1 | /* \file MatlabNArrayToNArray.cpp
2 | * \brief: convert a sparse or dense matlab n-dimensional array to cpp n-dimensional array
3 | */
4 |
5 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
6 | #include <config.h>
7 | #else
8 | #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
9 | #endif
10 |
11 | #include "../../shared/shared.h"
12 | #include "../../include/include.h"
13 |
14 | #include <mex.h>
15 |
16 | /*FUNCTION MatlabNArrayToNArray(double** pmatrix,int* pmatrix_numel,int* pmatrix_ndims,int** pmatrix_size,const mxArray* mxmatrix){{{*/
17 | int MatlabNArrayToNArray(double** pmatrix,int* pmatrix_numel,int* pmatrix_ndims,int** pmatrix_size,const mxArray* mxmatrix){
18 |
19 | int i,j,rows,cols;
20 | int numel,ndims;
21 | int *size,*dims;
22 | double* mxmatrix_ptr=NULL;
23 | const mwSize* ipt=NULL;
24 |
25 | /*output: */
26 | double* matrix=NULL;
27 |
28 | /*matlab indices: */
29 | mwIndex *ir = NULL;
30 | mwIndex *jc = NULL;
31 | double *pr = NULL;
32 | int count;
33 |
34 | /*get Matlab matrix information: */
35 | numel=mxGetNumberOfElements(mxmatrix);
36 | ndims=mxGetNumberOfDimensions(mxmatrix);
37 | ipt =mxGetDimensions(mxmatrix);
38 | size =xNew<int>(ndims);
39 | for (i=0;i<ndims;i++) size[i]=(int)ipt[i];
40 |
41 | /*Ok, first check if we are dealing with a sparse or full matrix: */
42 | if (mxIsSparse(mxmatrix)){
43 |
44 | /*Dealing with sparse matrix: recover size first: */
45 | rows = mxGetM(mxmatrix);
46 | cols = mxGetN(mxmatrix);
47 |
48 | matrix=xNewZeroInit<double>(rows*cols);
49 |
50 | /*Now, get ir,jc and pr: */
51 | ir = mxGetIr(mxmatrix);
52 | jc = mxGetJc(mxmatrix);
53 | pr = mxGetPr(mxmatrix);
54 |
55 | /*Now, start inserting data into double* matrix: */
56 | count=0;
57 | for(i=0;i<cols;i++){
58 | for(j=0;j<(jc[i+1]-jc[i]);j++){
59 | *(matrix+rows*ir[count]+i)=pr[count];
60 | count++;
61 | }
62 | }
63 |
64 | }
65 | else{
66 |
67 | /*Dealing with dense matrix: recover pointer and size: */
68 | mxmatrix_ptr=(double*)mxGetPr(mxmatrix);
69 |
70 | /*Create serial matrix: */
71 | matrix=xNewZeroInit<double>(numel);
72 |
73 | dims=xNew<int>(ndims);
74 | for(i=0;i<numel;i++){
75 | ColumnWiseDimsFromIndex(dims,i,size,ndims);
76 | j = IndexFromRowWiseDims(dims,size,ndims);
77 | matrix[j]=(double)mxmatrix_ptr[i];
78 | }
79 | xDelete<int>(dims);
80 | }
81 |
82 | /*Assign output pointer: */
83 | *pmatrix = matrix;
84 | *pmatrix_numel = numel;
85 | *pmatrix_ndims = ndims;
86 | *pmatrix_size = size;
87 |
88 | return 1;
89 | }
90 | /*}}}*/
91 | /*FUNCTION MatlabNArrayToNArray(bool** pmatrix,int* pmatrix_numel,int* pmatrix_ndims,int** pmatrix_size,const mxArray* mxmatrix){{{*/
92 | int MatlabNArrayToNArray(bool** pmatrix,int* pmatrix_numel,int* pmatrix_ndims,int** pmatrix_size,const mxArray* mxmatrix){
93 |
94 | int i,j,rows,cols;
95 | int numel,ndims;
96 | int *size,*dims;
97 | bool* mxmatrix_ptr=NULL;
98 | const mwSize* ipt=NULL;
99 |
100 | /*output: */
101 | bool* matrix=NULL;
102 |
103 | /*matlab indices: */
104 | mwIndex *ir = NULL;
105 | mwIndex *jc = NULL;
106 | bool *pm = NULL;
107 | int count;
108 |
109 | /*get Matlab matrix information: */
110 | numel = mxGetNumberOfElements(mxmatrix);
111 | ndims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(mxmatrix);
112 | ipt = mxGetDimensions(mxmatrix);
113 | size = xNew<int>(ndims);
114 | for (i=0;i<ndims;i++) size[i]=(int)ipt[i];
115 |
116 | /*Ok, first check if we are dealing with a sparse or full matrix: */
117 | if (mxIsSparse(mxmatrix)){
118 |
119 | /*Dealing with sparse matrix: recover size first: */
120 | rows=mxGetM(mxmatrix);
121 | cols=mxGetN(mxmatrix);
122 | matrix=xNewZeroInit<bool>(rows*cols);
123 |
124 | /*Now, get ir,jc and pm: */
125 | ir=mxGetIr(mxmatrix);
126 | jc=mxGetJc(mxmatrix);
127 | pm=(bool*)mxGetData(mxmatrix);
128 |
129 | /*Now, start inserting data into bool* matrix: */
130 | count=0;
131 | for(i=0;i<cols;i++){
132 | for(j=0;j<(jc[i+1]-jc[i]);j++){
133 | matrix[rows*ir[count]+i]=pm[count];
134 | count++;
135 | }
136 | }
137 | }
138 | else{
139 |
140 | /*Dealing with dense matrix: recover pointer and size: */
141 | mxmatrix_ptr=(bool*)mxGetData(mxmatrix);
142 |
143 | /*Create serial matrix: */
144 | matrix=xNew<bool>(numel);
145 | dims=xNew<int>(ndims);
146 | for(i=0;i<numel;i++){
147 | ColumnWiseDimsFromIndex(dims,i,size,ndims);
148 | j=IndexFromRowWiseDims(dims,size,ndims);
149 | matrix[j]=(bool)mxmatrix_ptr[i];
150 | }
151 | xDelete<int>(dims);
152 | }
153 |
154 | /*Assign output pointer: */
155 | *pmatrix = matrix;
156 | *pmatrix_numel = numel;
157 | *pmatrix_ndims = ndims;
158 | *pmatrix_size = size;
159 |
160 | return 1;
161 | }
162 | /*}}}*/
163 | /*FUNCTION MatlabNArrayToNArray(char** pmatrix,int* pmatrix_numel,int* pmatrix_ndims,int** pmatrix_size,const mxArray* mxmatrix){{{*/
164 | int MatlabNArrayToNArray(char** pmatrix,int* pmatrix_numel,int* pmatrix_ndims,int** pmatrix_size,const mxArray* mxmatrix){
165 |
166 | int i,j,rows,cols;
167 | int numel,ndims;
168 | int *size , *dims;
169 | mxChar *mxmatrix_ptr = NULL;
170 | const mwSize *ipt = NULL;
171 |
172 | /*output: */
173 | char* matrix=NULL;
174 |
175 | /*matlab indices: */
176 | mwIndex *ir = NULL;
177 | mwIndex *jc = NULL;
178 | char *pm = NULL;
179 | int count;
180 |
181 | /*get Matlab matrix information: */
182 | numel = mxGetNumberOfElements(mxmatrix);
183 | ndims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(mxmatrix);
184 | ipt = mxGetDimensions(mxmatrix);
185 | size = xNew<int>(ndims);
186 | for (i=0;i<ndims;i++) size[i]=(int)ipt[i];
187 |
188 | /*Ok, first check if we are dealing with a sparse or full matrix: */
189 | if (mxIsSparse(mxmatrix)){
190 |
191 | /*Dealing with sparse matrix: recover size first: */
192 | rows = mxGetM(mxmatrix);
193 | cols = mxGetN(mxmatrix);
194 | matrix=xNew<char>(rows*cols);
195 |
196 | /*Now, get ir,jc and pm: */
197 | ir = mxGetIr(mxmatrix);
198 | jc = mxGetJc(mxmatrix);
199 | pm = (char*)mxGetData(mxmatrix);
200 |
201 | /*Now, start inserting data into char* matrix: */
202 | count=0;
203 | for(i=0;i<cols;i++){
204 | for(j=0;j<(jc[i+1]-jc[i]);j++){
205 | matrix[rows*ir[count]+i]=(char)pm[count];
206 | count++;
207 | }
208 | }
209 | }
210 | else{
211 | /*Dealing with dense matrix: recover pointer and size: */
212 | mxmatrix_ptr=mxGetChars(mxmatrix);
213 |
214 | /*Create serial matrix: */
215 | matrix=xNew<char>(numel+1);
216 | matrix[numel]='\0';
217 |
218 | /*looping code adapted from Matlab example explore.c: */
219 | int elements_per_page = size[0] * size[1];
220 | /* total_number_of_pages = size[2] x size[3] x ... x size[N-1] */
221 | int total_number_of_pages = 1;
222 | for (i=2; i<ndims; i++) {
223 | total_number_of_pages *= size[i];
224 | }
225 |
226 | i=0;
227 | for (int page=0; page < total_number_of_pages; page++) {
228 | int row;
229 | /* On each page, walk through each row. */
230 | for (row=0; row<size[0]; row++) {
231 | int column;
232 | j = (page * elements_per_page) + row;
233 |
234 | /* Walk along each column in the current row. */
235 | for (column=0; column<size[1]; column++) {
236 | *(matrix+i++)=(char)*(mxmatrix_ptr+j);
237 | j += size[0];
238 | }
239 | }
240 | }
241 | }
242 |
243 | /*Assign output pointer: */
244 | *pmatrix = matrix;
245 | *pmatrix_numel = numel;
246 | *pmatrix_ndims = ndims;
247 | *pmatrix_size = size;
248 |
249 | return 1;
250 | }
251 | /*}}}*/