1 | /*!\file SurfaceMassBalancex
2 | * \brief: calculates SMB
3 | */
4 |
5 | #include "./SurfaceMassBalancex.h"
6 | #include "../../shared/shared.h"
7 | #include "../../toolkits/toolkits.h"
8 |
9 | void SurfaceMassBalancex(FemModel* femmodel){/*{{{*/
10 |
11 | /*Intermediaties*/
12 | int smb_model;
13 | bool isdelta18o;
14 |
15 | /*First, get SMB model from parameters*/
16 | femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&smb_model,SurfaceforcingsEnum);
17 |
18 | /*branch to correct module*/
19 | switch(smb_model){
20 | case SMBEnum:
21 | /*Nothing to be done*/
22 | break;
23 | case SMBpddEnum:
24 | femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&isdelta18o,SurfaceforcingsIsdelta18oEnum);
25 | if(isdelta18o){
26 | if(VerboseSolution()) _printf0_(" call Delta18oParametrization module\n");
27 | Delta18oParameterizationx(femmodel);
28 | }
29 | if(VerboseSolution()) _printf0_(" call positive degree day module\n");
30 | PositiveDegreeDayx(femmodel);
31 | break;
32 | case SMBgradientsEnum:
33 | if(VerboseSolution())_printf_(" call smb gradients module\n");
34 | SmbGradientsx(femmodel);
35 | break;
36 | case SMBhenningEnum:
37 | if(VerboseSolution())_printf_(" call smb Henning module\n");
38 | SmbHenningx(femmodel);
39 | default:
40 | _error_("Surface mass balance model "<<EnumToStringx(smb_model)<<" not supported yet");
41 | }
42 |
43 | }/*}}}*/
44 |
45 | void SmbGradientsx(FemModel* femmodel){/*{{{*/
46 |
47 | // void SurfaceMassBalancex(hd,agd,ni){
48 | // INPUT parameters: ni: working size of arrays
49 | // INPUT: surface elevation (m): hd(NA)
50 | // OUTPUT: mass-balance (m/yr ice): agd(NA)
51 |
52 | for(int i=0;i<femmodel->elements->Size();i++){
53 | Element* element=dynamic_cast<Element*>(femmodel->elements->GetObjectByOffset(i));
54 | element->SmbGradients();
55 | }
56 |
57 | }/*}}}*/
58 | void Delta18oParameterizationx(FemModel* femmodel){/*{{{*/
59 |
60 | for(int i=0;i<femmodel->elements->Size();i++){
61 | Element* element=dynamic_cast<Element*>(femmodel->elements->GetObjectByOffset(i));
62 | element->Delta18oParameterization();
63 | }
64 |
65 | }/*}}}*/
66 | void PositiveDegreeDayx(FemModel* femmodel){/*{{{*/
67 |
68 | // void PositiveDegreeDayx(hd,vTempsea,vPrec,agd,Tsurf,ni){
69 | // note "v" prefix means 12 monthly means, ie time dimension
70 | // INPUT parameters: ni: working size of arrays
71 | // INPUT: surface elevation (m): hd(NA)
72 | // monthly mean surface sealevel temperature (degrees C): vTempsea(NA
73 | // ,NTIME)
74 | // monthly mean precip rate (m/yr water equivalent): vPrec(NA,NTIME)
75 | // OUTPUT: mass-balance (m/yr ice): agd(NA)
76 | // mean annual surface temperature (degrees C): Tsurf(NA)
77 |
78 | int i, it, jj, itm;
79 | IssmDouble DT = 0.02, sigfac, snormfac;
80 | IssmDouble signorm = 5.5; // signorm : sigma of the temperature distribution for a normal day
81 | IssmDouble siglim; // sigma limit for the integration which is equal to 2.5 sigmanorm
82 | IssmDouble signormc = signorm - 0.5; // sigma of the temperature distribution for cloudy day
83 | IssmDouble siglimc, siglim0, siglim0c;
84 | IssmDouble tstep, tsint, tint, tstepc;
85 | int NPDMAX = 1504, NPDCMAX = 1454;
86 | //IssmDouble pdds[NPDMAX]={0};
87 | //IssmDouble pds[NPDCMAX]={0};
88 | IssmDouble pddt, pd ; // pd : snow/precip fraction, precipitation falling as snow
89 | IssmDouble PDup, PDCUT = 2.0; // PDcut: rain/snow cutoff temperature (C)
90 | IssmDouble tstar; // monthly mean surface temp
91 |
92 | IssmDouble *pdds = NULL;
93 | IssmDouble *pds = NULL;
94 | Element *element = NULL;
95 |
96 | pdds=xNew<IssmDouble>(NPDMAX+1);
97 | pds=xNew<IssmDouble>(NPDCMAX+1);
98 |
99 | /* initialize PDD (creation of a lookup table)*/
100 | tstep = 0.1;
101 | tsint = tstep*0.5;
102 | sigfac = -1.0/(2.0*pow(signorm,2));
103 | snormfac = 1.0/(signorm*sqrt(2.0*acos(-1.0)));
104 | siglim = 2.5*signorm;
105 | siglimc = 2.5*signormc;
106 | siglim0 = siglim/DT + 0.5;
107 | siglim0c = siglimc/DT + 0.5;
108 | PDup = siglimc+PDCUT;
109 |
110 | itm = reCast<int,IssmDouble>((2*siglim/DT + 1.5));
111 |
112 | if(itm >= NPDMAX) _error_("increase NPDMAX in massBalance.cpp");
113 | for(it = 0; it < itm; it++){
114 | // tstar = REAL(it)*DT-siglim;
115 | tstar = it*DT-siglim;
116 | tint = tsint;
117 | pddt = 0.;
118 | for ( jj = 0; jj < 600; jj++){
119 | if (tint > (tstar+siglim)){break;}
120 | pddt = pddt + tint*exp(sigfac*(pow((tint-tstar),2)))*tstep;
121 | tint = tint+tstep;
122 | }
123 | pdds[it] = pddt*snormfac;
124 | }
125 | pdds[itm+1] = siglim + DT;
126 |
127 | //*********compute PD(T) : snow/precip fraction. precipitation falling as snow
128 | tstepc = 0.1;
129 | tsint = PDCUT-tstepc*0.5;
130 | signormc = signorm - 0.5;
131 | sigfac = -1.0/(2.0*pow(signormc,2));
132 | snormfac = 1.0/(signormc*sqrt(2.0*acos(-1.0)));
133 | siglimc = 2.5*signormc ;
134 | itm = reCast<int,IssmDouble>((PDCUT+2.*siglimc)/DT + 1.5);
135 | if(itm >= NPDCMAX) _error_("increase NPDCMAX in p35com");
136 | for(it = 0; it < itm; it++ ){
137 | tstar = it*DT-siglimc;
138 | // tstar = REAL(it)*DT-siglimc;
139 | tint = tsint; // start against upper bound
140 | pd = 0.;
141 | for (jj = 0; jj < 600; jj++){
142 | if (tint<(tstar-siglimc)) {break;}
143 | pd = pd + exp(sigfac*(pow((tint-tstar),2)))*tstepc;
144 | tint = tint-tstepc;
145 | }
146 | pds[it] = pd*snormfac; // gaussian integral lookup table for snow fraction
147 | }
148 | pds[itm+1] = 0.;
149 | // *******END initialize PDD
150 |
151 | for(i=0;i<femmodel->elements->Size();i++){
152 | element=dynamic_cast<Element*>(femmodel->elements->GetObjectByOffset(i));
153 | element->PositiveDegreeDay(pdds,pds,signorm);
154 | }
155 |
156 | /*free ressouces: */
157 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(pdds);
158 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(pds);
159 | }/*}}}*/
160 | void SmbHenningx(FemModel* femmodel){/*{{{*/
161 |
162 | // void SurfaceMassBalancex(hd,agd,ni){
163 | // INPUT parameters: ni: working size of arrays
164 | // INPUT: surface elevation (m): hd(NA)
165 | // OUTPUT: mass-balance (m/yr ice): agd(NA)
166 |
167 | for(int i=0;i<femmodel->elements->Size();i++){
168 | Element* element=dynamic_cast<Element*>(femmodel->elements->GetObjectByOffset(i));
169 | }
170 |
171 | }/*}}}*/