1 | /*!\file: CreateParametersDakota.cpp
2 | * \brief general driver for creating parameters dataset
3 | */
4 |
5 | #include "../../../Container/Container.h"
6 | #include "../../../toolkits/toolkits.h"
7 | #include "../../../EnumDefinitions/EnumDefinitions.h"
8 | #include "../../../classes/objects/objects.h"
9 | #include "../../../shared/shared.h"
10 | #include "../../../io/io.h"
11 | #include "../../../include/include.h"
12 | #include "../../MeshPartitionx/MeshPartitionx.h"
13 | #include "../ModelProcessorx.h"
14 |
15 | void CreateParametersDakota(Parameters** pparameters,IoModel* iomodel,char* rootpath,int solution_type,int analysis_type){
16 |
17 | /*variable declarations: {{{*/
18 | int i,j,k;
19 |
20 | Parameters* parameters = NULL;
21 | int second_count;
22 |
23 | int* part=NULL;
24 | double* dpart=NULL;
25 |
26 | char** responsedescriptors=NULL;
27 | int numresponsedescriptors;
28 | char** variabledescriptors=NULL;
29 | int numvariabledescriptors;
30 | char* descriptor=NULL;
31 | double* dakota_parameter=NULL;
32 |
33 | //qmu files
34 | char* qmuinname=NULL;
35 | char* qmuerrname=NULL;
36 | char* qmuoutname=NULL;
37 |
38 | //descriptors:
39 | char tag[50];
40 |
41 | /*parameters for mass flux: */
42 | bool qmu_mass_flux_present=false;
43 | int qmu_mass_flux_num_profiles=0;
44 | double** array=NULL;
45 | int* mdims_array=NULL;
46 | int* ndims_array=NULL;
47 |
48 | double* matrix=NULL;
49 | double* temp_matrix=NULL;
50 | int M;
51 | int temp_m,temp_n;
52 | int m,n;
53 | int count;
54 | bool dakota_analysis=false;
55 | char* name=NULL;
56 | int numberofresponses;
57 | int numberofvertices;
58 | int nrows;
59 | int ncols;
60 |
61 | /*}}}*/
62 |
63 | /*recover parameters : */
64 | parameters=*pparameters;
65 |
66 | /*recover parameters: */
67 | iomodel->Constant(&dakota_analysis,QmuIsdakotaEnum);
68 |
69 | if(dakota_analysis){
70 |
71 | iomodel->Constant(&name,MiscellaneousNameEnum);
72 | iomodel->Constant(&numberofresponses,QmuNumberofresponsesEnum);
73 | iomodel->Constant(&numberofvertices,MeshNumberofverticesEnum);
74 |
75 | /*name of qmu input, error and output files:{{{*/
76 | qmuinname=xNew<char>((strlen(rootpath)+strlen(name)+strlen(".qmu.in")+1));
77 | sprintf(qmuinname,"%s%s%s",rootpath,name,".qmu.in");
78 | parameters->AddObject(new StringParam(QmuInNameEnum,qmuinname));
79 |
80 | qmuoutname=xNew<char>((strlen(rootpath)+strlen(name)+strlen(".qmu.out")+1));
81 | sprintf(qmuoutname,"%s%s%s",rootpath,name,".qmu.out");
82 | parameters->AddObject(new StringParam(QmuOutNameEnum,qmuoutname));
83 |
84 | qmuerrname=xNew<char>((strlen(rootpath)+strlen(name)+strlen(".qmu.err")+1));
85 | sprintf(qmuerrname,"%s%s%s",rootpath,name,".qmu.err");
86 | parameters->AddObject(new StringParam(QmuErrNameEnum,qmuerrname));
87 | /*}}}*/
88 | /*Fetch variable descriptors: {{{*/
89 | iomodel->FetchData(&variabledescriptors,&numvariabledescriptors,QmuVariabledescriptorsEnum);
90 |
91 | /*Ok, we have all the variable descriptors. Build a parameter with it: */
92 | parameters->AddObject(new StringArrayParam(QmuVariabledescriptorsEnum,variabledescriptors,numvariabledescriptors));
93 |
94 | /*}}}*/
95 | /*Fetch response descriptors: {{{*/
96 | iomodel->FetchData(&responsedescriptors,&numresponsedescriptors,QmuResponsedescriptorsEnum);
97 |
98 | /*Ok, we have all the response descriptors. Build a parameter with it: */
99 | parameters->AddObject(new StringArrayParam(QmuResponsedescriptorsEnum,responsedescriptors,numresponsedescriptors));
100 | parameters->AddObject(new IntParam(QmuNumberofresponsesEnum,numberofresponses));
101 | /*}}}*/
102 | /*Deal with partitioning: {{{*/
103 | /*partition vertices in iomodel->qmu_npart parts, unless a partition is already present: */
104 |
105 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject(QmuNumberofpartitionsEnum));
106 | iomodel->FetchData(&dpart,NULL,NULL,QmuPartitionEnum);
107 |
108 | if(!dpart){
109 |
110 | /*Partition elements and vertices and nodes: */
111 | ElementsAndVerticesPartitioning(&iomodel->my_elements,&iomodel->my_vertices,iomodel);
112 |
113 | dpart=xNew<double>(numberofvertices);
114 | for(i=0;i<numberofvertices;i++)dpart[i]=iomodel->my_vertices[i];
115 | }
116 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleVecParam(QmuPartitionEnum,dpart,numberofvertices));
117 | /*}}}*/
118 | /*Deal with data needed because of qmu variables: {{{*/
119 |
120 | for(i=0;i<numvariabledescriptors;i++){
121 |
122 | if (strncmp(variabledescriptors[i],"scaled_",7)==0){
123 | /*Ok, we are dealing with a variable that is distributed over nodes. Recover the name of the variable (ex: scaled_Thickness): */
124 | sscanf(variabledescriptors[i],"scaled_%s",tag);
125 |
126 | /*Recover data: */
127 | iomodel->FetchData(&dakota_parameter,&nrows,&ncols,StringToEnumx(tag));
128 |
129 | /*Add to parameters: */
130 | if(nrows==numberofvertices){
131 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleMatParam(StringToEnumx(tag),dakota_parameter,nrows,ncols));
132 | }
133 | else{
134 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleTransientMatParam(StringToEnumx(tag),dakota_parameter,nrows,ncols));
135 | }
136 |
137 | /*Free ressources:*/
138 | xDelete<double>(dakota_parameter);
139 | }
140 | }
141 | /*}}}*/
142 | /*Deal with data needed to compute qmu responses: {{{*/
143 | for(i=0;i<numresponsedescriptors;i++){
144 |
145 | if(strncmp(responsedescriptors[i],"indexed_MassFlux",16)==0){
146 | qmu_mass_flux_present=true;
147 | }
148 | }
149 |
150 |
151 | if(qmu_mass_flux_present){
152 |
153 | /*Fetch the mass flux segments necessary to compute the mass fluxes. Build a DoubleMatArrayParam object out of them: */
154 | iomodel->FetchData(&array,&mdims_array,&ndims_array,&qmu_mass_flux_num_profiles,QmuMassFluxSegmentsEnum);
155 | if(qmu_mass_flux_num_profiles==0)_error_("qmu_mass_flux_num_profiles is 0, when MassFlux computations were requested!");
156 |
157 | /*Go through segments, and extract those that belong to this cpu: */
158 | for(i=0;i<qmu_mass_flux_num_profiles;i++){
159 | temp_matrix=array[i];
160 | temp_m=mdims_array[i];
161 | temp_n=ndims_array[i];
162 |
163 | m=0;
164 | for(j=0;j<temp_m;j++){
165 | if ( iomodel->my_elements[(int)(*(temp_matrix+5*j+4))-1])m++;
166 | }
167 | if(m){
168 | matrix=xNewZeroInit<double>(5*m);
169 | count=0;
170 | for(j=0;j<temp_m;j++){
171 | if (iomodel->my_elements[(int)*(temp_matrix+5*j+4)-1]){
172 | for(k=0;k<5;k++)*(matrix+5*count+k)=*(temp_matrix+5*j+k);
173 | count++;
174 | }
175 | }
176 | }
177 | else{
178 | matrix=NULL;
179 | }
180 |
181 | /*Assign: */
182 | array[i]=matrix;
183 | mdims_array[i]=m;
184 | ndims_array[i]=5;
185 |
186 | /*Free temporary matrix: */
187 | xDelete<double>(temp_matrix);
188 | }
189 |
190 | /*Ok, we have an array of segments, different on every cpu. Create a DoubleMatArrayParam object with it: */
191 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleMatArrayParam(QmuMassFluxSegmentsEnum,array,qmu_mass_flux_num_profiles,mdims_array,ndims_array));
192 |
193 | /*Free data: */
194 | for(i=0;i<qmu_mass_flux_num_profiles;i++){
195 | double* matrix=array[i];
196 | xDelete<double>(matrix);
197 | }
198 | xDelete<int>(mdims_array);
199 | xDelete<int>(ndims_array);
200 | xDelete<double*>(array);
201 | }
202 | /*}}}*/
203 | /*Free data: {{{*/
204 | for(i=0;i<numresponsedescriptors;i++){
205 | descriptor=responsedescriptors[i];
206 | xDelete<char>(descriptor);
207 | }
208 | xDelete<char*>(responsedescriptors);
209 |
210 | for(i=0;i<numvariabledescriptors;i++){
211 | descriptor=variabledescriptors[i];
212 | xDelete<char>(descriptor);
213 | }
214 | xDelete<char*>(variabledescriptors);
215 | xDelete<int>(part);
216 | xDelete<double>(dpart);
217 | xDelete<char>(qmuinname);
218 | xDelete<char>(qmuerrname);
219 | xDelete<char>(qmuoutname);
220 | /*}}}*/
221 | } //if(dakota_analysis)
222 |
223 | /*Free data*/
224 | xDelete<char>(name);
225 |
226 | /*Assign output pointer: */
227 | *pparameters=parameters;
228 | }