1 | /*!\file: CreateDataSets
2 | * \brief general driver for creating all datasets that make a finite element iomodel
3 | */
4 |
5 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
6 | #include <config.h>
7 | #else
8 | #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
9 | #endif
10 |
11 | #include "../../classes/classes.h"
12 | #include "../../shared/shared.h"
13 | #include "../MeshPartitionx/MeshPartitionx.h"
14 | #include "./ModelProcessorx.h"
15 |
16 | void CreateDataSets(Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices, Materials* materials,Constraints* constraints, Loads* loads,Parameters* parameters,IoModel* iomodel,FILE* toolkitfile,char* rootpath,const int solution_enum,const int analysis_enum,const int nummodels,int analysis_counter){
17 |
18 | /*Creates Nodes and constraints datasets if empty*/
19 |
20 | /*Now, branch onto analysis dependent model generation: */
21 | Analysis* analysis = EnumToAnalysis(analysis_enum);
22 | analysis->UpdateParameters(parameters,iomodel,solution_enum,analysis_enum);
23 | analysis->CreateNodes(nodes,iomodel);
24 | analysis->CreateConstraints(constraints,iomodel);
25 | analysis->CreateLoads(loads,iomodel);
26 | analysis->UpdateElements(elements,iomodel,analysis_counter,analysis_enum);
27 | delete analysis;
28 |
29 | /*Update Elements and Materials For Inversions*/
30 | #ifdef _HAVE_CONTROL_
31 | UpdateElementsAndMaterialsControl(elements,materials,iomodel);
32 | #endif
33 |
34 | /*Update Elements and Materials For Dakota*/
35 | #ifdef _HAVE_DAKOTA_
36 | UpdateElementsAndMaterialsDakota(elements,materials,iomodel);
37 | #endif
38 |
39 | /*Update Elements in case we are running a transient solution: */
40 | #ifdef _HAVE_TRANSIENT_
41 | if(analysis_counter==(nummodels-1)&& solution_enum==TransientSolutionEnum){
42 | UpdateElementsTransient(elements,parameters,iomodel,analysis_counter,analysis_enum);
43 | }
44 | #endif
45 |
46 | /* Update counters, because we have created more nodes, loads and
47 | * constraints, and ids for objects created in next call to CreateDataSets
48 | * will need to start at the end of the updated counters: */
49 | iomodel->nodecounter = nodes->MaximumId();
50 | iomodel->loadcounter = loads->NumberOfLoads();
51 | iomodel->constraintcounter = constraints->NumberOfConstraints();
52 | }