source: issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/objects/Inputs/IntInput.h@ 12822

Last change on this file since 12822 was 12704, checked in by Mathieu Morlighem, 13 years ago

merged trunk and trunk-jpl

File size: 4.0 KB
1/*! \file IntInput.h
2 * \brief: header file for triavertexinput object
3 */
6#ifndef _INTINPUT_H_
7#define _INTINPUT_H_
11#include "./Input.h"
12#include "../../include/include.h"
13class GaussTria;
16class IntInput: public Input{
18 public:
19 /*just hold 3 values for 3 vertices: */
20 int enum_type;
21 IssmInt value;
23 /*IntInput constructors, destructors: {{{*/
24 IntInput();
25 IntInput(int enum_type,IssmInt value);
26 ~IntInput();
27 /*}}}*/
28 /*Object virtual functions definitions:{{{ */
29 void Echo();
30 void DeepEcho();
31 int Id();
32 int MyRank();
33 int ObjectEnum();
34 Object* copy();
35 /*}}}*/
36 /*IntInput management: {{{*/
37 int InstanceEnum();
38 Input* SpawnTriaInput(int* indices);
39 Input* PointwiseDivide(Input* inputB){_error2_("not implemented yet");};
40 Input* PointwiseMin(Input* inputB){_error2_("not implemented yet");};
41 Input* PointwiseMax(Input* inputB){_error2_("not implemented yet");};
42 ElementResult* SpawnResult(int step, IssmDouble time);
43 void AddTimeValues(IssmDouble* values,int step,IssmDouble time){_error2_("not supported yet");};
44 void Configure(Parameters* parameters);
45 /*}}}*/
46 /*numerics: {{{*/
47 void GetInputValue(bool* pvalue);
48 void GetInputValue(int* pvalue);
49 void GetInputValue(IssmDouble* pvalue);
50 void GetInputValue(IssmDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss);
51 void GetInputValue(IssmDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss);
52 void GetInputValue(IssmDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss,IssmDouble time){_error2_("not implemented yet");};
53 void GetInputValue(IssmDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss,IssmDouble time){_error2_("not implemented yet");};
54 void GetInputValue(IssmDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss ,int index){_error2_("not implemented yet");};
55 void GetInputValue(IssmDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss ,int index){_error2_("not implemented yet");};
56 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmDouble* derivativevalues, IssmDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss);
57 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmDouble* derivativevalues, IssmDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss);
58 void GetInputAverage(IssmDouble* pvalue){_error2_("not implemented yet");};
59 void GetVxStrainRate2d(IssmDouble* epsilonvx,IssmDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");};
60 void GetVyStrainRate2d(IssmDouble* epsilonvy,IssmDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");};
61 void GetVxStrainRate3d(IssmDouble* epsilonvx,IssmDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");};
62 void GetVyStrainRate3d(IssmDouble* epsilonvy,IssmDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");};
63 void GetVzStrainRate3d(IssmDouble* epsilonvz,IssmDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");};
64 void GetVxStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmDouble* epsilonvx,IssmDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");};
65 void GetVyStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmDouble* epsilonvy,IssmDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");};
66 void ChangeEnum(int newenumtype);
67 void SquareMin(IssmDouble* psquaremin, bool process_units,Parameters* parameters);
68 void ConstrainMin(IssmDouble minimum){_error2_("not implemented yet");};
69 void Scale(IssmDouble scale_factor);
70 void ArtificialNoise(IssmDouble min,IssmDouble max){_error2_("not implemented yet");};
71 void AXPY(Input* xinput,IssmDouble scalar);
72 void Constrain(IssmDouble cm_min, IssmDouble cm_max);
73 IssmDouble InfinityNorm(void){_error2_("InfinityNorm not implemented for integers");};
74 IssmDouble Max(void){_error2_("Max not implemented for integers");};
75 IssmDouble MaxAbs(void){_error2_("Max not implemented for integers");};
76 IssmDouble Min(void){_error2_("Min not implemented for integers");};
77 IssmDouble MinAbs(void){_error2_("Min not implemented for integers");};
78 void Extrude(void){_error2_("not supported yet");};
79 void VerticallyIntegrate(Input* thickness_input){_error2_("not supported yet");};
80 void GetVectorFromInputs(Vector* vector,int* doflist);
81 void GetValuesPtr(IssmDouble** pvalues,int* pnum_values);
82 /*}}}*/
85#endif /* _INTINPUT_H */
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