);
62 | printf(" time: %g\n",this->time);
63 | printf(" matrix size: %i-%i\n",this->M,this->N);
64 |
65 | }
66 | /*}}}*/
67 | /*FUNCTION DoubleMatExternalResult::DeepEcho{{{*/
68 | void DoubleMatExternalResult::DeepEcho(void){
69 |
70 | int i,j;
71 |
72 | printf("DoubleMatExternalResult:\n");
73 | printf(" id: %i\n",this->id);
74 | printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));
75 | printf(" step: %i\n",this->step);
76 | printf(" time: %g\n",this->time);
77 | printf(" matrix size: %i-%i\n",this->M,this->N);
78 | for (i=0;i<this->M;i++){
79 | _printString_(" [ ");
80 | for (j=0;j<this->N;j++){
81 | _printString_( " " << setw(11) << setprecision (5) << this->values[i*this->N+j]);
82 | }
83 | _printLine_(" ]");
84 | }
85 |
86 | }
87 | /*}}}*/
88 | /*FUNCTION DoubleMatExternalResult::Id{{{*/
89 | int DoubleMatExternalResult::Id(void){ return -1; }
90 | /*}}}*/
91 | /*FUNCTION DoubleMatExternalResult::MyRank{{{*/
92 | int DoubleMatExternalResult::MyRank(void){
93 | extern int my_rank;
94 | return my_rank;
95 | }
96 | /*}}}*/
97 | /*FUNCTION DoubleMatExternalResult::ObjectEnum{{{*/
98 | int DoubleMatExternalResult::ObjectEnum(void){
99 |
100 | return DoubleMatExternalResultEnum;
101 |
102 | }
103 | /*}}}*/
104 | /*FUNCTION DoubleMatExternalResult::copy{{{*/
105 | Object* DoubleMatExternalResult::copy() {
106 |
107 | return new DoubleMatExternalResult(this->id,this->enum_type,this->values,this->M,this->N,this->step,this->time);
108 |
109 | }
110 | /*}}}*/
111 |
112 | /*DoubleMatExternalResult management: */
113 | /*FUNCTION DoubleMatExternalResult::WriteData{{{*/
114 | void DoubleMatExternalResult::WriteData(FILE* fid,bool io_gather){
115 |
116 | int length;
117 | int type;
118 | int rows,cols;
119 | char *name = NULL;
120 | extern int my_rank;
121 |
122 | if(io_gather){
123 | /*we are gathering the data on cpu 0, don't write on other cpus: */
124 | if(my_rank) return;
125 | }
126 |
127 | /*First write enum: */
128 | EnumToStringx(&name,this->enum_type);
129 | length=(strlen(name)+1)*sizeof(char);
130 | fwrite(&length,sizeof(int),1,fid);
131 | fwrite(name,length,1,fid);
132 | xDelete<char>(name);
133 |
134 | /*Now write time and step: */
135 | fwrite(&time,sizeof(IssmPDouble),1,fid);
136 | fwrite(&step,sizeof(int),1,fid);
137 |
138 | /*writing a IssmPDouble array, type is 3:*/
139 | type=3;
140 | fwrite(&type,sizeof(int),1,fid);
141 | rows=this->M;
142 | fwrite(&rows,sizeof(int),1,fid);
143 | cols=this->N;
144 | fwrite(&cols,sizeof(int),1,fid);
145 | fwrite(this->values,cols*rows*sizeof(IssmPDouble),1,fid);
146 |
147 | }
148 | /*}}}*/
149 | /*FUNCTION DoubleMatExternalResult::GetResultName{{{*/
150 | void DoubleMatExternalResult::GetResultName(char** pname){
151 | EnumToStringx(pname,this->enum_type);
152 | }
153 | /*}}}*/
154 | /*FUNCTION DoubleMatExternalResult::GetStep{{{*/
155 | int DoubleMatExternalResult::GetStep(void){
156 |
157 | return this->step;
158 | }
159 | /*}}}*/