1 |
2 | #ifndef _COVERTREE_H
3 | #define _COVERTREE_H
4 |
5 | #include <map>
6 | class Observation;
7 |
8 | class Covertree{
9 |
10 | /* Cover tree node. Consists of arbitrarily many points P, as long as they
11 | * have distance 0 to each other. Keeps track of its children. */
12 | class CoverTreeNode{
13 | private:
14 | //_childMap[i] is a vector of the node's children at level i
15 | std::map<int,std::vector<CoverTreeNode*> > _childMap;
16 | //_observations is all of the points with distance 0 which are not equal.
17 | std::vector<Observation> _observations;
18 | public:
19 | CoverTreeNode(const Observation& o);
20 | /**
21 | * Returns the children of the node at level i. Note that this means
22 | * the children exist in cover set i-1, not level i.
23 | *
24 | * Does not include the node itself, though technically every node
25 | * has itself as a child in a cover tree.
26 | */
27 | std::vector<CoverTreeNode*> getChildren(int level) const;
28 | void addChild(int level, CoverTreeNode* p);
29 | void removeChild(int level, CoverTreeNode* p);
30 | void addObservation(const Observation& o);
31 | void removeObservation(const Observation& o);
32 | const std::vector<Observation>& getObservations() { return _observations; }
33 | double distance(const CoverTreeNode& p) const;
34 | bool isSingle() const;
35 | bool hasObservation(const Observation& o) const;
36 | const Observation& getObservation() const;
37 |
38 | /**
39 | * Return every child of the node from any level. This is handy for
40 | * the destructor.
41 | */
42 | std::vector<CoverTreeNode*> getAllChildren() const;
43 | }; // CoverTreeNode class
44 | private:
45 | typedef std::pair<double, CoverTreeNode*> distNodePair;
46 |
47 | CoverTreeNode *_root;
48 | unsigned int _numNodes;
49 | int _maxLevel; //base^_maxLevel should be the max distance
50 | //between any 2 points
51 | int _minLevel; //A level beneath which there are no more new nodes.
52 |
53 | std::vector<CoverTreeNode*> kNearestNodes(const Observation& o, const unsigned int& k) const;
54 | /**
55 | * Recursive implementation of the insert algorithm (see paper).
56 | */
57 | bool insert_rec(const Observation& p, const std::vector<distNodePair>& Qi,const int& level);
58 |
59 | /* Finds the node in Q with the minimum distance to p. Returns a pair
60 | * consisting of this node and the distance. */
61 | distNodePair distance(const Observation& p,const std::vector<CoverTreeNode*>& Q);
62 |
63 |
64 | void remove_rec(const Observation& p, std::map<int,std::vector<distNodePair> >& coverSets, int level, bool& multi);
65 |
66 | public:
67 | double base;
68 |
69 | /**
70 | * Constructs a cover tree which begins with all points in points.
71 | *
72 | * maxDist should be the maximum distance that any two points
73 | * can have between each other. IE p.distance(q) < maxDist for all
74 | * p,q that you will ever try to insert. The cover tree may be invalid
75 | * if an inaccurate maxDist is given.
76 | */
77 |
78 | Covertree(int maxDist,const std::vector<Observation>& points=std::vector<Observation>());
79 | ~Covertree();
80 |
81 | /**
82 | * Just for testing/debugging. Returns true iff the cover tree satisfies the
83 | * the covering tree invariants (every node in level i is greater than base^i
84 | * distance from every other node, and every node in level i is less than
85 | * or equal to base^i distance from its children). See the cover tree
86 | * papers for details.
87 | */
88 | bool isValidTree() const;
89 |
90 | /**
91 | * Insert newPoint into the cover tree. If newPoint is already present,
92 | * (that is, newPoint==p for some p already in the tree), then the tree
93 | * is unchanged. If p.distance(newPoint)==0.0 but newPoint!=p, then
94 | * newPoint WILL be inserted and both points may be returned in k-nearest-
95 | * neighbor searches.
96 | */
97 | void insert(const Observation& newObservation);
98 |
99 | /**
100 | * Remove point p from the cover tree. If p is not present in the tree,
101 | * it will remain unchanged. Otherwise, this will remove exactly one
102 | * point q from the tree satisfying p==q.
103 | */
104 | void remove(const Observation& p);
105 |
106 | /**
107 | * Returns the k nearest points to p in order (the 0th element of the vector
108 | * is closest to p, 1th is next, etc). It may return greater than k points
109 | * if there is a tie for the kth place.
110 | */
111 | std::vector<Observation> kNearestNeighbors(const Observation& p, const unsigned int& k) const;
112 |
113 | int get_numberofobs();
114 |
115 | CoverTreeNode* getRoot() const;
116 |
117 | /**
118 | * Print the cover tree.
119 | */
120 | void print() const;
121 | };
122 | #endif //_COVERTREE_H