1 | /*!\file: CreateDataSets
2 | * \brief general driver for creating all datasets that make a finite element iomodel
3 | */
4 |
5 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
6 | #include <config.h>
7 | #else
8 | #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
9 | #endif
10 |
11 | #include "../../classes/classes.h"
12 | #include "../../shared/shared.h"
13 | #include "../MeshPartitionx/MeshPartitionx.h"
14 | #include "./ModelProcessorx.h"
15 |
16 | void CreateDataSets(Elements** pelements,Nodes** pnodes, Vertices** pvertices, Materials** pmaterials, Constraints** pconstraints, Loads** ploads,Parameters** pparameters,IoModel* iomodel,char* rootpath,const int solution_type,const int analysis_type,const int nummodels,int analysis_counter){
17 |
18 | Elements *elements = NULL;
19 | Materials *materials = NULL;
20 | Parameters *parameters = NULL;
21 |
22 | /*Process Finite Element Mesh*/
23 |
24 | /*Partition Elements and Nodes*/
25 | ElementsAndVerticesPartitioning(&iomodel->my_elements,&iomodel->my_vertices,iomodel);
26 |
27 | /*Create elements, vertices and materials, independent of analysis_type: */
28 | CreateElementsVerticesAndMaterials(pelements, pvertices, pmaterials, iomodel,nummodels);
29 |
30 | /*Recover elements and materials, for future update: */
31 | elements = *pelements;
32 | materials = *pmaterials;
33 |
34 | /*Creates Nodes and constraints datasets if empty*/
35 | if(!*pnodes) *pnodes = new Nodes();
36 | if(!*pconstraints) *pconstraints = new Constraints();
37 | if(!*ploads) *ploads = new Loads();
38 |
39 | /*Now, branch onto analysis dependent model generation: */
40 | switch(analysis_type){
41 |
42 | #ifdef _HAVE_DIAGNOSTIC_
43 | case DiagnosticHorizAnalysisEnum:
44 | CreateNodesDiagnosticHoriz(pnodes, iomodel);
45 | CreateConstraintsDiagnosticHoriz(pconstraints,iomodel);
46 | CreateLoadsDiagnosticHoriz(ploads,iomodel);
47 | UpdateElementsDiagnosticHoriz(elements,iomodel,analysis_counter,analysis_type);
48 | break;
49 |
50 | case DiagnosticVertAnalysisEnum:
51 | CreateNodesDiagnosticVert(pnodes, iomodel);
52 | CreateConstraintsDiagnosticVert(pconstraints,iomodel);
53 | CreateLoadsDiagnosticVert(ploads,iomodel);
54 | UpdateElementsDiagnosticVert(elements,iomodel,analysis_counter,analysis_type);
55 | break;
56 |
57 | case DiagnosticSIAAnalysisEnum:
58 | CreateNodesDiagnosticSIA(pnodes, iomodel);
59 | CreateConstraintsDiagnosticSIA(pconstraints,iomodel);
60 | CreateLoadsDiagnosticSIA(ploads,iomodel);
61 | UpdateElementsDiagnosticSIA(elements,iomodel,analysis_counter,analysis_type);
62 | break;
63 | #endif
64 |
65 | #ifdef _HAVE_HYDROLOGY_
66 | case HydrologyShreveAnalysisEnum:
67 | CreateNodesHydrologyShreve(pnodes, iomodel);
68 | CreateConstraintsHydrologyShreve(pconstraints,iomodel);
69 | CreateLoadsHydrologyShreve(ploads,iomodel);
70 | UpdateElementsHydrologyShreve(elements,iomodel,analysis_counter,analysis_type);
71 | break;
72 | case HydrologyDCInefficientAnalysisEnum:
73 | CreateNodesHydrologyDCInefficient(pnodes, iomodel);
74 | CreateConstraintsHydrologyDCInefficient(pconstraints,iomodel);
75 | CreateLoadsHydrologyDCInefficient(ploads,iomodel);
76 | UpdateElementsHydrologyDCInefficient(elements,iomodel,analysis_counter,analysis_type);
77 | break;
78 | case HydrologyDCEfficientAnalysisEnum:
79 | CreateNodesHydrologyDCEfficient(pnodes, iomodel);
80 | CreateConstraintsHydrologyDCEfficient(pconstraints,iomodel);
81 | CreateLoadsHydrologyDCEfficient(ploads,iomodel);
82 | UpdateElementsHydrologyDCEfficient(elements,iomodel,analysis_counter,analysis_type);
83 | break;
84 | #endif
85 |
86 | #ifdef _HAVE_THERMAL_
87 | case ThermalAnalysisEnum:
88 | CreateNodesThermal(pnodes, iomodel);
89 | CreateConstraintsThermal(pconstraints,iomodel);
90 | CreateLoadsThermal(ploads,iomodel);
91 | UpdateElementsThermal(elements,iomodel,analysis_counter,analysis_type);
92 | break;
93 |
94 | case EnthalpyAnalysisEnum:
95 | CreateNodesEnthalpy(pnodes, iomodel);
96 | CreateConstraintsEnthalpy(pconstraints,iomodel);
97 | CreateLoadsEnthalpy(ploads,iomodel);
98 | UpdateElementsEnthalpy(elements,iomodel,analysis_counter,analysis_type);
99 | break;
100 |
101 | case MeltingAnalysisEnum:
102 | CreateNodesMelting(pnodes, iomodel);
103 | CreateConstraintsMelting(pconstraints,iomodel);
104 | CreateLoadsMelting(ploads,iomodel);
105 | UpdateElementsMelting(elements,iomodel,analysis_counter,analysis_type);
106 | break;
107 | #endif
108 |
109 | #ifdef _HAVE_BALANCED_
110 | case BalancethicknessAnalysisEnum:
111 | CreateNodesBalancethickness(pnodes, iomodel);
112 | CreateConstraintsBalancethickness(pconstraints,iomodel);
113 | CreateLoadsBalancethickness(ploads,iomodel);
114 | UpdateElementsBalancethickness(elements,iomodel,analysis_counter,analysis_type);
115 | break;
116 | #endif
117 |
118 | #ifdef _HAVE_GIA_
119 | case GiaAnalysisEnum:
120 | CreateNodesGia(pnodes, iomodel);
121 | CreateConstraintsGia(pconstraints,iomodel);
122 | CreateLoadsGia(ploads,iomodel);
123 | UpdateElementsGia(elements,iomodel,analysis_counter,analysis_type);
124 | break;
125 | #endif
126 |
127 | #ifdef _HAVE_SLOPE_
128 | case BedSlopeAnalysisEnum:
129 | CreateNodesBedSlope(pnodes, iomodel);
130 | CreateConstraintsBedSlope(pconstraints,iomodel);
131 | CreateLoadsBedSlope(ploads,iomodel);
132 | UpdateElementsBedSlope(elements,iomodel,analysis_counter,analysis_type);
133 | break;
134 |
135 | case SurfaceSlopeAnalysisEnum:
136 | CreateNodesSurfaceSlope(pnodes, iomodel);
137 | CreateConstraintsSurfaceSlope(pconstraints,iomodel);
138 | CreateLoadsSurfaceSlope(ploads,iomodel);
139 | UpdateElementsSurfaceSlope(elements,iomodel,analysis_counter,analysis_type);
140 | break;
141 | #endif
142 |
143 | #ifdef _HAVE_PROGNOSTIC_
144 | case PrognosticAnalysisEnum:
145 | CreateNodesPrognostic(pnodes, iomodel);
146 | CreateConstraintsPrognostic(pconstraints,iomodel);
147 | CreateLoadsPrognostic(ploads,iomodel);
148 | UpdateElementsPrognostic(elements,iomodel,analysis_counter,analysis_type);
149 | break;
150 | #endif
151 |
152 | default:
153 | _error_("analysis_type: " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type) << " not supported yet!");
154 | }
155 |
156 | /*Update Elements and Materials For Control methods*/
157 | #ifdef _HAVE_CONTROL_
158 | UpdateElementsAndMaterialsControl(elements,materials,iomodel);
159 | #endif
160 |
161 | /*Generate objects that are not dependent on any analysis_type: */
162 | CreateParameters(pparameters,iomodel,rootpath,solution_type,analysis_type,analysis_counter);
163 |
164 | /*Update Elements in case we are running a transient solution: */
165 | #ifdef _HAVE_TRANSIENT_
166 | parameters=*pparameters;
167 | if(analysis_counter==(nummodels-1)&& solution_type==TransientSolutionEnum){
168 | UpdateElementsTransient(elements,parameters,iomodel,analysis_counter,analysis_type);
169 | }
170 | #endif
171 |
172 | /*Sort datasets: */
173 | SortDataSets(pelements,pnodes,pvertices, ploads, pmaterials, pconstraints, pparameters);
174 |
175 | /* Update counters, because we have created more nodes, loads and
176 | * constraints, and ids for objects created in next call to CreateDataSets
177 | * will need to start at the end of the updated counters: */
178 | UpdateCounters(iomodel,pnodes,ploads,pconstraints);
179 | }