1 | /*
2 | * \file Results.c
3 | * \brief: implementation of the Results class, derived from DataSet class
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*Headers: {{{1*/
7 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
8 | #include <config.h>
9 | #else
10 | #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
11 | #endif
12 |
13 | #include <vector>
14 | #include <functional>
15 | #include <algorithm>
16 | #include <iostream>
17 |
18 | #include "./DataSet.h"
19 | #include "../shared/shared.h"
20 | #include "../include/include.h"
21 | #include "../EnumDefinitions/EnumDefinitions.h"
22 |
23 | using namespace std;
24 | /*}}}*/
25 |
26 | /*Object constructors and destructor*/
27 | /*FUNCTION Results::Results(){{{1*/
28 | Results::Results(){
29 | enum_type=ResultsEnum;
30 | return;
31 | }
32 | /*}}}*/
33 | /*FUNCTION Results::~Results(){{{1*/
34 | Results::~Results(){
35 | return;
36 | }
37 | /*}}}*/
38 |
39 | /*Object management*/
40 | /*FUNCTION Results::SpawnTriaResults{{{1*/
41 | Results* Results::SpawnTriaResults(int* indices){
42 |
43 | /*Intermediary*/
44 | vector<Object*>::iterator object;
45 | ElementResult* resultin=NULL;
46 | ElementResult* resultout=NULL;
47 |
48 | /*Output*/
49 | Results* newresults=new Results();
50 |
51 | /*Go through results and call Spawn function*/
52 | for ( object=objects.begin() ; object < objects.end(); object++ ){
53 |
54 | /*Create new result*/
55 | resultin=(ElementResult*)(*object);
56 | resultout=resultin->SpawnTriaElementResult(indices);
57 |
58 | /*Add result to new results*/
59 | newresults->AddObject((Object*)resultout);
60 | }
61 |
62 | /*Assign output pointer*/
63 | return newresults;
64 | }
65 | /*}}}*/
66 | /*FUNCTION Results::Write{{{1*/
67 | #ifdef _SERIAL_
68 | void Results::Write(mxArray** pdataref){
69 |
70 | int i,j;
71 | int count;
72 |
73 | /*output: */
74 | mxArray* dataref=NULL;
75 | mxArray* processeddataref=NULL;
76 | mwSize nfields;
77 | mwSize maxfields;
78 | mwSize nsteps;
79 | mwSize step;
80 | const char **fnames = NULL;
81 | int *enums = NULL;
82 | int baseenum;
83 | mwSize onebyone[2] = {1,1};
84 | mwSize ndim = 2;
85 |
86 | /*How many time steps do we have? : */
87 | nsteps=0;
88 | for(i=0;i<this->Size();i++){
89 | ExternalResult* result=(ExternalResult*)this->GetObjectByOffset(i);
90 | step=result->GetStep();
91 | if(step>nsteps)nsteps=step;
92 | }
93 | onebyone[0]=nsteps;
94 |
95 | /*How many field names do we have. First, figure out how many result types we have: */
96 | maxfields=(mwSize)this->Size();
97 | enums=(int*)xmalloc(maxfields*sizeof(int));
98 | for(i=0;i<maxfields;i++){
99 | ExternalResult* result=(ExternalResult*)this->GetObjectByOffset(i);
100 | enums[i]=result->InstanceEnum();
101 | }
102 | /*Now, make result types unique: */
103 | for(i=0;i<maxfields;i++){
104 | if(enums[i]>=0){//if <0, it means this enum was found to replicate another one previously
105 | baseenum=enums[i];
106 | /*is the baseenum repeated later on?:*/
107 | for(j=i+1;j<maxfields;j++){
108 | if (enums[j]==baseenum)enums[j]=-1;
109 | }
110 | }
111 | else continue;
112 | }
113 |
114 | /*Now, go through enums, and whatever is not null is a non repeated field name: */
115 | nfields=0;
116 | for(i=0;i<maxfields;i++)if(enums[i]>0)nfields++;
117 |
118 | /*Add 2 fields for time and step: */
119 | nfields=nfields+2;
120 |
121 | /*Fill the names of the structure field: */
122 | fnames=(const char**)xmalloc(nfields*sizeof(char*));
123 | count=0;
124 | for(i=0;i<maxfields;i++){
125 | if (enums[i]>0){
126 | fnames[count]=EnumToStringx(enums[i]);
127 | count++;
128 | }
129 | }
130 | /*don't forget the extra fields "time" and "step":*/
131 | fnames[nfields-2]="time";
132 | fnames[nfields-1]="step";
133 |
134 | /*Initialize structure: */
135 | dataref=mxCreateStructArray( ndim,onebyone,nfields,fnames);
136 |
137 | /*Fill each field: */
138 | for(i=0;i<nfields-2;i++){ //do not include the last one used for time
139 | ExternalResult* result=(ExternalResult*)this->GetObjectByOffset(i);
140 | result->SetMatlabField(dataref);
141 | }
142 |
143 | /*Now, process the patch in the dataref structure, by calling MatlabProcessPatch.m
144 | *on the current dataref structure: */
145 | mexCallMATLAB(1,&processeddataref,1,&dataref, "MatlabProcessPatch");
146 |
147 | /*Assign output pointers:*/
148 | *pdataref=processeddataref;
149 | }
150 | #else
151 | void Results::Write(Parameters* parameters){
152 |
153 | int i;
154 | FILE *fid = NULL;
155 | bool io_gather=true;
156 |
157 | /*Recover file descriptor: */
158 | parameters->FindParam(&fid,OutputFilePointerEnum);
159 | parameters->FindParam(&io_gather,SettingsIoGatherEnum);
160 |
161 | for(i=0;i<this->Size();i++){
162 | ExternalResult* result=(ExternalResult*)this->GetObjectByOffset(i);
163 |
164 | /*write result to disk: */
165 | result->WriteData(fid,io_gather);
166 | }
167 |
168 | }
169 | #endif
170 | /*}}}*/