1 | #!/bin/sh
2 |
3 | # Create array to store numbers of the tests
5 |
6 | # Location of test scripts
7 | SCRIPTDIR=$ISSM_DIR/jenkins/javascript/karma/scripts
8 |
10 | IFS=, # Overwrite the in-field-separator to detect ranges of numbers as numbers separated by commas
11 |
12 | # Add the test numbers to the array
13 | for range in $1; do
14 | if [[ ! "$range" =~ "-" ]]; then # check if it is a range of numbers or just a single number
15 | TESTNUMBERS+=($range)
16 | else
17 | SEQUENCE=($(seq -w -s ' ' $(sed "s/-/$IFS/" <<< ${range})))
19 | fi
20 | done
21 |
22 | IFS=$OLDIFS # Reset the in-field-separator
23 |
24 | # Include necessary functions and constants
25 | cat << EOF
26 | window.jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 10000; // Change timeout for Jasmine tests
27 | var AJAX_TIMEOUT = 5000;
28 | function onAjaxSuccess(data, status, jqxhr) {
29 | console.log("Success");
30 | }
31 | function onAjaxError(jqxhr, status, err) {
32 | console.log("Unexpected error: " + err);
33 | }
34 | EOF
35 |
36 | # Create stubs for individual tests
37 | for num in ${TESTNUMBERS[@]}; do
38 | cat << EOF
39 | describe("test$num", function() {
40 | it("contains test$num", function(done) {
41 | $.ajax({
42 | url: 'http://localhost:8080/test$num.js',
43 | dataType: 'script',
44 | success: onAjaxSuccess,
45 | error: onAjaxError,
46 | complete: function(jqxhr, status) { done(); },
47 | timeout: AJAX_TIMEOUT
48 | });
49 | });
50 | });
51 | EOF
52 | done