1 | /*!\file GetSolutionFromInputsx
2 | * \brief: update datasets using parameter inputs
3 | */
4 |
5 | #include "./GetSolutionFromInputsx.h"
6 | #include "../../shared/shared.h"
7 | #include "../../toolkits/toolkits.h"
8 |
9 | void GetSolutionFromInputsx(Vector<IssmDouble>** psolution,FemModel* femmodel){
10 |
11 | /*intermediary: */
12 | int gsize;
13 | int configuration,analysisenum;
14 |
15 | /*output: */
16 | Vector<IssmDouble>* solution=NULL;
17 |
18 | if(VerboseModule()) _printf0_(" Get solution from inputs\n");
19 |
20 | /*retrive parameters: */
21 | femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&configuration,ConfigurationTypeEnum);
22 | femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&analysisenum,AnalysisTypeEnum);
23 |
24 | /*Get size of vector: */
25 | gsize=femmodel->nodes->NumberOfDofs(configuration,GsetEnum);
26 | if(gsize==0) _error_("Allocating a Vec of size 0 as gsize=0 for configuration "<<EnumToStringx(configuration));
27 |
28 | /*Initialize solution: */
29 | solution=new Vector<IssmDouble>(gsize);
30 |
31 | /*Go through elements and plug solution: */
32 | Analysis* analysis = EnumToAnalysis(analysisenum);
33 | for(int i=0;i<femmodel->elements->Size();i++){
34 | Element* element=dynamic_cast<Element*>(femmodel->elements->GetObjectByOffset(i));
35 | analysis->GetSolutionFromInputs(solution,element);
36 | }
37 | delete analysis;
38 |
39 | /*Assemble vector: */
40 | solution->Assemble();
41 |
42 | /*Assign output pointers:*/
43 | *psolution=solution;
44 | }