1 | #!/bin/bash
2 |
3 | # Parses Subversion repository log messages and outputs authors and their
4 | # respective number of commits.
5 | #
6 | # Output can be sorted:
7 | #
8 | # -a sort output by author name
9 | # -c sort output by number of commits
10 | #
11 | # Output can also be limited to commits from the last year:
12 | #
13 | # -y display only commits from the last 365 days
14 | #
15 | # Will run on first 'path' parameter, or on current working directory if no
16 | # path is supplied.
17 | #
18 | # TODO:
19 | # - Add option to bin authors and commits by year
20 | # - Convert to using XML output from SVN log (i.e. `svn log --xml`)
21 |
22 | ## Functions
23 | #
24 |
25 | function display_help {
26 | echo "usage: ${script_name} [option] [path]" >&2
27 | case "${uname_out}" in
28 | Linux*)
29 | display_help_linux
30 | ;;
31 | Darwin*)
32 | display_help_mac
33 | ;;
34 | *)
35 | ;;
36 | esac
37 | }
38 |
39 | function display_help_mac {
40 | echo " -h diplay help"
41 | echo " -a sort output by author name"
42 | echo " -c sort output by number of commits"
43 | echo " -y display only commits from the last 365 days"
44 | }
45 |
46 | function display_help_linux {
47 | echo " -h | --help diplay help"
48 | echo " -a | --authors sort output by author name"
49 | echo " -c | --commits sort output by number of commits"
50 | echo " -y | --year display only commits from the last 365 days"
51 | }
52 |
53 | function print_authors {
54 | i=0
55 | until [[ $i -eq "${#authors[@]}" ]]; do
56 | printf "%-15s %i\n" "${authors[$i]}" "${commits[$i]}"
57 | (( i++ ))
58 | done
59 | }
60 |
61 | function print_authors_sorted_by_author {
62 | local i=0
63 | until [[ $i -eq "${#authors[@]}" ]]; do
64 | printf "%-15s %i\n" "${authors[$i]}" "${commits[$i]}"
65 | (( i++ ))
66 | done |
67 | sort -n -k1
68 | }
69 |
70 | function print_authors_sorted_by_commits {
71 | local i=0
72 | until [[ $i -eq "${#authors[@]}" ]]; do
73 | printf "%-15s %i\n" "${authors[$i]}" "${commits[$i]}"
74 | (( i++ ))
75 | done |
76 | sort -rn -k2
77 | }
78 |
79 | ## Initialize conditional variables
80 | #
81 | one_year_ago=""
82 | sort_by_author=0
83 | sort_by_commits=0
84 | today=""
85 |
86 | # Retrieve script name
87 | script_name=$(basename "$0")
88 |
89 | ## Retrieve OS
90 | #
91 | uname_out=$(uname -s)
92 | case "${uname_out}" in
93 | Linux*)
94 | options=$(getopt -n ${script_name} -o hacy --long help,author,commits,year -- "$@")
95 | ;;
96 | Darwin*)
97 | options=$(getopt hacy $*)
98 | ;;
99 | *)
100 | printf "operating system %s not currently supported\n" "${uname_out}" >&2
101 | exit 1
102 | ;;
103 | esac
104 |
105 | ## Handle options
106 | #
107 | valid_options=$?
108 | if [[ $valid_options -ne 0 ]]; then
109 | display_help
110 | exit 1
111 | fi
112 | #echo $options # Uncomment for debugging
113 | set -- $options
114 |
115 | while :
116 | do
117 | case "$1" in
118 | -h | --help)
119 | display_help
120 | exit 0
121 | ;;
122 | -a | --author)
123 | sort_by_author=1
124 | shift
125 | ;;
126 | -c | --commits)
127 | sort_by_commits=1
128 | shift
129 | ;;
130 | -y | --year)
131 | today=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
132 | one_year_ago=$(date -v -1y -v +1d +%Y-%m-%d) # Date adjusted 365 days
133 | shift
134 | ;;
135 | --)
136 | shift
137 | break
138 | ;;
139 | *)
140 | break
141 | ;;
142 | esac
143 | done
144 |
145 | ## Retrieve path
146 | #
147 | # If no path was given, use current working directory; if one or more were
148 | # given, just use the first one.
149 | #
150 | path="."
151 | num_args=${#@}
152 | if [[ $num_args -gt 0 ]]; then
153 | path=$1
154 | fi
155 |
156 | authors=()
157 | commits=()
158 |
159 | # Get entire log once
160 | if [[ $one_year_ago != "" ]]; then
161 | log=$(svn log -r "{${today}}:{${one_year_ago}}" "${path}")
162 | else
163 | log=$(svn log "${path}")
164 | fi
165 |
166 | data_lines=$(echo "${log}" | egrep "r[0-9]+") # Get only lines from log that contain info we care about
167 |
168 | while IFS= read line; do
169 | author=$(echo "${line}" | awk -F "|" '{print $2}' | tr -d ' ')
170 |
171 | # Uncomment if we want to treat blank author as "unknown"
172 | if [[ "$author" == "" ]]; then
173 | author="unknown"
174 | fi
175 |
176 | have_seen_author=0
177 | for (( i=0; i<${#authors[@]}; ++i )); do
178 | if [[ "${authors[$i]}" == "$author" ]]; then
179 | have_seen_author=1
180 | break
181 | fi
182 | done
183 |
184 | if [[ $have_seen_author -eq 0 ]]; then
185 | authors+=("${author}")
186 | commits+=(1)
187 | else
188 | (( commits[$i]++ ))
189 | fi
190 | done <<< "${data_lines}"
191 |
192 | ## Print results (sorted, if requested)
193 | #
194 | # NOTE: If multiple sort options are specified, the order or precedence is
195 | # specified as follows.
196 | #
197 | if [ $sort_by_commits -eq 1 ]; then
198 | print_authors_sorted_by_commits
199 | elif [ $sort_by_author -eq 1 ]; then
200 | print_authors_sorted_by_author
201 | else
202 | print_authors
203 | fi