[3683] | 1 | /*!\file: Element.h
| 2 | * \brief abstract class for Element object
| 3 | * This class is a place holder for the Tria and the Penta elements.
| 4 | * It is derived from Element, so DataSets can contain them.
| 5 | */
| 6 |
| 7 | #ifndef _ELEMENT_H_
| 8 | #define _ELEMENT_H_
| 9 |
| 10 | /*Headers:*/
[12365] | 11 | /*{{{*/
[15067] | 12 | #include "../../datastructures/datastructures.h"
[16789] | 13 | #include "../../toolkits/toolkits.h"
[15012] | 14 | #include "../Update.h"
[3683] | 15 | class DataSet;
| 16 | class Parameters;
[16912] | 17 | class Parameter;
[14996] | 18 | class Elements;
| 19 | class Loads;
[16912] | 20 | class Nodes;
[14996] | 21 | class Node;
| 22 | class Vertices;
[16912] | 23 | class Vertex;
[14996] | 24 | class Materials;
[16912] | 25 | class Material;
[16693] | 26 | class Matpar;
[16912] | 27 | class Inputs;
[16675] | 28 | class Input;
| 29 | class Gauss;
[16799] | 30 | class ElementVector;
[13216] | 31 | template <class doublematrix> class Matrix;
| 32 | template <class doubletype> class Vector;
[16789] | 33 | class ElementMatrix;
| 34 | class ElementVector;
[3683] | 35 | /*}}}*/
| 36 |
[4244] | 37 | class Element: public Object,public Update{
[3683] | 38 |
[16910] | 39 | public:
[17516] | 40 | int id;
| 41 | int sid;
[16912] | 42 | Inputs *inputs;
| 43 | Node **nodes;
| 44 | Vertex **vertices;
| 45 | Material *material;
| 46 | Matpar *matpar;
| 47 | Parameters *parameters;
[16910] | 48 |
[18078] | 49 | int* element_type_list;
| 50 | int element_type;
| 51 |
[3683] | 52 | public:
[16910] | 53 | /*Constructors/Destructores*/
| 54 | Element();
| 55 | ~Element();
[13623] | 56 |
[16910] | 57 | /*Functions*/
[18913] | 58 | void AddInput(Input* input_in);
| 59 | /*bool AllActive(void);*/
| 60 | /*bool AnyActive(void);*/
[20678] | 61 | void ComputeLambdaS(void);
[18913] | 62 | void ComputeNewDamage();
| 63 | void ComputeStrainRate();
| 64 | void CoordinateSystemTransform(IssmDouble** ptransform,Node** nodes,int numnodes,int* cs_array);
| 65 | void DeepEcho();
| 66 | void DeleteInput(int input_enum);
| 67 | void DeleteMaterials(void);
[19237] | 68 | void Delta18oParameterization(void);
| 69 | void Delta18opdParameterization(void);
[18913] | 70 | IssmDouble Divergence(void);
| 71 | void dViscositydBFS(IssmDouble* pdmudB,int dim,IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss,Input* vx_input,Input* vy_input,Input* vz_input);
| 72 | void dViscositydBHO(IssmDouble* pdmudB,int dim,IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss,Input* vx_input,Input* vy_input);
| 73 | void dViscositydBSSA(IssmDouble* pdmudB,int dim,IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss,Input* vx_input,Input* vy_input);
| 74 | void dViscositydDSSA(IssmDouble* pdmudB,int dim,IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss,Input* vx_input,Input* vy_input);
[20810] | 75 | void Echo();
[18913] | 76 | IssmDouble EnthalpyDiffusionParameter(IssmDouble enthalpy,IssmDouble pressure);
| 77 | IssmDouble EnthalpyDiffusionParameterVolume(int numvertices,IssmDouble* enthalpy,IssmDouble* pressure);
| 78 | void EnthalpyToThermal(IssmDouble* ptemperature,IssmDouble* pwaterfraction,IssmDouble enthalpy,IssmDouble pressure);
| 79 | void FindParam(bool* pvalue,int paramenum);
| 80 | void FindParam(int* pvalue,int paramenum);
| 81 | void FindParam(IssmDouble* pvalue,int paramenum);
| 82 | void FindParam(int** pvalues,int* psize,int paramenum);
[21811] | 83 | IssmDouble FloatingArea(IssmDouble* mask);
[18913] | 84 | void GetDofList(int** pdoflist,int approximation_enum,int setenum);
| 85 | void GetDofListPressure(int** pdoflist,int setenum);
| 86 | void GetDofListVelocity(int** pdoflist,int setenum);
| 87 | Input* GetInput(int inputenum);
| 88 | void GetInputListOnNodes(IssmDouble* pvalue,int enumtype);
| 89 | void GetInputListOnNodes(IssmDouble* pvalue,int enumtype,IssmDouble defaultvalue);
| 90 | void GetInputListOnNodesVelocity(IssmDouble* pvalue,int enumtype);
| 91 | void GetInputListOnVertices(IssmDouble* pvalue,int enumtype);
| 92 | void GetInputListOnVertices(IssmDouble* pvalue,int enumtype,IssmDouble defaultvalue);
| 93 | void GetInputLocalMinMaxOnNodes(IssmDouble* min,IssmDouble* max,IssmDouble* ug);
| 94 | void GetInputValue(bool* pvalue,int enum_type);
| 95 | void GetInputValue(int* pvalue,int enum_type);
| 96 | void GetInputValue(IssmDouble* pvalue,int enum_type);
| 97 | void GetInputValue(IssmDouble* pvalue,Gauss* gauss,int enum_type);
[21514] | 98 | void GetInputsInterpolations(Vector<IssmDouble>* interps);
[18913] | 99 | IssmDouble GetMaterialParameter(int enum_in);
[22012] | 100 | int GetIntegerMaterialParameter(int enum_in);
[18913] | 101 | void GetNodesLidList(int* lidlist);
| 102 | void GetNodesSidList(int* sidlist);
| 103 | void GetPhi(IssmDouble* phi, IssmDouble* epsilon, IssmDouble viscosity);
[21886] | 104 | void GetSolutionFromInputsOneDof(Vector<IssmDouble>* solution,int solutionenum);
[19094] | 105 | void GetVectorFromInputs(Vector<IssmDouble>* vector, int name_enum, int type);
[18913] | 106 | void GetVertexPidList(int* pidlist);
| 107 | void GetVerticesConnectivityList(int* connectivitylist);
| 108 | void GetVerticesCoordinates(IssmDouble** xyz_list);
| 109 | void GetVerticesSidList(int* sidlist);
| 110 | IssmDouble GetXcoord(IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss);
| 111 | IssmDouble GetYcoord(IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss);
| 112 | IssmDouble GetZcoord(IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss);
| 113 | void GradientIndexing(int* indexing,int control_index,bool onsid=false);
[21808] | 114 | IssmDouble GroundedArea(IssmDouble* mask);
[18913] | 115 | bool HasNodeOnBase();
| 116 | bool HasNodeOnSurface();
[21808] | 117 | IssmDouble IceMass();
| 118 | IssmDouble IceMass(IssmDouble* mask);
| 119 | IssmDouble IceVolume(IssmDouble* mask);
| 120 | IssmDouble IceVolumeAboveFloatation(IssmDouble* mask);
[18913] | 121 | int Id();
| 122 | void InputChangeName(int enum_type,int enum_type_old);
| 123 | void InputCreate(IssmDouble* vector,IoModel* iomodel,int M,int N,int vector_type,int vector_enum,int code);
| 124 | void InputDuplicate(int original_enum,int new_enum);
| 125 | void InputUpdateFromConstant(IssmDouble constant, int name);
| 126 | void InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name);
| 127 | void InputUpdateFromConstant(bool constant, int name);
| 128 | bool IsFloating();
| 129 | bool IsIceInElement();
[20810] | 130 | bool IsInput(int name);
| 131 | bool IsLandInElement();
[19984] | 132 | bool IsWaterInElement();
[18913] | 133 | void LinearFloatingiceMeltingRate();
[20020] | 134 | void MantlePlumeGeothermalFlux();
[19395] | 135 | void MarshallElement(char** pmarshalled_data,int* pmarshalled_data_size, int marshall_direction,int numanalyses);
[18913] | 136 | void MigrateGroundingLine(IssmDouble* sheet_ungrounding);
[19479] | 137 | void MismipFloatingiceMeltingRate();
[20810] | 138 | void MungsmtpParameterization(void);
[18913] | 139 | ElementMatrix* NewElementMatrix(int approximation_enum=NoneApproximationEnum);
| 140 | ElementMatrix* NewElementMatrixCoupling(int number_nodes,int approximation_enum=NoneApproximationEnum);
| 141 | ElementVector* NewElementVector(int approximation_enum=NoneApproximationEnum);
[19237] | 142 | void PositiveDegreeDay(IssmDouble* pdds,IssmDouble* pds,IssmDouble signorm,bool ismungsm);
[18913] | 143 | IssmDouble PureIceEnthalpy(IssmDouble pressure);
[19554] | 144 | void ResultInterpolation(int* pinterpolation,int*nodesperelement,int* parray_size, int output_enum);
[18913] | 145 | void ResultToPatch(IssmDouble* values,int nodesperelement,int output_enum);
[19554] | 146 | void ResultToMatrix(IssmDouble* values,int ncols,int output_enum);
[18913] | 147 | void ResultToVector(Vector<IssmDouble>* vector,int output_enum);
| 148 | void SetwiseNodeConnectivity(int* d_nz,int* o_nz,Node* node,bool* flags,int* flagsindices,int set1_enum,int set2_enum);
| 149 | int Sid();
[19554] | 150 | void SmbGemb();
[21620] | 151 | void StrainRateESA(IssmDouble* epsilon,IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss,Input* vx_input,Input* vy_input);
[18913] | 152 | void StrainRateFS(IssmDouble* epsilon,IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss,Input* vx_input,Input* vy_input,Input* vz_input);
| 153 | void StrainRateHO(IssmDouble* epsilon,IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss,Input* vx_input,Input* vy_input);
| 154 | void StrainRateHO2dvertical(IssmDouble* epsilon,IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss,Input* vx_input,Input* vy_input);
| 155 | void StrainRateSSA(IssmDouble* epsilon,IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss,Input* vx_input,Input* vy_input);
| 156 | void StrainRateSSA1d(IssmDouble* epsilon,IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss,Input* vx_input);
| 157 | void StressMaxPrincipalCreateInput(void);
| 158 | void ThermalToEnthalpy(IssmDouble* penthalpy,IssmDouble temperature,IssmDouble waterfraction,IssmDouble pressure);
| 159 | IssmDouble TMeltingPoint(IssmDouble pressure);
[21808] | 160 | IssmDouble TotalFloatingBmb(IssmDouble* mask);
| 161 | IssmDouble TotalGroundedBmb(IssmDouble* mask);
| 162 | IssmDouble TotalSmb(IssmDouble* mask);
[18913] | 163 | void TransformInvStiffnessMatrixCoord(ElementMatrix* Ke,int cs_enum);
| 164 | void TransformInvStiffnessMatrixCoord(ElementMatrix* Ke,Node** nodes,int numnodes,int cs_enum);
| 165 | void TransformInvStiffnessMatrixCoord(ElementMatrix* Ke,Node** nodes,int numnodes,int* cs_array);
| 166 | void TransformLoadVectorCoord(ElementVector* pe,int cs_enum);
| 167 | void TransformLoadVectorCoord(ElementVector* pe,int* cs_array);
| 168 | void TransformLoadVectorCoord(ElementVector* pe,Node** nodes,int numnodes,int cs_enum);
| 169 | void TransformLoadVectorCoord(ElementVector* pe,Node** nodes,int numnodes,int* cs_array);
| 170 | void TransformLoadVectorCoord(ElementVector* pe,int numnodes,int transformenum){_error_("not implemented yet");};/*Tiling only*/
| 171 | void TransformLoadVectorCoord(ElementVector* pe,int numnodes,int* transformenum_list){_error_("not implemented yet");};/*Tiling only*/
| 172 | void TransformSolutionCoord(IssmDouble* solution,int cs_enum);
| 173 | void TransformSolutionCoord(IssmDouble* solution,int* cs_array);
| 174 | void TransformSolutionCoord(IssmDouble* solution,int numnodes,int cs_enum);
| 175 | void TransformSolutionCoord(IssmDouble* solution,int numnodes,int* cs_array);
| 176 | void TransformSolutionCoord(IssmDouble* solution,Node** nodes,int numnodes,int cs_enum);
| 177 | void TransformSolutionCoord(IssmDouble* solution,Node** nodes,int numnodes,int* cs_array);
| 178 | void TransformStiffnessMatrixCoord(ElementMatrix* Ke,int cs_enum);
| 179 | void TransformStiffnessMatrixCoord(ElementMatrix* Ke,int* cs_array);
| 180 | void TransformStiffnessMatrixCoord(ElementMatrix* Ke,Node** nodes,int numnodes,int cs_enum);
| 181 | void TransformStiffnessMatrixCoord(ElementMatrix* Ke,Node** nodes,int numnodes,int* cs_array);
| 182 | void TransformStiffnessMatrixCoord(ElementMatrix* Ke,int numnodes,int* transformenum_list){_error_("not implemented yet");};/*Tiling only*/
| 183 | void ViscousHeatingCreateInput(void);
[13623] | 184 |
[16910] | 185 | /*Virtual functions*/
[16912] | 186 | virtual void AddBasalInput(int input_enum, IssmDouble* values, int interpolation_enum)=0;
| 187 | virtual void AddInput(int input_enum, IssmDouble* values, int interpolation_enum)=0;
[18913] | 188 | virtual void AverageOntoPartition(Vector<IssmDouble>* partition_contributions,Vector<IssmDouble>* partition_areas,IssmDouble* vertex_response,IssmDouble* qmu_part)=0;
[21721] | 189 | virtual void BasalNodeIndices(int* pnumindices,int** pindices,int finiteelement){_error_("not implemented yet");};
[20810] | 190 | virtual void CalvingRateDev(void){_error_("not implemented yet");};
[18913] | 191 | virtual void CalvingRateLevermann(void)=0;
[16832] | 192 | virtual IssmDouble CharacteristicLength(void)=0;
[18913] | 193 | virtual void ComputeBasalStress(Vector<IssmDouble>* sigma_b)=0;
| 194 | virtual void ComputeDeviatoricStressTensor(void)=0;
| 195 | virtual void ComputeSigmaNN(void)=0;
| 196 | virtual void ComputeStressTensor(void)=0;
[21620] | 197 | virtual void ComputeEsaStrainAndVorticity(void)=0;
[16912] | 198 | virtual void Configure(Elements* elements,Loads* loads,Nodes* nodes,Vertices* vertices,Materials* materials,Parameters* parameters)=0;
[18913] | 199 | virtual void ControlInputSetGradient(IssmDouble* gradient,int enum_type,int control_index)=0;
| 200 | virtual void ControlToVectors(Vector<IssmPDouble>* vector_control, Vector<IssmPDouble>* vector_gradient,int control_enum)=0;
| 201 | virtual void ElementResponse(IssmDouble* presponse,int response_enum)=0;
| 202 | virtual void ElementSizes(IssmDouble* phx,IssmDouble* phy,IssmDouble* phz)=0;
| 203 | virtual int FiniteElement(void)=0;
[19764] | 204 | virtual IssmDouble FloatingArea(void)=0;
[18913] | 205 | virtual void FSContactMigration(Vector<IssmDouble>* vertexgrounded,Vector<IssmDouble>* vertexfloating)=0;
| 206 | virtual Element* GetBasalElement(void)=0;
| 207 | virtual int GetElementType(void)=0;
| 208 | virtual void GetGroundedPart(int* point1,IssmDouble* fraction1,IssmDouble* fraction2, bool* mainlyfloating)=0;
| 209 | virtual IssmDouble GetGroundedPortion(IssmDouble* xyz_list)=0;
| 210 | virtual void GetIcefrontCoordinates(IssmDouble** pxyz_front,IssmDouble* xyz_list,int levelsetenum)=0;
| 211 | virtual void GetInputValue(IssmDouble* pvalue,Node* node,int enumtype)=0;
| 212 | virtual void GetLevelCoordinates(IssmDouble** pxyz_front,IssmDouble* xyz_list,int levelsetenum,IssmDouble level)=0;
| 213 | virtual void GetLevelsetPositivePart(int* point1,IssmDouble* fraction1,IssmDouble* fraction2, bool* mainlynegative,IssmDouble* levelsetvalues)=0;
| 214 | virtual Node* GetNode(int node_number)=0;
| 215 | virtual int GetNodeIndex(Node* node)=0;
| 216 | virtual int GetNumberOfNodes(void)=0;
| 217 | virtual int GetNumberOfNodes(int enum_type)=0;
| 218 | virtual int GetNumberOfVertices(void)=0;
| 219 | virtual void GetVectorFromControlInputs(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_enum,int control_index,const char* data,bool onsid)=0;
| 220 | virtual void GetVerticesCoordinatesBase(IssmDouble** xyz_list)=0;
| 221 | virtual void GetVerticesCoordinatesTop(IssmDouble** xyz_list)=0;
[19518] | 222 | virtual IssmDouble GroundedArea(void)=0;
[18913] | 223 | virtual IssmDouble IceVolume(void)=0;
| 224 | virtual IssmDouble IceVolumeAboveFloatation(void)=0;
| 225 | virtual void InputDepthAverageAtBase(int enum_type,int average_enum_type)=0;
| 226 | virtual void InputExtrude(int input_enum,int start)=0;
| 227 | virtual void InputUpdateFromSolutionOneDofCollapsed(IssmDouble* solution,int inputenum)=0;
| 228 | virtual void InputUpdateFromSolutionOneDof(IssmDouble* solution,int inputenum)=0;
| 229 | virtual bool IsFaceOnBoundary(void)=0;
| 230 | virtual bool IsIcefront(void)=0;
| 231 | virtual bool IsNodeOnShelfFromFlags(IssmDouble* flags)=0;
| 232 | virtual bool IsOnBase()=0;
| 233 | virtual bool IsOnSurface()=0;
| 234 | virtual bool IsZeroLevelset(int levelset_enum)=0;
| 235 | virtual void JacobianDeterminant(IssmDouble* Jdet, IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss)=0;
| 236 | virtual void JacobianDeterminantBase(IssmDouble* Jdet,IssmDouble* xyz_list_base,Gauss* gauss)=0;
| 237 | virtual void JacobianDeterminantLine(IssmDouble* Jdet, IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss)=0;
| 238 | virtual void JacobianDeterminantSurface(IssmDouble* Jdet, IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss)=0;
| 239 | virtual void JacobianDeterminantTop(IssmDouble* Jdet,IssmDouble* xyz_list_base,Gauss* gauss)=0;
[19395] | 240 | virtual void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_data,int* pmarshalled_data_size, int marshall_direction)=0;
[18913] | 241 | virtual IssmDouble Masscon(IssmDouble* levelset)=0;
| 242 | virtual IssmDouble MassFlux(IssmDouble* segment)=0;
| 243 | virtual IssmDouble MassFlux(IssmDouble x1,IssmDouble y1, IssmDouble x2, IssmDouble y2,int segment_id)=0;
| 244 | virtual IssmDouble MinEdgeLength(IssmDouble* xyz_list)=0;
| 245 | virtual IssmDouble Misfit(int modelenum,int observationenum,int weightsenum)=0;
| 246 | virtual IssmDouble MisfitArea(int weightsenum)=0;
| 247 | virtual Gauss* NewGauss(void)=0;
| 248 | virtual Gauss* NewGauss(int order)=0;
| 249 | virtual Gauss* NewGauss(IssmDouble* xyz_list, IssmDouble* xyz_list_front,int order)=0;
| 250 | virtual Gauss* NewGauss(IssmDouble* xyz_list, IssmDouble* xyz_list_front,int order_horiz,int order_vert)=0;
| 251 | virtual Gauss* NewGauss(int point1,IssmDouble fraction1,IssmDouble fraction2,bool mainlyfloating,int order)=0;
[21892] | 252 | virtual Gauss* NewGauss(int point1,IssmDouble fraction1,IssmDouble fraction2,int order)=0;
[18913] | 253 | virtual Gauss* NewGaussBase(int order)=0;
| 254 | virtual Gauss* NewGaussLine(int vertex1,int vertex2,int order)=0;
| 255 | virtual Gauss* NewGaussTop(int order)=0;
| 256 | virtual void NodalFunctions(IssmDouble* basis,Gauss* gauss)=0;
| 257 | virtual void NodalFunctionsDerivatives(IssmDouble* dbasis,IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss)=0;
| 258 | virtual void NodalFunctionsDerivativesVelocity(IssmDouble* dbasis,IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss)=0;
| 259 | virtual void NodalFunctionsMINIDerivatives(IssmDouble* dbasis,IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss)=0;
| 260 | virtual void NodalFunctionsPressure(IssmDouble* basis, Gauss* gauss)=0;
| 261 | virtual void NodalFunctionsP1(IssmDouble* basis,Gauss* gauss)=0;
| 262 | virtual void NodalFunctionsP1Derivatives(IssmDouble* dbasis,IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss)=0;
| 263 | virtual void NodalFunctionsP2(IssmDouble* basis,Gauss* gauss)=0;
| 264 | virtual void NodalFunctionsVelocity(IssmDouble* basis, Gauss* gauss)=0;
| 265 | virtual void NodalFunctionsTensor(IssmDouble* basis, Gauss* gauss)=0;
| 266 | virtual int NodalValue(IssmDouble* pvalue, int index, int natureofdataenum)=0;
| 267 | virtual void NormalBase(IssmDouble* normal,IssmDouble* xyz_list)=0;
| 268 | virtual void NormalSection(IssmDouble* normal,IssmDouble* xyz_list)=0;
| 269 | virtual void NormalTop(IssmDouble* normal,IssmDouble* xyz_list)=0;
| 270 | virtual int NumberofNodesPressure(void)=0;
| 271 | virtual int NumberofNodesVelocity(void)=0;
| 272 | virtual void PotentialUngrounding(Vector<IssmDouble>* potential_sheet_ungrounding)=0;
| 273 | virtual int PressureInterpolation()=0;
| 274 | virtual void ReduceMatrices(ElementMatrix* Ke,ElementVector* pe)=0;
| 275 | virtual void ResetFSBasalBoundaryCondition()=0;
| 276 | virtual void ResetHooks()=0;
[20810] | 277 | virtual void ResetLevelsetFromSegmentlist(IssmDouble* segments,int numsegments){_error_("not implemented yet");};
[18913] | 278 | virtual void SetControlInputsFromVector(IssmDouble* vector,int control_enum,int control_index)=0;
[16912] | 279 | virtual void SetCurrentConfiguration(Elements* elements,Loads* loads,Nodes* nodes,Materials* materials,Parameters* parameters)=0;
[18913] | 280 | virtual void SetTemporaryElementType(int element_type_in)=0;
[16721] | 281 | virtual Element* SpawnBasalElement(void)=0;
[17172] | 282 | virtual Element* SpawnTopElement(void)=0;
[16810] | 283 | virtual IssmDouble StabilizationParameter(IssmDouble u, IssmDouble v, IssmDouble w, IssmDouble diameter, IssmDouble kappa)=0;
[18913] | 284 | virtual void StrainRateparallel(void)=0;
| 285 | virtual void StrainRateperpendicular(void)=0;
| 286 | virtual void StressIntensityFactor(void)=0;
| 287 | virtual IssmDouble SurfaceArea(void)=0;
| 288 | virtual int TensorInterpolation()=0;
| 289 | virtual IssmDouble TimeAdapt()=0;
[20209] | 290 | virtual IssmDouble TotalFloatingBmb(void)=0;
| 291 | virtual IssmDouble TotalGroundedBmb(void)=0;
[12773] | 292 | virtual IssmDouble TotalSmb(void)=0;
[18913] | 293 | virtual void Update(int index, IoModel* iomodel,int analysis_counter,int analysis_type,int finite_element)=0;
| 294 | virtual void UpdateConstraintsExtrudeFromBase(void)=0;
| 295 | virtual void UpdateConstraintsExtrudeFromTop(void)=0;
| 296 | virtual int UpdatePotentialUngrounding(IssmDouble* potential_sheet_ungrounding,Vector<IssmDouble>* vec_nodes_on_iceshelf,IssmDouble* nodes_on_iceshelf)=0;
| 297 | virtual void ValueP1DerivativesOnGauss(IssmDouble* dvalue,IssmDouble* values,IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss)=0;
| 298 | virtual void ValueP1OnGauss(IssmDouble* pvalue,IssmDouble* values,Gauss* gauss)=0;
| 299 | virtual int VelocityInterpolation()=0;
| 300 | virtual int VertexConnectivity(int vertexindex)=0;
| 301 | virtual void VerticalSegmentIndices(int** pindices,int* pnumseg)=0;
[21714] | 302 | virtual void VerticalSegmentIndicesBase(int** pindices,int* pnumseg)=0;
[18913] | 303 | virtual void ViscousHeating(IssmDouble* pphi,IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss,Input* vx_input,Input* vy_input,Input* vz_input)=0;
[20810] | 304 | virtual void WriteLevelsetSegment(DataSet* segments){_error_("not implemented yet");};
[18913] | 305 | virtual void ZeroLevelsetCoordinates(IssmDouble** pxyz_zero,IssmDouble* xyz_list,int levelsetenum)=0;
[4055] | 306 |
[21583] | 307 | #ifdef _HAVE_GIAIVINS_
[21578] | 308 | virtual void GiaDeflection(Vector<IssmDouble>* wg,Vector<IssmDouble>* dwgdt,IssmDouble* x,IssmDouble* y)=0;
[14589] | 309 | #endif
[21261] | 310 | #ifdef _HAVE_ESA_
[21272] | 311 | virtual void EsaGeodetic2D(Vector<IssmDouble>* pUp,Vector<IssmDouble>* pNorth,Vector<IssmDouble>* pEast,IssmDouble* xx,IssmDouble* yy)=0;
| 312 | virtual void EsaGeodetic3D(Vector<IssmDouble>* pUp,Vector<IssmDouble>* pNorth,Vector<IssmDouble>* pEast,IssmDouble* latitude,IssmDouble* longitude,IssmDouble* radius,IssmDouble* xx,IssmDouble* yy,IssmDouble* zz,IssmDouble eartharea)=0;
[21261] | 313 | #endif
[19984] | 314 | #ifdef _HAVE_SEALEVELRISE_
[20810] | 315 | virtual IssmDouble GetArea3D(void)=0;
[20871] | 316 | virtual IssmDouble GetAreaSpherical(void)=0;
[20810] | 317 | virtual IssmDouble OceanAverage(IssmDouble* Sg)=0;
| 318 | virtual IssmDouble OceanArea(void)=0;
[21344] | 319 | virtual void SealevelriseMomentOfInertia(IssmDouble* dI_list,IssmDouble* Sg_old,IssmDouble eartharea)=0;
[20007] | 320 | virtual void SealevelriseEustatic(Vector<IssmDouble>* pSgi,IssmDouble* peustatic,IssmDouble* latitude,IssmDouble* longitude,IssmDouble* radius,IssmDouble oceanarea,IssmDouble eartharea)=0;
[21295] | 321 | virtual void SealevelriseNonEustatic(Vector<IssmDouble>* pSgo,IssmDouble* Sg_old,IssmDouble* latitude,IssmDouble* longitude,IssmDouble* radius,IssmDouble eartharea)=0;
| 322 | virtual void SealevelriseGeodetic(Vector<IssmDouble>* pUp,Vector<IssmDouble>* pNorth,Vector<IssmDouble>* pEast,IssmDouble* Sg,IssmDouble* latitude,IssmDouble* longitude,IssmDouble* radius,IssmDouble* xx,IssmDouble* yy,IssmDouble* zz,IssmDouble eartharea)=0;
[19984] | 323 | #endif
| 324 |
[3683] | 325 | };
| 326 | #endif