1 | /*!\file Profiler.c
2 | * \brief: implementation of the Profiler object
3 | */
4 |
5 | /*Include files: {{{*/
6 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
7 | #include <config.h>
8 | #else
9 | #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
10 | #endif
11 |
12 | #include "./Profiler.h"
13 | #include "./Params/DoubleParam.h"
14 | /*}}}*/
15 |
16 | /*Profiler constructors and destructors:*/
17 | /*FUNCTION Profiler::Profiler() default constructor {{{*/
18 | Profiler::Profiler(){
19 | this->time=new Parameters();
20 | this->flops=new Parameters();
21 | this->memory=new Parameters();
22 | }
23 | /*}}}*/
24 | /*FUNCTION Profiler::~Profiler(){{{*/
25 | Profiler::~Profiler(){
26 | delete time;
27 | delete flops;
28 | delete memory;
29 | }
30 | /*}}}*/
31 |
32 | /*Object virtual functions definitions:*/
33 | /*FUNCTION Profiler::Echo{{{*/
34 | void Profiler::Echo(void){
35 |
36 | _printLine_("Profiler:");
37 | _printLine_(" time tags: ");
38 | this->time->Echo();
39 |
40 | }
41 | /*}}}*/
42 | /*FUNCTION Profiler::DeepEcho{{{*/
43 | void Profiler::DeepEcho(void){
44 |
45 | _printLine_("Profiler:");
46 | _printLine_(" time tags: ");
47 | this->time->DeepEcho();
48 |
49 | }
50 | /*}}}*/
51 | /*FUNCTION Profiler::Id{{{*/
52 | int Profiler::Id(void){ return -1; }
53 | /*}}}*/
54 | /*FUNCTION Profiler::ObjectEnum{{{*/
55 | int Profiler::ObjectEnum(void){
56 |
57 | return ProfilerEnum;
58 |
59 | }
60 | /*}}}*/
61 |
62 | /*Profiler routines:*/
63 | /*FUNCTION Profiler::Tag {{{*/
64 | void Profiler::Tag(int tagenum,bool dontmpisync){
65 |
66 | IssmDouble t;
67 | IssmDouble f;
68 | IssmDouble m;
69 |
70 | /*If mpisync requested, make sure all the cpus are at the same point
71 | *in the execution: */
72 | if(!dontmpisync){
73 | #ifdef _HAVE_MPI_
74 | MPI_Barrier(IssmComm::GetComm());
75 | #endif
76 | }
77 |
78 | /*Capture time: */
79 | #ifdef _HAVE_MPI_
80 | t=MPI_Wtime();
81 | #else
82 | t=(IssmPDouble)clock();
83 | #endif
84 |
85 | /*Capture flops: */
86 | #ifdef _HAVE_PETSC_
87 | PetscGetFlops(&f);
88 | PetscMemoryGetCurrentUsage(&m);
89 | #else
90 | /*do nothing for now:*/
91 | #endif
92 |
93 | /*Plug into this->time: */
94 | this->time->AddObject(new DoubleParam(tagenum,t));
95 | this->flops->AddObject(new DoubleParam(tagenum,f));
96 | this->memory->AddObject(new DoubleParam(tagenum,m));
97 |
98 | }
99 | /*}}}*/
100 | /*FUNCTION Profiler::DeltaTime {{{*/
101 | IssmDouble Profiler::DeltaTime(int inittag, int finaltag){
102 |
103 | IssmDouble init, final;
104 | this->time->FindParam(&init,inittag);
105 | this->time->FindParam(&final,finaltag);
106 |
107 | #ifdef _HAVE_MPI_
108 | return final-init;
109 | #else
110 | return (final-init)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
111 | #endif
112 | }
113 | /*}}}*/
114 | /*FUNCTION Profiler::DeltaFlops {{{*/
115 | IssmDouble Profiler::DeltaFlops(int inittag, int finaltag){
116 |
117 | IssmDouble init, final;
118 | this->flops->FindParam(&init,inittag);
119 | this->flops->FindParam(&final,finaltag);
120 |
121 | return final-init;
122 | }
123 | /*}}}*/
124 | /*FUNCTION Profiler::DeltaTimeModHour {{{*/
125 | int Profiler::DeltaTimeModHour(int inittag, int finishtag){
126 |
127 | IssmDouble init, finish;
128 | this->time->FindParam(&init,inittag);
129 | this->time->FindParam(&finish,finishtag);
130 |
131 | #ifdef _HAVE_MPI_
132 | return int((reCast<int,IssmDouble>(finish-init))/3600);
133 | #else
134 | return int((reCast<int,IssmDouble>(finish-init))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC/3600);
135 | #endif
136 |
137 | }
138 | /*}}}*/
139 | /*FUNCTION Profiler::DeltaTimeModMin {{{*/
140 | int Profiler::DeltaTimeModMin(int inittag, int finishtag){
141 |
142 | IssmDouble init, finish;
143 | this->time->FindParam(&init,inittag);
144 | this->time->FindParam(&finish,finishtag);
145 |
146 | #ifdef _HAVE_MPI_
147 | return int(int(reCast<int,IssmDouble>(finish-init))%3600/60);
148 | #else
149 | return int(int(reCast<int,IssmDouble>(finish-init))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC%3600/60);
150 | #endif
151 | }
152 | /*}}}*/
153 | /*FUNCTION Profiler::DeltaTimeModSec {{{*/
154 | int Profiler::DeltaTimeModSec(int inittag, int finishtag){
155 |
156 | IssmDouble init, finish;
157 | this->time->FindParam(&init,inittag);
158 | this->time->FindParam(&finish,finishtag);
159 |
160 | #ifdef _HAVE_MPI_
161 | return int(reCast<int,IssmDouble>(finish-init))%60;
162 | #else
163 | return int(reCast<int,IssmDouble>(finish-init))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC%60;
164 | #endif
165 | }
166 | /*}}}*/
167 | /*FUNCTION Profiler::Memory {{{*/
168 | IssmDouble Profiler::Memory(int tag){
169 |
170 | IssmDouble m;
171 | this->memory->FindParam(&m,tag);
172 |
173 | return m;
174 | }
175 | /*}}}*/