1 | /*!\file: ElementsAndVerticesPartitioning.cpp
2 | * \brief: partition elements and nodes and vertices
3 | */
4 |
5 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
6 | #include <config.h>
7 | #else
8 | #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
9 | #endif
10 |
11 | #include <string.h>
12 | #include "../../classes/classes.h"
13 | #include "../../shared/shared.h"
14 | #include "../MeshPartitionx/MeshPartitionx.h"
15 | #include "../ModelProcessorx/ModelProcessorx.h"
16 |
17 | void ElementsAndVerticesPartitioning(bool** pmy_elements, int** pmy_vertices, IoModel* iomodel){
18 |
19 | int i;
20 |
21 | int my_rank;
22 | int num_procs;
23 | int numberofelements;
24 | int numberofvertices;
25 | int numberofelements2d;
26 | int numberofvertices2d;
27 | int numlayers;
28 | int numrifts;
29 | int numvertex_pairing;
30 |
31 | /*output: */
32 | bool* my_elements=NULL;
33 | int* my_vertices=NULL;
34 |
35 | /*intermediary: */
36 | int* epart=NULL; //element partitioning.
37 | int* npart=NULL; //node partitioning.
38 | int elements_width; //number of columns in elements (2d->3, 3d->6)
39 | int el1,el2;
40 | int dim;
41 | IssmDouble* elements=NULL;
42 | IssmDouble* elements2d=NULL;
43 | IssmDouble* riftinfo=NULL;
44 | IssmDouble* vertex_pairing=NULL;
45 |
46 | /*Get my_rank:*/
47 | my_rank=IssmComm::GetRank();
48 | num_procs=IssmComm::GetSize();
49 |
50 | /*Fetch parameters: */
51 | iomodel->Constant(&dim,MeshDimensionEnum);
52 | iomodel->Constant(&numberofelements,MeshNumberofelementsEnum);
53 | iomodel->Constant(&numberofvertices,MeshNumberofverticesEnum);
54 | iomodel->Constant(&numberofelements2d,MeshNumberofelements2dEnum);
55 | iomodel->Constant(&numberofvertices2d,MeshNumberofvertices2dEnum);
56 | iomodel->Constant(&numlayers,MeshNumberoflayersEnum);
57 | iomodel->Constant(&numrifts,RiftsNumriftsEnum);
58 |
59 | /*First, check that partitioning has not yet been carryed out. Just check whether my_elements pointers is not already assigned a value: */
60 | if (*pmy_elements)return;
61 |
62 | /*Number of vertices per elements, needed to correctly retrieve data: */
63 | if(dim==2) elements_width=3; //tria elements
64 | else elements_width=6; //penta elements
65 |
66 | /*Determine parallel partitioning of elements: we use Metis for now. First load the data, then partition*/
67 | if(dim==2){
68 | /*load elements: */
69 | iomodel->FetchData(&elements,NULL,NULL,MeshElementsEnum);
70 | }
71 | else{
72 | /*load elements2d: */
73 | iomodel->FetchData(&elements2d,NULL,NULL,MeshElements2dEnum);
74 | }
75 |
76 | MeshPartitionx(&epart, &npart,numberofelements,numberofvertices,elements, numberofelements2d,numberofvertices2d,elements2d,numlayers,elements_width, dim,num_procs);
77 |
78 | /*Free elements and elements2d: */
79 | iomodel->DeleteData(elements,MeshElementsEnum);
80 | iomodel->DeleteData(elements2d,MeshElements2dEnum);
81 |
82 | /*Deal with rifts, they have to be included into one partition only, not several: */
83 | if(numrifts){
84 | iomodel->FetchData(&riftinfo,&numrifts,NULL,RiftsRiftstructEnum);
85 | for(i=0;i<numrifts;i++){
86 | el1=reCast<int>(*(riftinfo+RIFTINFOSIZE*i+2))-1; //matlab indexing to c indexing
87 | el2=reCast<int>(*(riftinfo+RIFTINFOSIZE*i+3))-1; //matlab indexing to c indexing
88 | epart[el2]=epart[el1]; //ensures that this pair of elements will be in the same partition, as well as the corresponding vertices;
89 | }
90 | iomodel->DeleteData(riftinfo,RiftsRiftstructEnum);
91 | }
92 |
93 | /*Used later on: */
94 | my_vertices=xNewZeroInit<int>(numberofvertices);
95 | my_elements=xNewZeroInit<bool>(numberofelements);
96 |
97 | /*Start figuring out, out of the partition, which elements belong to this cpu: */
98 | iomodel->FetchData(&elements,NULL,NULL,MeshElementsEnum);
99 | for (i=0;i<numberofelements;i++){
100 |
101 | /*!All elements have been partitioned above, only deal with elements for this cpu: */
102 | if(my_rank==epart[i]){
103 |
104 | my_elements[i]=true;
105 |
106 | /*Now that we are here, we can also start building the list of vertices belonging to this cpu partition: we use
107 | *the element index to do this. For each element n, we know index[n][0:2] holds the indices (matlab indexing)
108 | into the vertices coordinates. If we start plugging 1 into my_vertices for each index[n][i] (i=0:2), then my_vertices
109 | will hold which vertices belong to this partition*/
110 | my_vertices[reCast<int>(*(elements+elements_width*i+0))-1]=1;
111 | my_vertices[reCast<int>(*(elements+elements_width*i+1))-1]=1;
112 | my_vertices[reCast<int>(*(elements+elements_width*i+2))-1]=1;
113 |
114 | if(elements_width==6){
115 | my_vertices[reCast<int>(*(elements+elements_width*i+3))-1]=1;
116 | my_vertices[reCast<int>(*(elements+elements_width*i+4))-1]=1;
117 | my_vertices[reCast<int>(*(elements+elements_width*i+5))-1]=1;
118 | }
119 | }
120 | }//for (i=0;i<numberofelements;i++)
121 | /*Free data : */
122 | iomodel->DeleteData(elements,MeshElementsEnum);
123 |
124 | /*We might have vertex_pairing in which case, some vertices have to be cloned:
125 | * penpair has 2 nodes that are poointing toward 2 vertices.
126 | * The 2 vertices must be in the same cpu as the penpair*/
127 | iomodel->FetchData(&vertex_pairing,&numvertex_pairing,NULL,DiagnosticVertexPairingEnum);
128 | for(i=0;i<numvertex_pairing;i++){
129 | if(my_vertices[reCast<int>(vertex_pairing[2*i+0])-1] && !my_vertices[reCast<int>(vertex_pairing[2*i+1])-1]){
130 | my_vertices[reCast<int>(vertex_pairing[2*i+1])-1]=2; //to know that these elements are not on the partition
131 | }
132 | }
133 | iomodel->DeleteData(vertex_pairing,DiagnosticVertexPairingEnum);
134 | iomodel->FetchData(&vertex_pairing,&numvertex_pairing,NULL,PrognosticVertexPairingEnum);
135 | for(i=0;i<numvertex_pairing;i++){
136 | if(my_vertices[reCast<int>(vertex_pairing[2*i+0])-1] && !my_vertices[reCast<int>(vertex_pairing[2*i+1])-1]){
137 | my_vertices[reCast<int>(vertex_pairing[2*i+1])-1]=2; //to know that these elements are not on the partition
138 | }
139 | }
140 | iomodel->DeleteData(vertex_pairing,PrognosticVertexPairingEnum);
141 |
142 | /*Free ressources:*/
143 | xDelete<int>(npart);
144 | xDelete<int>(epart);
145 |
146 | /*Assign output pointers:*/
147 | *pmy_elements=my_elements;
148 | *pmy_vertices=my_vertices;
149 | }