1 | #include <cstdio>
2 | #include <cstring>
3 | #include <cmath>
4 | #include <ctime>
5 |
6 | #include "./bamgobjects.h"
7 | #include "../shared/shared.h"
8 | #include "./det.h"
9 |
10 | namespace bamg {
11 |
12 | /*Constructor/Destructor*/
13 | BamgVertex::BamgVertex(){ /*{{{*/
14 | this->PreviousNumber = 0;
15 | }/*}}}*/
16 |
17 | /*Methods*/
18 | void BamgVertex::Echo(void){/*{{{*/
19 |
20 | _printf_("Vertex:\n");
21 | _printf_(" integer coordinates i.x: " << i.x << ", i.y: " << i.y << "\n");
22 | _printf_(" Euclidean coordinates r.x: " << r.x << ", r.y: " << r.y << "\n");
23 | _printf_(" ReferenceNumber = " << ReferenceNumber << "\n");
24 | _printf_(" PreviousNumber = " << PreviousNumber << "\n");
25 | m.Echo();
26 |
27 | return;
28 | }
29 | /*}}}*/
30 | int BamgVertex::GetReferenceNumber() const { /*{{{*/
31 | return ReferenceNumber;
32 | }
33 | /*}}}*/
34 | void BamgVertex::MetricFromHessian(const double Hxx,const double Hyx, const double Hyy,const double smin,const double smax,const double s,double err,BamgOpts* bamgopts){/*{{{*/
35 | /*Compute Metric from Hessian*/
36 |
37 | /*get options*/
38 | double power=(bamgopts->power);
39 | double anisomax=(bamgopts->anisomax);
40 | double CutOff=bamgopts->cutoff;
41 | double hmin=(bamgopts->hmin);
42 | double hmax=(bamgopts->hmax);
43 | double coef=bamgopts->coeff;
44 | int Metrictype=(bamgopts->Metrictype);
45 |
46 | /*Intermediary*/
47 | double ci;
48 |
49 | /*compute multiplicative coefficient depending on Metric Type (2/9 because it is 2d)*/
50 |
51 | //Absolute Error
52 | /*
53 | * 2 1
54 | *Metric M = --- ------------ Abs(Hessian)
55 | * 9 err * coeff^2
56 | */
57 | if (Metrictype==0){
58 | ci= 2.0/9.0 * 1/(err*coef*coef);
59 | }
60 |
61 | //Relative Error
62 | /*
63 | * 2 1 Abs(Hessian)
64 | *Metric M = --- ------------ ----------------------
65 | * 9 err * coeff^2 max( |s| , cutoff*max(|s|) )
66 | *
67 | */
68 | else if (Metrictype==1){
69 | ci= 2.0/9.0 * 1/(err*coef*coef) * 1/Max( Abs(s), CutOff*(Max(Abs(smin),Abs(smax))));
70 | }
71 |
72 | //Rescaled absolute error
73 | /*
74 | * 2 1 Abs(Hessian)
75 | *Metric M = --- ------------ ----------------------
76 | * 9 err * coeff^2 (smax-smin)
77 | */
78 | else if (Metrictype==2){
79 | ci= 2.0/9.0 * 1/(err*coef*coef) * 1/(smax-smin);
80 | }
81 | else{
82 | _error_("Metrictype " << Metrictype << " not supported yet (use 0,1 or 2(default))");
83 | }
84 |
85 | //initialize metric Miv with ci*H
86 | Metric Miv(Hxx*ci,Hyx*ci,Hyy*ci);
87 |
88 | //Get eigen values and vectors of Miv
89 | EigenMetric Vp(Miv);
90 |
91 | //move eigen valuse to their absolute values
92 | Vp.Abs();
93 |
94 | //Apply a power if requested by user
95 | if(power!=1.0) Vp.pow(power);
96 |
97 | //modify eigen values according to hmin and hmax
98 | Vp.Maxh(hmax);
99 | Vp.Minh(hmin);
100 |
101 | //Bound anisotropy by 1/(anisomax)^2
102 | Vp.BoundAniso2(1/(anisomax*anisomax));
103 |
104 | //rebuild Metric from Vp
105 | Metric MVp(Vp);
106 |
107 | //Apply Metric to vertex
108 | m.IntersectWith(MVp);
109 |
110 | }
111 | /*}}}*/
112 | long BamgVertex::Optim(int i,int koption){ /*{{{*/
113 | long ret=0;
114 | if ( t && (IndexInTriangle >= 0 ) && (IndexInTriangle <3) ){
115 | ret = t->Optim(IndexInTriangle,koption);
116 | if(!i){
117 | t =0; // for no future optim
118 | IndexInTriangle= 0;
119 | }
120 | }
121 | return ret;
122 | }
123 | /*}}}*/
124 | double BamgVertex::Smoothing(Mesh &Th,const Mesh &BTh,Triangle* &tstart ,double omega){/*{{{*/
125 | /*Original code from Frederic Hecht <hecht@ann.jussieu.fr> (BAMG v1.01, Mesh2.cpp/Smoothing)*/
126 |
127 | BamgVertex* s=this;
128 | BamgVertex &vP = *s,vPsave=vP;
129 |
130 | Triangle* tbegin= t , *tria = t , *ttc;
131 |
132 | int k=0,kk=0,j = EdgesVertexTriangle[IndexInTriangle][0],jc;
133 | R2 P(s->r),PNew(0,0);
134 | do {
135 | k++;
136 |
137 | if (!tria->Hidden(j)){
138 | BamgVertex &vQ = (*tria)[VerticesOfTriangularEdge[j][0]];
139 |
140 | R2 Q = vQ,QP(P-Q);
141 | double lQP = LengthInterpole(vP,vQ,QP);
142 | PNew += Q+QP/Max(lQP,1e-20);
143 | kk ++;
144 | }
145 | ttc = tria->TriangleAdj(j);
146 | jc = NextEdge[tria->NuEdgeTriangleAdj(j)];
147 | tria = ttc;
148 | j = NextEdge[jc];
149 | if (k>=2000){
150 | _error_("k>=2000 (Maximum number of iterations reached)");
151 | }
152 | } while ( tbegin != tria);
153 | if (kk<4) return 0;
154 | PNew = PNew/(double)kk;
155 | R2 Xmove((PNew-P)*omega);
156 | PNew = P+Xmove;
157 | double delta=Norme2_2(Xmove);
158 |
159 | Icoor2 deta[3];
160 | I2 IBTh = BTh.R2ToI2(PNew);
161 |
162 | tstart=BTh.TriangleFindFromCoord(IBTh,deta,tstart);
163 |
164 | if (tstart->det <0){ // outside
165 | double ba,bb;
166 | AdjacentTriangle edge= CloseBoundaryEdge(IBTh,tstart,ba,bb) ;
167 | tstart = edge;
168 | vP.m= Metric(ba,*edge.EdgeVertex(0),bb,*edge.EdgeVertex(1));
169 | }
170 | else { // inside
171 | double aa[3];
172 | double s = deta[0]+deta[1]+deta[2];
173 | aa[0]=deta[0]/s;
174 | aa[1]=deta[1]/s;
175 | aa[2]=deta[2]/s;
176 | vP.m = Metric(aa,(*tstart)[0],(*tstart)[1],(*tstart)[2]);
177 | }
178 |
179 | // recompute the det of the triangle
180 | vP.r = PNew;
181 |
182 | vP.i = Th.R2ToI2(PNew);
183 |
184 | BamgVertex vPnew = vP;
185 |
186 | int ok=1;
187 | int loop=1;
188 | k=0;
189 | while (ok){
190 | ok =0;
191 | do {
192 | k++;
193 | double detold = tria->det;
194 | tria->det = bamg::det( (*tria)[0],(*tria)[1] ,(*tria)[2]);
195 | if (loop) {
196 | BamgVertex *v0,*v1,*v2,*v3;
197 | if (tria->det<0) ok =1;
198 | else if ( (double)tria->det < detold/2 ) ok=1;
199 | }
200 | tria->SetUnMarkUnSwap(0);
201 | tria->SetUnMarkUnSwap(1);
202 | tria->SetUnMarkUnSwap(2);
203 | ttc = tria->TriangleAdj(j);
204 | jc = NextEdge[tria->NuEdgeTriangleAdj(j)];
205 | tria = ttc;
206 | j = NextEdge[jc];
207 | if (k>=2000){
208 | _error_("k>=2000");
209 | }
210 | }while ( tbegin != tria);
211 |
212 | if (ok && loop) vP=vPsave; // no move
213 | loop=0;
214 | }
215 | return delta;
216 | }
217 | /*}}}*/
218 | }