1 | subroutine run_semic_transient(sf_in, rf_in, swd_in, lwd_in, wind_in, &
2 | sp_in, rhoa_in, qq_in, tt_in, tsurf_in, tstic, &
3 | hcrit, rcrit, &
4 | mask, hice, hsnow, &
5 | albedo, albedo_snow, alb_scheme, alb_smax, alb_smin, albi, albl, &
6 | Tamp, &
7 | tsurf_out, smb_out, saccu_out, smelt_out, alb_out, alb_snow_out,hsnow_out,hice_out)
8 |
9 | use utils
10 | use surface_physics
11 |
12 | implicit none
13 |
14 | ! declare surface physics class
15 | type(surface_physics_class) :: surface
16 | ! declare forcing class
17 | type(forc_class) :: forc
18 | ! declare validation class
19 | !type(vali_class) :: vali ! validation not needed here
20 |
21 | integer, parameter:: dp=kind(0.d0) !< define precision (machine specific)
22 | integer :: i, k, nx, nloop, ntime, year
23 | integer :: day=1 !< not used value.
24 |
25 | ! forcing data
26 | double precision, intent(in) :: sf_in ! snow fall rate [m/s]
27 | double precision, intent(in) :: rf_in ! rain fall rate [m/s]
28 | double precision, intent(in) :: swd_in ! downwelling shortwave radiation [W/m2]
29 | double precision, intent(in) :: lwd_in ! downwelling longwave radiation [W/m2]
30 | double precision, intent(in) :: wind_in! surface wind speed [m/s]
31 | double precision, intent(in) :: sp_in ! surface pressure [Pa]
32 | double precision, intent(in) :: rhoa_in! air density [kg/m3]
33 | double precision, intent(in) :: qq_in ! air specific humidity [kg/kg]
34 | double precision, intent(in) :: tt_in ! air temperature [K]
35 |
36 | ! input data
37 | double precision, intent(in) :: tstic ! time step from ISSM [sec].
38 | double precision, intent(in) :: tsurf_in ! input temperature [K]
39 |
40 | ! output data
41 | double precision :: tsurf_out ! Ice surface Temperature [K]
42 | double precision :: smb_out ! surface mass balance=(Accu-Melt) [m/s]
43 | double precision :: saccu_out ! accumulation [m/s]
44 | double precision :: smelt_out ! ablation [m/s]
45 | double precision :: alb_out ! grid-averaged albedo [no unit]
46 | double precision :: alb_snow_out
47 | double precision :: qmr_out
48 | double precision :: hice_out
49 | double precision :: hsnow_out
50 |
51 | double precision :: total_time, start, finish
52 |
53 | ! set parameters
54 | character (len=256) :: name ! not used(?)
55 | character (len=256) :: boundary(30) ! not used(?)
56 | !character (len=256), intent(in) :: alb_scheme !< name of albedo scheme
57 | integer, intent(in) :: alb_scheme
58 | integer :: n_ksub
59 | double precision :: ceff !< surface heat heat capacity of snow/ice [J/W m2]
60 | double precision, intent(in) :: hsnow
61 | double precision, intent(in) :: hice
62 | double precision, intent(in) :: albi
63 | double precision, intent(in) :: albl
64 | double precision, intent(in) :: mask
65 | double precision, intent(in) :: albedo
66 | double precision, intent(in) :: albedo_snow
67 | double precision, intent(in) :: alb_smax
68 | double precision, intent(in) :: alb_smin
69 | double precision, intent(in) :: hcrit !< critical snow height for which grid cell is 50% snow covered [m]
70 | double precision, intent(in) :: rcrit !< critical snow height fro which refreezing fraction is 50% [m]
71 | double precision, intent(in) :: Tamp
72 | double precision :: csh
73 | double precision :: clh
74 | double precision :: tmin
75 | double precision :: tmax
76 | double precision :: tsticsub
77 | ! parameters for isba albedo scheme.
78 | double precision :: tau_a !< critical liquide water concent for "isba" albedo scheme [kg/m2]
79 | double precision :: tau_f
80 | double precision :: w_crit
81 | double precision :: mcrit
82 | double precision :: afac !< param
83 | double precision :: tmid !< param for "alex" albedo parameterization [K]
84 |
85 | nx = 1
86 | ntime = 365
87 | year = 0
88 |
89 | ! set vector length
90 | surface%par%nx = nx
91 |
92 | ! set input (forcing data)
93 | !forc%sf(:,:) = sf_in ! snowfall flux [m/sec]
94 | !forc%rf(:,:) = rf_in ! rainfall flux [m/sec]
95 | !forc%swd(:,:) = swd_in ! short radiation
96 | !forc%lwd(:,:) = lwd_in ! long radiation downward
97 | !forc%wind(:,:) = wind_ina ! wind speed.
98 | !forc%sp(:,:) = sp_in ! surface pressure
99 | !forc%rhoa(:,:) = rhoa_in ! air density [kg/m3]
100 | !forc%qq(:,:) = qq_in ! air specific humidity [kg/kg]
101 | !forc%tt(:,:) = tt_in ! 2m air temperature
102 |
103 | ! FIXME should be user input
104 | !boundary = "" "" ""
105 | !surface%par%tstic = 86400.0_dp !< time step [s] in one day.
106 | surface%par%tstic = tstic !< time step [s]
107 | surface%par%ceff= 2.0e6_dp !< surface heat capacity of snow/ice [J/K/m2]
108 | surface%par%csh = 2.0e-3_dp
109 | surface%par%clh = 5.0e-4_dp !< latent heat exchange coefficient [no unit]
110 | surface%par%alb_smax = alb_smax !0.79_dp !< max snow albedo
111 | surface%par%alb_smin = alb_smin !0.6_dp !< min snow albedo
112 | surface%par%albi = albi !0.41_dp !< albedo for ice
113 | surface%par%albl = albl !0.07_dp !< albedo for land
114 | surface%par%tmin = -999_dp
115 | surface%par%tmax = 273.15_dp
116 | surface%par%hcrit = hcrit !0.028_dp !< critical snow height for which grid cell is 50 % snow colvered [m]
117 | surface%par%rcrit = rcrit !0.85_dp !< refreezing fraction is 50% [m]
118 | surface%par%amp = Tamp !3.0_dp !< amplitude of diurnal cycle [K]
119 | if (alb_scheme == 0) then
120 | surface%par%alb_scheme="None"
121 | else if (alb_scheme == 1) then
122 | surface%par%alb_scheme = "slater"
123 | else if (alb_scheme == 2) then
124 | surface%par%alb_scheme = "denby"
125 | else if (alb_scheme == 3) then
126 | surface%par%alb_scheme = "isba"
127 | end if
128 | surface%par%tau_a = 0.008_dp
129 | surface%par%tau_f = 0.24_dp
130 | surface%par%w_crit = 15.0_dp
131 | surface%par%mcrit = 6.0e-8_dp
132 | surface%par%n_ksub = 3.0_dp
133 |
134 | ! initialize sub-daily time step tsticsub
135 | surface%par%tsticsub = surface%par%tstic / dble(surface%par%n_ksub)
136 |
137 | ! allocate necessary arrays for surface_physics module
138 | call surface_alloc(surface%now,surface%par%nx)
139 |
140 | ! initialise prognostic variables
141 | ! these values will be updated through "surface_energy_and_mass_balance" function.
142 | surface%now%mask(:) = mask ! 2.0_dp !loi_mask(:nx)
143 | surface%now%hsnow(:) = hsnow ! 1.0_dp !< snow height...
144 | surface%now%hice(:) = hice ! 0.0_dp !< ice thickness...
145 | surface%now%tsurf(:) = tsurf_in
146 | surface%now%alb(:) = albedo ! 0.8_dp !< initial albedo
147 | surface%now%alb_snow(:) = albedo_snow ! 0.8_dp
148 | !surface%now%acc(:) = 0.0_dp
149 | !surface%now%smb(:) = 0.0_dp
150 | !surface%now%melt(:) = 0.0_dp
151 | surface%now%qmr_res(:) = 0.0_dp
152 |
153 | ! initialize with zeros
154 | surface%now%qmr(:) = 0.0_dp
155 |
156 | tsurf_out = 0.0_dp
157 | smb_out = 0.0_dp
158 | saccu_out = 0.0_dp
159 | smelt_out = 0.0_dp
160 | alb_out = 0.0_dp
161 |
162 | ! define boundary conditions (not used, here!)
163 | call surface_boundary_define(surface%bnd,surface%par%boundary)
164 | !call print_boundary_opt(surface%bnd)
165 |
166 |
167 | !surface%now%sf = forc%sf(1,day)
168 | !surface%now%rf = forc%rf(1,day)
169 | !surface%now%sp = forc%sp(1,day)
170 | !surface%now%lwd = forc%lwd(1,day)
171 | !surface%now%swd = forc%swd(1,day)
172 | !surface%now%wind = forc%wind(1,day)
173 | !surface%now%rhoa = forc%rhoa(1,day)
174 | !surface%now%t2m = forc%tt(1,day)
175 | !surface%now%qq = forc%qq(1,day)
176 |
177 | ! input with single value
178 | surface%now%sf = sf_in
179 | surface%now%rf = rf_in
180 | surface%now%sp = sp_in
181 | surface%now%lwd = lwd_in
182 | surface%now%swd = swd_in
183 | surface%now%wind = wind_in
184 | surface%now%rhoa = rhoa_in
185 | surface%now%t2m = tt_in
186 | surface%now%qq = qq_in
187 |
188 | ! calculate prognostic and diagnsotic variables
189 | call cpu_time(start)
190 | call surface_energy_and_mass_balance(surface%now,surface%par,surface%bnd,day,-1)
191 | call cpu_time(finish)
192 | total_time = total_time + (finish - start)
193 |
194 | tsurf_out=surface%now%tsurf(1)
195 | ! melt - potential surface melt [m/s]
196 | ! smb
197 | smb_out =surface%now%smb(1) !*1.0_dp/365.0_dp
198 | saccu_out =surface%now%acc(1) !*1.0_dp/365.0_dp
199 | smelt_out =surface%now%melt(1)!*1.0_dp/365.0_dp
200 | alb_out =surface%now%alb(1)
201 | alb_snow_out =surface%now%alb_snow(1)
202 | qmr_out =surface%now%qmr(1)
203 | hsnow_out =surface%now%hsnow(1)
204 | hice_out =surface%now%hice(1)
205 |
206 | ! de-allocate surface_physics arrays
207 | call surface_dealloc(surface%now)
208 |
209 | !write(*,*) 'total time for surface_physics:', nloop, total_time
210 |
211 | end subroutine run_semic_transient