1 | #include "./SealevelriseAnalysis.h"
2 | #include <math.h>
3 | #include "../toolkits/toolkits.h"
4 | #include "../classes/classes.h"
5 | #include "../classes/Inputs/TransientInput.h"
6 | #include "../shared/shared.h"
7 | #include "../modules/modules.h"
8 |
9 | /*Model processing*/
10 | void SealevelriseAnalysis::CreateConstraints(Constraints* constraints,IoModel* iomodel){/*{{{*/
11 | /*No constraints*/
12 | }/*}}}*/
13 | void SealevelriseAnalysis::CreateLoads(Loads* loads, IoModel* iomodel){/*{{{*/
14 | /*No loads*/
15 | }/*}}}*/
16 | void SealevelriseAnalysis::CreateNodes(Nodes* nodes,IoModel* iomodel,bool isamr){/*{{{*/
17 | ::CreateNodes(nodes,iomodel,SealevelriseAnalysisEnum,P1Enum);
18 | }/*}}}*/
19 | int SealevelriseAnalysis::DofsPerNode(int** doflist,int domaintype,int approximation){/*{{{*/
20 | return 1;
21 | }/*}}}*/
22 | void SealevelriseAnalysis::UpdateElements(Elements* elements,Inputs* inputs,IoModel* iomodel,int analysis_counter,int analysis_type){/*{{{*/
23 |
24 | int geodetic=0;
25 | int dslmodel=0;
26 |
27 | /*Update elements: */
28 | int counter=0;
29 | for(int i=0;i<iomodel->numberofelements;i++){
30 | if(iomodel->my_elements[i]){
31 | Element* element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(counter);
32 | element->Update(inputs,i,iomodel,analysis_counter,analysis_type,P1Enum);
33 | counter++;
34 | }
35 | }
36 |
37 | /*Create inputs: */
38 | iomodel->FetchDataToInput(inputs,elements,"md.mask.ocean_levelset",MaskOceanLevelsetEnum);
39 | iomodel->FetchDataToInput(inputs,elements,"md.mask.ice_levelset",MaskIceLevelsetEnum);
40 | iomodel->FetchData(&geodetic,"md.solidearth.settings.computesealevelchange");
41 | iomodel->FetchDataToInput(inputs,elements,"md.solidearth.surfaceload.icethicknesschange",SurfaceloadIceThicknessChangeEnum);
42 | iomodel->FetchDataToInput(inputs,elements,"md.solidearth.initialsealevel",SealevelEnum,0);
43 | iomodel->FetchDataToInput(inputs,elements,"md.geometry.bed",BedEnum);
44 | iomodel->FetchDataToInput(inputs,elements,"md.solidearth.surfaceload.waterheightchange",SurfaceloadWaterHeightChangeEnum);
45 |
46 | /*dynamic sea level: */
47 | iomodel->FetchData(&dslmodel,"md.dsl.model");
48 | if (dslmodel==1){ /*standard dsl model:{{{*/
49 |
50 | /*deal with global mean steric rate: */
51 | IssmDouble* str=NULL;
52 | IssmDouble* times = NULL;
53 | int M,N;
54 |
55 | /*fetch str vector:*/
56 | iomodel->FetchData(&str,&M,&N,"md.dsl.global_average_thermosteric_sea_level_change"); _assert_(M==2);
57 |
58 | //recover time vector:
59 | times=xNew<IssmDouble>(N);
60 | for(int t=0;t<N;t++) times[t] = str[N+t];
61 |
62 | /*create transient input: */
63 | inputs->SetTransientInput(DslGlobalAverageThermostericSeaLevelChangeEnum,times,N);
64 | TransientInput* transientinput = inputs->GetTransientInput(DslGlobalAverageThermostericSeaLevelChangeEnum);
65 |
66 |
67 | for(Object* & object : elements->objects){
68 | Element* element=xDynamicCast<Element*>(object);
69 |
70 | for(int t=0;t<N;t++){
71 | switch(element->ObjectEnum()){
72 | case TriaEnum: transientinput->AddTriaTimeInput( t,1,&element->lid,&str[t],P0Enum); break;
73 | case PentaEnum: transientinput->AddPentaTimeInput(t,1,&element->lid,&str[t],P0Enum); break;
74 | default: _error_("Not implemented yet");
75 | }
76 | }
77 | }
78 |
79 | /*cleanup:*/
80 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(times);
81 | iomodel->DeleteData(str,"md.dsl.global_average_thermosteric_sea_level_change");
82 |
83 | /*deal with dynamic sea level fields: */
84 | iomodel->FetchDataToInput(inputs,elements,"md.dsl.sea_surface_height_change_above_geoid", DslSeaSurfaceHeightChangeAboveGeoidEnum);
85 | iomodel->FetchDataToInput(inputs,elements,"md.dsl.sea_water_pressure_change_at_sea_floor", DslSeaWaterPressureChangeAtSeaFloorEnum);
86 |
87 | } /*}}}*/
88 | else if (dslmodel==2){ /*multi-model ensemble dsl model:{{{*/
89 |
90 | /*variables:*/
91 | int nummodels;
92 | IssmDouble** pstr=NULL;
93 | IssmDouble* str=NULL;
94 | IssmDouble* times = NULL;
95 | int* pM = NULL;
96 | int* pN = NULL;
97 | int M,N;
98 |
99 | /*deal with dsl.global_average_thermosteric_sea_level_change {{{*/
100 | iomodel->FetchData(&pstr,&pM,&pN,&nummodels,"md.dsl.global_average_thermosteric_sea_level_change");
101 |
102 | /*go through the mat array and create a dataset of transient inputs:*/
103 | for (int i=0;i<nummodels;i++){
104 |
105 | M=pM[i];
106 | N=pN[i];
107 | str=pstr[i];
108 |
109 | //recover time vector:
110 | times=xNew<IssmDouble>(N);
111 | for(int t=0;t<N;t++) times[t] = str[(M-1)*N+t];
112 |
113 | TransientInput* transientinput=inputs->SetDatasetTransientInput(DslGlobalAverageThermostericSeaLevelChangeEnum,i, times,N);
114 |
115 | for(Object* & object : elements->objects){
116 | Element* element=xDynamicCast<Element*>(object);
117 |
118 | for(int t=0;t<N;t++){
119 | switch(element->ObjectEnum()){
120 | case TriaEnum: transientinput->AddTriaTimeInput( t,1,&element->lid,&str[t],P0Enum); break;
121 | case PentaEnum: transientinput->AddPentaTimeInput(t,1,&element->lid,&str[t],P0Enum); break;
122 | default: _error_("Not implemented yet");
123 | }
124 | }
125 | }
126 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(times);
127 | }
128 | /*Delete data:*/
129 | for(int i=0;i<nummodels;i++){
130 | IssmDouble* str=pstr[i];
131 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(str);
132 | }
133 | xDelete<IssmDouble*>(pstr);
134 | xDelete<int>(pM);
135 | xDelete<int>(pN);
136 | /*}}}*/
137 | iomodel->FetchDataToInput(inputs,elements,"md.dsl.sea_surface_height_change_above_geoid",DslSeaSurfaceHeightChangeAboveGeoidEnum);
138 | iomodel->FetchDataToInput(inputs,elements,"md.dsl.sea_water_pressure_change_at_sea_floor",DslSeaWaterPressureChangeAtSeaFloorEnum);
139 |
140 | } /*}}}*/
141 | else _error_("Dsl model " << dslmodel << " not implemented yet!");
142 |
143 |
144 |
145 | /*Initialize cumdeltalthickness and sealevel rise rate input*/
146 | InputUpdateFromConstantx(inputs,elements,0.,SealevelriseCumDeltathicknessEnum);
147 | InputUpdateFromConstantx(inputs,elements,0.,SealevelNEsaRateEnum);
148 | InputUpdateFromConstantx(inputs,elements,0.,SealevelUEsaRateEnum);
149 | InputUpdateFromConstantx(inputs,elements,0.,SealevelRSLRateEnum);
150 | InputUpdateFromConstantx(inputs,elements,0.,SealevelEustaticMaskEnum);
151 | InputUpdateFromConstantx(inputs,elements,0.,SealevelEustaticOceanMaskEnum);
152 |
153 | }/*}}}*/
154 | void SealevelriseAnalysis::UpdateParameters(Parameters* parameters,IoModel* iomodel,int solution_enum,int analysis_enum){/*{{{*/
155 |
156 | int nl;
157 | IssmDouble* love_h=NULL;
158 | IssmDouble* love_k=NULL;
159 | IssmDouble* love_l=NULL;
160 | IssmDouble* love_th=NULL;
161 | IssmDouble* love_tk=NULL;
162 | IssmDouble* love_tl=NULL;
163 | int dslmodel=0;
164 |
165 | IssmDouble* G_rigid = NULL;
166 | IssmDouble* G_rigid_local = NULL;
167 | IssmDouble* G_elastic = NULL;
168 | IssmDouble* G_elastic_local = NULL;
169 | IssmDouble* U_elastic = NULL;
170 | IssmDouble* U_elastic_local = NULL;
171 | IssmDouble* H_elastic = NULL;
172 | IssmDouble* H_elastic_local = NULL;
173 | int M,m,lower_row,upper_row;
174 | IssmDouble degacc=.01;
175 | IssmDouble planetradius=0;
176 | IssmDouble planetarea=0;
177 | bool rigid=false;
178 | bool elastic=false;
179 | bool rotation=false;
180 |
181 | int numoutputs;
182 | char** requestedoutputs = NULL;
183 |
184 | /*transition vectors: */
185 | IssmDouble **transitions = NULL;
186 | int *transitions_M = NULL;
187 | int *transitions_N = NULL;
188 | int ntransitions;
189 | IssmDouble* partitionice=NULL;
190 | IssmDouble* partitionhydro=NULL;
191 | IssmDouble* bslrice_partition=NULL;
192 | IssmDouble* bslrhydro_partition=NULL;
193 | int npartice,nparthydro,nel;
194 |
195 |
196 | /*some constant parameters: */
197 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.dsl.model",DslModelEnum));
198 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.solidearth.settings.runfrequency",SolidearthSettingsRunFrequencyEnum));
199 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.solidearth.settings.reltol",SolidearthSettingsReltolEnum));
200 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.solidearth.settings.abstol",SolidearthSettingsAbstolEnum));
201 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.solidearth.settings.maxiter",SolidearthSettingsMaxiterEnum));
202 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.solidearth.settings.rigid",SolidearthSettingsRigidEnum));
203 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.solidearth.settings.horiz",SolidearthSettingsHorizEnum));
204 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.solidearth.settings.elastic",SolidearthSettingsElasticEnum));
205 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.solidearth.settings.rotation",SolidearthSettingsRotationEnum));
206 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.solidearth.rotational.equatorialmoi",RotationalEquatorialMoiEnum));
207 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.solidearth.rotational.polarmoi",RotationalPolarMoiEnum));
208 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.solidearth.rotational.angularvelocity",RotationalAngularVelocityEnum));
209 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.solidearth.settings.ocean_area_scaling",SolidearthSettingsOceanAreaScalingEnum));
210 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.solidearth.settings.computesealevelchange",SolidearthSettingsComputesealevelchangeEnum));
211 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.solidearth.settings.isgrd",SolidearthSettingsGRDEnum));
212 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.solidearth.planetradius",SolidearthPlanetRadiusEnum));
213 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.solidearth.settings.glfraction",SolidearthSettingsGlfractionEnum));
214 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleParam(CumBslrEnum,0.0));
215 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleParam(CumBslrIceEnum,0.0));
216 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleParam(CumBslrHydroEnum,0.0));
217 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleParam(CumGmtslrEnum,0.0));
218 |
219 | /*compute planet area and plug into parameters:*/
220 | iomodel->FetchData(&planetradius,"md.solidearth.planetradius");
221 | planetarea=4*PI*planetradius*planetradius;
222 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleParam(SolidearthPlanetAreaEnum,planetarea));
223 |
224 | /*Deal with partition of the barystatic contribution:*/
225 | iomodel->FetchData(&npartice,"md.solidearth.npartice");
226 | parameters->AddObject(new IntParam(SolidearthNpartIceEnum,npartice));
227 | if(npartice){
228 | iomodel->FetchData(&partitionice,&nel,NULL,"md.solidearth.partitionice");
229 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleMatParam(SolidearthPartitionIceEnum,partitionice,nel,1));
230 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.solidearth.npartice",SolidearthNpartIceEnum));
231 | bslrice_partition=xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(npartice);
232 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleMatParam(CumBslrIcePartitionEnum,bslrice_partition,npartice,1));
233 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(partitionice);
234 | }
235 | iomodel->FetchData(&nparthydro,"md.solidearth.nparthydro");
236 | parameters->AddObject(new IntParam(SolidearthNpartHydroEnum,nparthydro));
237 | if(nparthydro){
238 | iomodel->FetchData(&partitionhydro,&nel,NULL,"md.solidearth.partitionhydro");
239 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleMatParam(SolidearthPartitionHydroEnum,partitionhydro,nel,1));
240 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.solidearth.nparthydro",SolidearthNpartHydroEnum));
241 | bslrhydro_partition=xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(nparthydro);
242 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleMatParam(CumBslrHydroPartitionEnum,bslrhydro_partition,nparthydro,1));
243 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(partitionhydro);
244 | }
245 |
246 | /*Deal with dsl multi-model ensembles: {{{*/
247 | iomodel->FetchData(&dslmodel,"md.dsl.model");
248 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.dsl.compute_fingerprints",DslComputeFingerprintsEnum));
249 | if(dslmodel==2){
250 | IssmDouble modelid;
251 | int nummodels;
252 |
253 | /*create double param, not int param, because Dakota will be updating it as
254 | * a double potentially: */
255 | iomodel->FetchData(&modelid,"md.dsl.modelid");
256 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleParam(DslModelidEnum,modelid));
257 | parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.dsl.nummodels",DslNummodelsEnum));
258 | iomodel->FetchData(&nummodels,"md.dsl.nummodels");
259 |
260 | /*quick checks: */
261 | if(nummodels<=0)_error_("dslmme object in md.dsl field should contain at least 1 ensemble model!");
262 | if(modelid<=0 || modelid>nummodels)_error_("modelid field in dslmme object of md.dsl field should be between 1 and the number of ensemble runs!");
263 | } /*}}}*/
264 | /*Deal with elasticity {{{*/
265 | iomodel->FetchData(&rigid,"md.solidearth.settings.rigid");
266 | iomodel->FetchData(&elastic,"md.solidearth.settings.elastic");
267 | iomodel->FetchData(&rotation,"md.solidearth.settings.rotation");
268 |
269 | if(elastic | rigid){
270 | /*compute green functions for a range of angles*/
271 | iomodel->FetchData(°acc,"md.solidearth.settings.degacc");
272 | M=reCast<int,IssmDouble>(180./degacc+1.);
273 | }
274 |
275 | /*love numbers: */
276 | if(elastic){
277 | iomodel->FetchData(&love_h,&nl,NULL,"md.solidearth.lovenumbers.h");
278 | iomodel->FetchData(&love_k,&nl,NULL,"md.solidearth.lovenumbers.k");
279 | iomodel->FetchData(&love_l,&nl,NULL,"md.solidearth.lovenumbers.l");
280 | iomodel->FetchData(&love_th,&nl,NULL,"md.solidearth.lovenumbers.th");
281 | iomodel->FetchData(&love_tk,&nl,NULL,"md.solidearth.lovenumbers.tk");
282 | iomodel->FetchData(&love_tl,&nl,NULL,"md.solidearth.lovenumbers.tl");
283 |
284 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleMatParam(LoadLoveHEnum,love_h,nl,1));
285 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleMatParam(LoadLoveKEnum,love_k,nl,1));
286 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleMatParam(LoadLoveLEnum,love_l,nl,1));
287 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleMatParam(TidalLoveHEnum,love_th,nl,1));
288 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleMatParam(TidalLoveKEnum,love_tk,nl,1));
289 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleMatParam(TidalLoveLEnum,love_tl,nl,1));
290 |
291 | // AD performance is sensitive to calls to ensurecontiguous.
292 | // // Providing "t" will cause ensurecontiguous to be called.
293 | #ifdef _HAVE_AD_
294 | G_elastic=xNew<IssmDouble>(M,"t");
295 | U_elastic=xNew<IssmDouble>(M,"t");
296 | H_elastic=xNew<IssmDouble>(M,"t");
297 | #else
298 | G_elastic=xNew<IssmDouble>(M);
299 | U_elastic=xNew<IssmDouble>(M);
300 | H_elastic=xNew<IssmDouble>(M);
301 | #endif
302 | }
303 | if(rigid){
304 | #ifdef _HAVE_AD_
305 | G_rigid=xNew<IssmDouble>(M,"t");
306 | #else
307 | G_rigid=xNew<IssmDouble>(M);
308 | #endif
309 | }
310 |
311 | if(rotation)parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.solidearth.lovenumbers.tk2secular",TidalLoveK2SecularEnum));
312 |
313 | if(rigid | elastic){
314 |
315 | /*compute combined legendre + love number (elastic green function:*/
316 | m=DetermineLocalSize(M,IssmComm::GetComm());
317 | GetOwnershipBoundariesFromRange(&lower_row,&upper_row,m,IssmComm::GetComm());
318 | }
319 | if(elastic){
320 | #ifdef _HAVE_AD_
321 | G_elastic_local=xNew<IssmDouble>(m,"t");
322 | U_elastic_local=xNew<IssmDouble>(m,"t");
323 | H_elastic_local=xNew<IssmDouble>(m,"t");
324 | #else
325 | G_elastic_local=xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
326 | U_elastic_local=xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
327 | H_elastic_local=xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
328 | #endif
329 | }
330 | if(rigid){
331 | #ifdef _HAVE_AD_
332 | G_rigid_local=xNew<IssmDouble>(m,"t");
333 | #else
334 | G_rigid_local=xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
335 | #endif
336 | }
337 |
338 | if(rigid){
339 | for(int i=lower_row;i<upper_row;i++){
340 | IssmDouble alpha,x;
341 | alpha= reCast<IssmDouble>(i)*degacc * PI / 180.0;
342 | G_rigid_local[i-lower_row]= .5/sin(alpha/2.0);
343 | }
344 | }
345 | if(elastic){
346 | for(int i=lower_row;i<upper_row;i++){
347 | IssmDouble alpha,x;
348 | alpha= reCast<IssmDouble>(i)*degacc * PI / 180.0;
349 |
350 | G_elastic_local[i-lower_row]= (love_k[nl-1]-love_h[nl-1])*G_rigid_local[i-lower_row];
351 | U_elastic_local[i-lower_row]= (love_h[nl-1])*G_rigid_local[i-lower_row];
352 | H_elastic_local[i-lower_row]= 0;
353 | IssmDouble Pn = 0.;
354 | IssmDouble Pn1 = 0.;
355 | IssmDouble Pn2 = 0.;
356 | IssmDouble Pn_p = 0.;
357 | IssmDouble Pn_p1 = 0.;
358 | IssmDouble Pn_p2 = 0.;
359 |
360 | for (int n=0;n<nl;n++) {
361 | IssmDouble deltalove_G;
362 | IssmDouble deltalove_U;
363 |
364 | deltalove_G = (love_k[n]-love_k[nl-1]-love_h[n]+love_h[nl-1]);
365 | deltalove_U = (love_h[n]-love_h[nl-1]);
366 |
367 | /*compute legendre polynomials: P_n(cos\theta) & d P_n(cos\theta)/ d\theta: */
368 | if(n==0){
369 | Pn=1;
370 | Pn_p=0;
371 | }
372 | else if(n==1){
373 | Pn = cos(alpha);
374 | Pn_p = 1;
375 | }
376 | else{
377 | Pn = ( (2*n-1)*cos(alpha)*Pn1 - (n-1)*Pn2 ) /n;
378 | Pn_p = ( (2*n-1)*(Pn1+cos(alpha)*Pn_p1) - (n-1)*Pn_p2 ) /n;
379 | }
380 | Pn2=Pn1; Pn1=Pn;
381 | Pn_p2=Pn_p1; Pn_p1=Pn_p;
382 |
383 | G_elastic_local[i-lower_row] += deltalove_G*Pn; // gravitational potential
384 | U_elastic_local[i-lower_row] += deltalove_U*Pn; // vertical (up) displacement
385 | H_elastic_local[i-lower_row] += sin(alpha)*love_l[n]*Pn_p; // horizontal displacements
386 | }
387 | }
388 | }
389 | if(rigid){
390 |
391 | /*merge G_elastic_local into G_elastic; U_elastic_local into U_elastic; H_elastic_local to H_elastic:{{{*/
392 | int* recvcounts=xNew<int>(IssmComm::GetSize());
393 | int* displs=xNew<int>(IssmComm::GetSize());
394 |
395 | //recvcounts:
396 | ISSM_MPI_Allgather(&m,1,ISSM_MPI_INT,recvcounts,1,ISSM_MPI_INT,IssmComm::GetComm());
397 |
398 | /*displs: */
399 | ISSM_MPI_Allgather(&lower_row,1,ISSM_MPI_INT,displs,1,ISSM_MPI_INT,IssmComm::GetComm());
400 |
401 | /*All gather:*/
402 | ISSM_MPI_Allgatherv(G_rigid_local, m, ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE, G_rigid, recvcounts, displs, ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE,IssmComm::GetComm());
403 | if(elastic){
404 | ISSM_MPI_Allgatherv(G_elastic_local, m, ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE, G_elastic, recvcounts, displs, ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE,IssmComm::GetComm());
405 | ISSM_MPI_Allgatherv(U_elastic_local, m, ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE, U_elastic, recvcounts, displs, ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE,IssmComm::GetComm());
406 | ISSM_MPI_Allgatherv(H_elastic_local, m, ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE, H_elastic, recvcounts, displs, ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE,IssmComm::GetComm());
407 | }
408 |
409 | /*free resources: */
410 | xDelete<int>(recvcounts);
411 | xDelete<int>(displs);
412 |
413 | /*Avoid singularity at 0: */
414 | G_rigid[0]=G_rigid[1];
415 | if(elastic){
416 | G_elastic[0]=G_elastic[1];
417 | U_elastic[0]=U_elastic[1];
418 | H_elastic[0]=H_elastic[1];
419 | }
420 |
421 |
422 | /*Save our precomputed tables into parameters*/
423 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleVecParam(SealevelriseGRigidEnum,G_rigid,M));
424 | if(elastic){
425 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleVecParam(SealevelriseGElasticEnum,G_elastic,M));
426 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleVecParam(SealevelriseUElasticEnum,U_elastic,M));
427 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleVecParam(SealevelriseHElasticEnum,H_elastic,M));
428 | }
429 |
430 | /*free resources: */
431 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(G_rigid);
432 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(G_rigid_local);
433 | if(elastic){
434 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(love_h);
435 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(love_k);
436 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(love_l);
437 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(love_th);
438 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(love_tk);
439 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(love_tl);
440 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(G_elastic);
441 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(G_elastic_local);
442 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(U_elastic);
443 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(U_elastic_local);
444 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(H_elastic);
445 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(H_elastic_local);
446 | }
447 | } /*}}}*/
448 |
449 | /*Indicate we have not yet run the Geometry Core module: */
450 | parameters->AddObject(new BoolParam(SealevelriseGeometryDoneEnum,false));
451 | /*}}}*/
452 |
453 | /*Transitions:{{{ */
454 | iomodel->FetchData(&transitions,&transitions_M,&transitions_N,&ntransitions,"md.solidearth.transitions");
455 | if(transitions){
456 | parameters->AddObject(new DoubleMatArrayParam(SealevelriseTransitionsEnum,transitions,ntransitions,transitions_M,transitions_N));
457 |
458 | for(int i=0;i<ntransitions;i++){
459 | IssmDouble* transition=transitions[i];
460 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(transition);
461 | }
462 | xDelete<IssmDouble*>(transitions);
463 | xDelete<int>(transitions_M);
464 | xDelete<int>(transitions_N);
465 | } /*}}}*/
466 | /*Requested outputs {{{*/
467 | iomodel->FindConstant(&requestedoutputs,&numoutputs,"md.solidearth.requested_outputs");
468 | if(numoutputs)parameters->AddObject(new StringArrayParam(SealevelriseRequestedOutputsEnum,requestedoutputs,numoutputs));
469 | iomodel->DeleteData(&requestedoutputs,numoutputs,"md.solidearth.requested_outputs");
470 | /*}}}*/
471 |
472 | }/*}}}*/
473 |
474 | /*Finite Element Analysis*/
475 | void SealevelriseAnalysis::Core(FemModel* femmodel){/*{{{*/
476 | _error_("not implemented");
477 | }/*}}}*/
478 | ElementVector* SealevelriseAnalysis::CreateDVector(Element* element){/*{{{*/
479 | /*Default, return NULL*/
480 | return NULL;
481 | }/*}}}*/
482 | ElementMatrix* SealevelriseAnalysis::CreateJacobianMatrix(Element* element){/*{{{*/
483 | _error_("Not implemented");
484 | }/*}}}*/
485 | ElementMatrix* SealevelriseAnalysis::CreateKMatrix(Element* element){/*{{{*/
486 | _error_("not implemented yet");
487 | }/*}}}*/
488 | ElementVector* SealevelriseAnalysis::CreatePVector(Element* element){/*{{{*/
489 | _error_("not implemented yet");
490 | }/*}}}*/
491 | void SealevelriseAnalysis::GetSolutionFromInputs(Vector<IssmDouble>* solution,Element* element){/*{{{*/
492 | _error_("not implemented yet");
493 | }/*}}}*/
494 | void SealevelriseAnalysis::GradientJ(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,Element* element,int control_type,int control_interp,int control_index){/*{{{*/
495 | _error_("Not implemented yet");
496 | }/*}}}*/
497 | void SealevelriseAnalysis::InputUpdateFromSolution(IssmDouble* solution,Element* element){/*{{{*/
498 | _error_("not implemeneted yet!");
499 |
500 | }/*}}}*/
501 | void SealevelriseAnalysis::UpdateConstraints(FemModel* femmodel){/*{{{*/
502 | /*Default, do nothing*/
503 | return;
504 | }/*}}}*/