[25915] | 1 | #!/bin/bash
| 2 | ################################################################################
[25924] | 3 | # This script runs the examples tests (i.e. contents of examples directory,
| 4 | # which are implementations of the tutorials found at
| 5 | # https://issm.jpl.nasa.gov/documentation/tutorials/). It is intended to be
| 6 | # called from jenkins/jenkins.sh.
[25915] | 7 | #
[27553] | 8 | # runme files are modified as needed to fill in statements that would otherwise
[25924] | 9 | # be added by user.
| 10 | #
| 11 | # NOTE:
| 12 | # - Indentation of replacement string literals (e.g. 'STEP_EIGHT') is set to
[26162] | 13 | # nest cleanly in this file, but will result in unclean nesting in the runme
| 14 | # files (which should not be an issue)
[25924] | 15 | # - Single-line string replacements in runme.m can effectively be performed
| 16 | # using sed. When performing multi-line replacements, perl is a better
| 17 | # option.
| 18 | #
[25915] | 19 | # TODO:
| 20 | # - Figure out how to remove \ and \n\ from multiline string variables while
| 21 | # preserving formatting when value is printed to file.
| 22 | ################################################################################
| 23 |
| 24 | ## Constants
| 25 | #
| 26 | RUNME_FILE='runme.m'
| 27 | RUN_EXAMPLE=0
| 29 | disp('SUCCESS');\n\
| 30 | catch me\n\
| 31 | message=getReport(me);\n\
| 32 | fprintf('%s',message);\n\
| 33 | disp('FAILURE');\n\
| 34 | end\n\
| 35 | exit\n\
| 36 | "
| 37 |
| 38 | cd $ISSM_DIR/examples
| 39 |
| 40 | for dir in ./* ; do
| 41 | if [ -d "${dir}" ]; then
[27202] | 42 | # # Temporary short circuit to check single example
| 43 | # example="./AMR"
| 44 | # if [ "${dir}" != "${example}" ]; then
| 45 | # continue
| 46 | # fi
| 47 |
[25925] | 48 | # Some of the examples are incomplete (on purpose). As such, we will
| 49 | # have to populate the missing steps in order to make sure that
| 50 | # everything is working.
[25924] | 51 |
[25915] | 52 | cd ${dir}
| 53 | if [ "${dir}" == "./AMR" ]; then
[25983] | 54 | sed -i.bak -e '1 s|^.*$|try\n\n&|' $RUNME_FILE
[25915] | 55 | RUN_EXAMPLE=1
| 56 | elif [ "${dir}" == "./Data" ]; then
| 57 | echo 'Directory contains datasets only; no example to run.'
| 58 | RUN_EXAMPLE=0
| 59 | elif [ "${dir}" == "./EsaGRACE" ]; then
[25983] | 60 | sed -i.bak -e 's|steps=\[1\];|steps=\[1:5\];\n\ntry\n|' $RUNME_FILE
[25915] | 61 | RUN_EXAMPLE=1
| 62 | elif [ "${dir}" == "./EsaWahr" ]; then
[25983] | 63 | sed -i.bak -e 's|steps=\[1\];|steps=\[1:7\];\n\ntry\n|' $RUNME_FILE
[25915] | 64 | RUN_EXAMPLE=1
| 65 | elif [ "${dir}" == "./Functions" ]; then
| 66 | echo "Directory contains functions only; no example to run."
| 67 | RUN_EXAMPLE=0
| 68 | elif [ "${dir}" == "./Greenland" ]; then
| 69 | # STEP_SEVEN #{{{
| 70 | STEP_SEVEN="\
[25986] | 71 | if any(steps==7)\n\
[25915] | 72 | disp(' Step 7: Historical Relaxation run');\n\
| 73 | md = loadmodel('./Models/Greenland.Control_drag');\n\
| 74 | \n\
| 75 | load smbbox\n\
| 76 | \n\
| 77 | %convert mesh x,y into the Box projection\n\
| 78 | [md.mesh.lat,md.mesh.long] = xy2ll(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,+1,39,71);\n\
| 79 | [xi,yi]= ll2xy(md.mesh.lat,md.mesh.long,+1,45,70);\n\
| 80 | \n\
| 81 | %Interpolate and set surface mass balance\n\
| 82 | index = BamgTriangulate(x1(:),y1(:));\n\
| 83 | smb_mo = InterpFromMeshToMesh2d(index,x1(:),y1(:),smbmean(:),xi,yi);\n\
| 84 | smb = smb_mo*12/1000*md.materials.rho_freshwater/md.materials.rho_ice;\n\
| 85 | md.smb.mass_balance = [smb;1 ];\n\
| 86 | \n\
| 87 | %Set transient options, run for 20 years, saving every 5 timesteps\n\
| 88 | md.timestepping.time_step=0.2;\n\
| 89 | md.timestepping.final_time=200;\n\
| 90 | md.settings.output_frequency=5;\n\
| 91 | \n\
| 92 | %Additional options\n\
| 93 | md.inversion.iscontrol=0;\n\
| 94 | md.transient.requested_outputs={'IceVolume','TotalSmb', ...\n\
| 95 | 'SmbMassBalance'};\n\
| 96 | md.verbose=verbose('solution',true,'module',true);\n\
| 97 | \n\
| 98 | %Go solve\n\
| 99 | md.cluster=generic('name',oshostname,'np',2);\n\
| 100 | md=solve(md,'Transient');\n\
| 101 | \n\
| 102 | save ./Models/Greenland.HistoricTransient_200yr md;\n\
[25986] | 103 | end\n\
[25915] | 104 | "
| 105 | #}}}
| 106 | # STEP_EIGHT #{{{
| 107 | STEP_EIGHT="\
[25986] | 108 | if any(steps==8)\n\
[25915] | 109 | %Load historic transient model\n\
| 110 | md=loadmodel('./Models/Greenland.HistoricTransient_200yr');\n\
| 111 | \n\
| 112 | %Create Line Plots of relaxation run. Create a figure.\n\
| 113 | figure;\n\
| 114 | \n\
| 115 | %Save surface mass balance, by looping through 200 years (1000 steps)\n\
| 116 | %Note, the first output will always contain output from time step 1\n\
| 117 | surfmb=[];\n\
| 118 | for i=2:201;\n\
| 119 | surfmb=[surfmb md.results.TransientSolution(i).SmbMassBalance];\n\
| 120 | end\n\
| 121 | \n\
| 122 | %Plot surface mass balance time series in first subplot\n\
| 123 | subplot(3,1,1);\n\
| 124 | plot([1:200],mean(surfmb));\n\
| 125 | \n\
| 126 | %Title this plot Mean surface mass balance\n\
| 127 | title('Mean Surface mass balance');\n\
| 128 | \n\
| 129 | %Save velocity by looping through 200 years\n\
| 130 | vel=[];\n\
| 131 | for i=2:201;\n\
| 132 | vel=[vel md.results.TransientSolution(i).Vel];\n\
| 133 | end\n\
| 134 | \n\
| 135 | %Plot velocity time series in second subplot\n\
| 136 | subplot(3,1,2);\n\
| 137 | plot([1:200],mean(vel));\n\
| 138 | \n\
| 139 | %Title this plot Mean Velocity\n\
| 140 | title('Mean Velocity');\n\
| 141 | \n\
| 142 | %Save Ice Volume by looping through 200 years\n\
| 143 | volume=[];\n\
| 144 | for i=2:201;\n\
| 145 | volume=[volume md.results.TransientSolution(i).IceVolume];\n\
| 146 | end\n\
| 147 | \n\
| 148 | %Plot volume time series in third subplot\n\
| 149 | subplot(3,1,3);\n\
| 150 | plot([1:200],volume);\n\
| 151 | \n\
| 152 | %Title this plot Mean Velocity and add an x label of years\n\
| 153 | title('Ice Volume');\n\
| 154 | xlabel('years');\n\
[25986] | 155 | end\n\
[25915] | 156 | "
| 157 | #}}}
[25983] | 158 | sed -i.bak -e 's|steps=\[1\];|steps=\[1:8\];\n\ntry\n|' $RUNME_FILE
[25915] | 159 | perl -0755 -p -i -e "s|if any\(steps==7\).*% step 7 end|${STEP_SEVEN}|s" $RUNME_FILE
| 160 | perl -0755 -p -i -e "s|if any\(steps==8\).*% step 8 end|${STEP_EIGHT}|s" $RUNME_FILE
| 161 | RUN_EXAMPLE=1
| 162 | elif [ "${dir}" == "./IceBridge" ]; then
[25983] | 163 | sed -i.bak -e 's|steps=\[1\];|steps=\[1:5\];\n\ntry\n|' $RUNME_FILE
[25915] | 164 | perl -0755 -p -i -e "s|\n\t%Mesh greenland without.*return;\n||s" $RUNME_FILE
| 165 | RUN_EXAMPLE=1
| 166 | elif [ "${dir}" == "./IceflowModels" ]; then
[25983] | 167 | sed -i.bak -e '1 s|^.*$|try\n\n&|' $RUNME_FILE
[25915] | 168 | RUN_EXAMPLE=1
| 169 | elif [ "${dir}" == "./Inversion" ]; then
[25983] | 170 | sed -i.bak -e 's|steps=\[1\];|steps=\[1:4\];\n\ntry\n|' $RUNME_FILE
[25915] | 171 | RUN_EXAMPLE=1
| 172 | elif [ "${dir}" == "./ISMIP" ]; then
| 173 | # TODO:
| 174 | # - Run test again with ISMIPF configuration (will likely need to
| 175 | # add conditional after 'RUN_EXAMPLE -eq 1' block)
| 176 | #
[25986] | 177 |
[25915] | 178 | # RUNME #{{{
| 179 | RUNME="\
| 180 | try\n\
| 181 | %which steps to perform; steps are from 1 to 8\n\
| 182 | %step 7 is specific to ISMIPA\n\
| 183 | %step 8 is specific to ISMIPF\n\
| 184 | \n\
| 185 | steps=[1:7]; %ISMIPA\n\
| 186 | %steps=[1:6,8]; %ISMIPF\n\
| 187 | \n\
| 188 | % parameter file to be used, choose between IsmipA.par or IsmipF.par\n\
| 189 | ParamFile='IsmipA.par';\n\
| 190 | %ParamFile='IsmipF.par';\n\
| 191 | \n\
| 192 | %Run Steps\n\
| 193 | \n\
| 194 | %Mesh Generation #1\n\
[25986] | 195 | if any(steps==1)\n\
[25915] | 196 | %initialize md as a new model #help model\n\
| 197 | %->\n\
| 198 | md=model();\n\
| 199 | % generate a squaremesh #help squaremesh\n\
| 200 | % Side is 80 km long with 20 points\n\
| 201 | %->\n\
| 202 | if(ParamFile=='IsmipA.par'),\n\
| 203 | md=squaremesh(md,80000,80000,20,20);\n\
| 204 | elseif(ParamFile=='IsmipF.par'),\n\
| 205 | md=squaremesh(md,100000,100000,30,30);\n\
| 206 | end\n\
| 207 | % plot the given mesh #plotdoc\n\
| 208 | %->\n\
| 209 | plotmodel(md,'data','mesh')\n\
| 210 | % save the given model\n\
| 211 | %->\n\
| 212 | save ./Models/ISMIP.Mesh_generation md;\n\
[25986] | 213 | end\n\
[25915] | 214 | \n\
| 215 | %Masks #2\n\
[25986] | 216 | if any(steps==2)\n\
[25915] | 217 | % load the preceding step #help loadmodel\n\
| 218 | % path is given by the organizer with the name of the given step\n\
| 219 | %->\n\
| 220 | md = loadmodel('./Models/ISMIP.Mesh_generation');\n\
| 221 | % set the mask #help setmask\n\
| 222 | % all MISMIP nodes are grounded\n\
| 223 | %->\n\
| 224 | md=setmask(md,'','');\n\
| 225 | % plot the given mask #md.mask to locate the field\n\
| 226 | %->\n\
| 227 | plotmodel(md,'data',md.mask.ocean_levelset);\n\
| 228 | % save the given model\n\
| 229 | %->\n\
| 230 | save ./Models/ISMIP.SetMask md;\n\
[25986] | 231 | end\n\
[25915] | 232 | \n\
| 233 | %Parameterization #3\n\
[25986] | 234 | if any(steps==3)\n\
[25915] | 235 | % load the preceding step #help loadmodel\n\
| 236 | % path is given by the organizer with the name of the given step\n\
| 237 | %->\n\
| 238 | md = loadmodel('./Models/ISMIP.SetMask');\n\
| 239 | % parametrize the model # help parameterize\n\
| 240 | % you will need to fil-up the parameter file defined by the\n\
| 241 | % ParamFile variable\n\
| 242 | %->\n\
| 243 | md=parameterize(md,ParamFile);\n\
| 244 | % save the given model\n\
| 245 | %->\n\
| 246 | save ./Models/ISMIP.Parameterization md;\n\
[25986] | 247 | end\n\
[25915] | 248 | \n\
| 249 | %Extrusion #4\n\
[25986] | 250 | if any(steps==4)\n\
[25915] | 251 | \n\
| 252 | % load the preceding step #help loadmodel\n\
| 253 | % path is given by the organizer with the name of the given step\n\
| 254 | %->\n\
| 255 | md = loadmodel('./Models/ISMIP.Parameterization');\n\
| 256 | % vertically extrude the preceding mesh #help extrude\n\
| 257 | % only 5 layers exponent 1\n\
| 258 | %->\n\
[26030] | 259 | md=extrude(md,5,1);\n\
[25915] | 260 | % plot the 3D geometry #plotdoc\n\
| 261 | %->\n\
| 262 | plotmodel(md,'data',md.geometry.base)\n\
| 263 | % save the given model\n\
| 264 | %->\n\
| 265 | save ./Models/ISMIP.Extrusion md;\n\
[25986] | 266 | end\n\
[25915] | 267 | \n\
| 268 | %Set the flow computing method #5\n\
[25986] | 269 | if any(steps==5)\n\
[25915] | 270 | \n\
| 271 | % load the preceding step #help loadmodel\n\
| 272 | % path is given by the organizer with the name of the given step\n\
| 273 | %->\n\
| 274 | md = loadmodel('./Models/ISMIP.Extrusion');\n\
| 275 | % set the approximation for the flow computation #help setflowequation\n\
| 276 | % We will be using the Higher Order Model (HO)\n\
| 277 | %->\n\
| 278 | md=setflowequation(md,'HO','all');\n\
| 279 | % save the given model\n\
| 280 | %->\n\
| 281 | save ./Models/ISMIP.SetFlow md;\n\
[25986] | 282 | end\n\
[25915] | 283 | \n\
| 284 | %Set Boundary Conditions #6\n\
[25986] | 285 | if any(steps==6)\n\
[25915] | 286 | \n\
| 287 | % load the preceding step #help loadmodel\n\
| 288 | % path is given by the organizer with the name of the given step\n\
| 289 | %->\n\
| 290 | md = loadmodel('./Models/ISMIP.SetFlow');\n\
| 291 | % dirichlet boundary condition are known as SPCs\n\
| 292 | % ice frozen to the base, no velocity #md.stressbalance\n\
| 293 | % SPCs are initialized at NaN one value per vertex\n\
| 294 | %->\n\
| 295 | md.stressbalance.spcvx=NaN*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);\n\
| 296 | %->\n\
| 297 | md.stressbalance.spcvy=NaN*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);\n\
| 298 | %->\n\
| 299 | md.stressbalance.spcvz=NaN*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);\n\
| 300 | % extract the nodenumbers at the base #md.mesh.vertexonbase\n\
| 301 | %->\n\
| 302 | basalnodes=find(md.mesh.vertexonbase);\n\
| 303 | % set the sliding to zero on the bed\n\
| 304 | %->\n\
| 305 | md.stressbalance.spcvx(basalnodes)=0.0;\n\
| 306 | %->\n\
| 307 | md.stressbalance.spcvy(basalnodes)=0.0;\n\
| 308 | % periodic boundaries have to be fixed on the sides\n\
[26032] | 309 | % Find the indices of the sides of the domain, for x and then for y\n\
[25915] | 310 | % for x\n\
[26032] | 311 | % create maxX, list of indices where x is equal to max of x (use >> help find)\n\
[25915] | 312 | %->\n\
| 313 | maxX=find(md.mesh.x==max(md.mesh.x));\n\
[26032] | 314 | % create minX, list of indices where x is equal to min of x\n\
[25915] | 315 | %->\n\
| 316 | minX=find(md.mesh.x==min(md.mesh.x));\n\
[26032] | 317 | % for y\n\
| 318 | % create maxY, list of indices where y is equal to max of y\n\
| 319 | % but not where x is equal to max or min of x\n\
| 320 | % (i.e, indices in maxX and minX should be excluded from maxY and minY)\n\
| 321 | % but not where x is equal to max or min of x\n\
[25915] | 322 | %->\n\
| 323 | maxY=find(md.mesh.y==max(md.mesh.y) & md.mesh.x~=max(md.mesh.x) & md.mesh.x~=min(md.mesh.x));\n\
[26032] | 324 | % create minY, list of indices where y is equal to max of y\n\
[25915] | 325 | %->\n\
| 326 | minY=find(md.mesh.y==min(md.mesh.y) & md.mesh.x~=max(md.mesh.x) & md.mesh.x~=min(md.mesh.x));\n\
[26032] | 327 | % set the node that should be paired together, minX with maxX and minY with maxY\n\
[25915] | 328 | % #md.stressbalance.vertex_pairing\n\
| 329 | %->\n\
| 330 | md.stressbalance.vertex_pairing=[minX,maxX;minY,maxY];\n\
| 331 | if (ParamFile=='IsmipF.par')\n\
| 332 | % if we are dealing with IsmipF the solution is in\n\
| 333 | % masstransport\n\
| 334 | md.masstransport.vertex_pairing=md.stressbalance.vertex_pairing;\n\
| 335 | end\n\
| 336 | % save the given model\n\
| 337 | %->\n\
| 338 | save ./Models/ISMIP.BoundaryCondition md;\n\
[25986] | 339 | end\n\
[25915] | 340 | \n\
| 341 | %Solving #7\n\
[25986] | 342 | if any(steps==7)\n\
[25915] | 343 | % load the preceding step #help loadmodel\n\
| 344 | % path is given by the organizer with the name of the given step\n\
| 345 | %->\n\
| 346 | md = loadmodel('./Models/ISMIP.BoundaryCondition');\n\
| 347 | % Set cluster #md.cluster\n\
| 348 | % generic parameters #help generic\n\
| 349 | % set only the name and number of process\n\
| 350 | %->\n\
| 351 | md.cluster=generic('name',oshostname(),'np',2);\n\
| 352 | % Set which control message you want to see #help verbose\n\
| 353 | %->\n\
| 354 | md.verbose=verbose('convergence',true);\n\
| 355 | % Solve #help solve\n\
| 356 | % we are solving a StressBalanc\n\
| 357 | %->\n\
| 358 | md=solve(md,'Stressbalance');\n\
| 359 | % save the given model\n\
| 360 | %->\n\
| 361 | save ./Models/ISMIP.StressBalance md;\n\
| 362 | % plot the surface velocities #plotdoc\n\
| 363 | %->\n\
| 364 | plotmodel(md,'data',md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel)\n\
[25986] | 365 | end\n\
[25915] | 366 | \n\
| 367 | %Solving #8\n\
[25986] | 368 | if any(steps==8)\n\
[25915] | 369 | % load the preceding step #help loadmodel\n\
| 370 | % path is given by the organizer with the name of the given step\n\
| 371 | %->\n\
| 372 | md = loadmodel('./Models/ISMIP.BoundaryCondition');\n\
| 373 | % Set cluster #md.cluster\n\
| 374 | % generic parameters #help generic\n\
| 375 | % set only the name and number of process\n\
| 376 | %->\n\
| 377 | md.cluster=generic('name',oshostname(),'np',2);\n\
| 378 | % Set which control message you want to see #help verbose\n\
| 379 | %->\n\
| 380 | md.verbose=verbose('convergence',true);\n\
| 381 | % set the transient model to ignore the thermal model\n\
| 382 | % #md.transient \n\
| 383 | %->\n\
| 384 | md.transient.isthermal=0;\n\
| 385 | % define the timestepping scheme\n\
| 386 | % everything here should be provided in years #md.timestepping\n\
| 387 | % give the length of the time_step (4 years)\n\
| 388 | %->\n\
| 389 | md.timestepping.time_step=4;\n\
| 390 | % give final_time (20*4 years time_steps)\n\
| 391 | %->\n\
| 392 | md.timestepping.final_time=4*20;\n\
| 393 | % Solve #help solve\n\
| 394 | % we are solving a TransientSolution\n\
| 395 | %->\n\
| 396 | md=solve(md,'Transient');\n\
| 397 | % save the given model\n\
| 398 | %->\n\
| 399 | save ./Models/ISMIP.Transient md;\n\
| 400 | % plot the surface velocities #plotdoc\n\
| 401 | %->\n\
| 402 | plotmodel(md,'data',md.results.TransientSolution(20).Vel)\n\
[25986] | 403 | end\n\
[25915] | 404 | "
| 405 | #}}}
| 406 | # PAR_A #{{{
| 407 | PAR_A="\
| 408 | %Parameterization for ISMIP A experiment\n\
| 409 | \n\
| 410 | %Set the Simulation generic name #md.miscellaneous\n\
| 411 | %->\n\
| 412 | \n\
| 413 | %Geometry\n\
| 414 | disp(' Constructing Geometry');\n\
| 415 | \n\
| 416 | %Define the geometry of the simulation #md.geometry\n\
| 417 | %surface is [-x*tan(0.5*pi/180)] #md.mesh\n\
| 418 | %->\n\
| 419 | md.geometry.surface=-md.mesh.x*tan(0.5*pi/180.);\n\
| 420 | %base is [surface-1000+500*sin(x*2*pi/L).*sin(y*2*pi/L)]\n\
| 421 | %L is the size of the side of the square #max(md.mesh.x)-min(md.mesh.x)\n\
| 422 | %->\n\
| 423 | L=max(md.mesh.x)-min(md.mesh.x);\n\
| 424 | md.geometry.base=md.geometry.surface-1000.0+500.0*sin(md.mesh.x*2.0*pi/L).*sin(md.mesh.y*2.0*pi/L);\n\
| 425 | %thickness is the difference between surface and base #md.geometry\n\
| 426 | %->\n\
| 427 | md.geometry.thickness=md.geometry.surface-md.geometry.base;\n\
| 428 | %plot the geometry to check it out\n\
| 429 | %->\n\
| 430 | plotmodel(md,'data',md.geometry.thickness);\n\
| 431 | \n\
| 432 | disp(' Defining friction parameters');\n\
| 433 | \n\
| 434 | %These parameters will not be used but need to be fixed #md.friction\n\
| 435 | %one friciton coefficient per node (md.mesh.numberofvertices,1)\n\
| 436 | %->\n\
| 437 | md.friction.coefficient=200.0*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);\n\
| 438 | %one friciton exponent (p,q) per element\n\
| 439 | %->\n\
| 440 | md.friction.p=ones(md.mesh.numberofelements,1);\n\
| 441 | %->\n\
| 442 | md.friction.q=ones(md.mesh.numberofelements,1);\n\
| 443 | \n\
| 444 | disp(' Construct ice rheological properties');\n\
| 445 | \n\
| 446 | %The rheology parameters sit in the material section #md.materials\n\
| 447 | %B has one value per vertex\n\
| 448 | %->\n\
| 449 | md.materials.rheology_B=6.8067e7*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);\n\
| 450 | %n has one value per element\n\
| 451 | %->\n\
| 452 | md.materials.rheology_n=3*ones(md.mesh.numberofelements,1);\n\
| 453 | \n\
| 454 | disp(' Set boundary conditions');\n\
| 455 | \n\
| 456 | %Set the default boundary conditions for an ice-sheet \n\
| 457 | % #help SetIceSheetBC\n\
| 458 | %->\n\
| 459 | md=SetIceSheetBC(md);\n\
| 460 | "
| 461 | #}}}
| 462 | # PAR_F #{{{
| 463 | PAR_F="\
| 464 | %Parameterization for ISMIP F experiment\n\
| 465 | \n\
| 466 | %Set the Simulation generic name #md.miscellaneous\n\
| 467 | %->\n\
| 468 | \n\
| 469 | %Geometry\n\
| 470 | disp(' Constructing Geometry');\n\
| 471 | \n\
| 472 | %Define the geometry of the simulation #md.geometry\n\
| 473 | %surface is [-x*tan(3.0*pi/180)] #md.mesh\n\
| 474 | %->\n\
[26029] | 475 | md.geometry.surface=-md.mesh.x*tan(3.0*pi/180.0);\n\
[25915] | 476 | %base is [surface-1000+100*exp(-((x-L/2).^2+(y-L/2).^2)/(10000.^2))]\n\
| 477 | %L is the size of the side of the square #max(md.mesh.x)-min(md.mesh.x)\n\
| 478 | %->\n\
| 479 | L=max(md.mesh.x)-min(md.mesh.x);\n\
| 480 | %->\n\
| 481 | md.geometry.base=md.geometry.surface-1000.0+100.0*exp(-((md.mesh.x-L/2.0).^2.0+(md.mesh.y-L/2.0).^2.0)/(10000.^2.0));\n\
| 482 | %thickness is the difference between surface and base #md.geometry\n\
| 483 | %->\n\
| 484 | md.geometry.thickness=md.geometry.surface-md.geometry.base;\n\
| 485 | %plot the geometry to check it out\n\
| 486 | %->\n\
| 487 | plotmodel(md,'data',md.geometry.thickness);\n\
| 488 | \n\
| 489 | disp(' Defining friction parameters');\n\
| 490 | \n\
| 491 | %These parameters will not be used but need to be fixed #md.friction\n\
| 492 | %one friciton coefficient per node (md.mesh.numberofvertices,1)\n\
[26029] | 493 | %conversion from year to seconds with #md.constants.yts\n\
[25915] | 494 | %->\n\
| 495 | md.friction.coefficient=sqrt(md.constants.yts/(1000*2.140373*10^-7))*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);\n\
| 496 | %one friciton exponent (p,q) per element\n\
| 497 | %->\n\
| 498 | md.friction.p=ones(md.mesh.numberofelements,1);\n\
| 499 | %->\n\
| 500 | md.friction.q=zeros(md.mesh.numberofelements,1);\n\
| 501 | \n\
| 502 | disp(' Construct ice rheological properties');\n\
| 503 | \n\
| 504 | %The rheology parameters sit in the material section #md.materials\n\
| 505 | %B has one value per vertex\n\
| 506 | %->\n\
| 507 | md.materials.rheology_B=(1/(2.140373*10^-7/md.constants.yts))*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);\n\
| 508 | %n has one value per element\n\
| 509 | %->\n\
| 510 | md.materials.rheology_n=1*ones(md.mesh.numberofelements,1);\n\
| 511 | \n\
| 512 | disp(' Set boundary conditions');\n\
| 513 | \n\
| 514 | %Set the default boundary conditions for an ice-sheet \n\
| 515 | % #help SetIceSheetBC\n\
| 516 | %->\n\
| 517 | md=SetIceSheetBC(md);\n\
| 518 | \n\
| 519 | disp(' Initializing velocity and pressure');\n\
| 520 | \n\
| 521 | %initialize the velocity and pressurefields of #md.initialization\n\
| 522 | %->\n\
| 523 | md.initialization.vx=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);\n\
| 524 | %->\n\
| 525 | md.initialization.vy=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);\n\
| 526 | %->\n\
| 527 | md.initialization.vz=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);\n\
| 528 | %->\n\
| 529 | md.initialization.pressure=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);\n\
| 530 | "
| 531 | #}}}
| 532 | perl -0755 -p -i'.bak' -e "s|^.*$|${RUNME}|s" $RUNME_FILE
| 533 | perl -0755 -p -i'.bak' -e "s|^.*$|${PAR_A}|s" IsmipA.par
| 534 | perl -0755 -p -i'.bak' -e "s|^.*$|${PAR_F}|s" IsmipF.par
| 535 | RUN_EXAMPLE=1
| 536 | elif [ "${dir}" == "./Jakobshavn" ]; then
[25983] | 537 | sed -i.bak -e 's|steps=\[1\];|steps=\[1:4\];\n\ntry\n|' $RUNME_FILE
[25915] | 538 | RUN_EXAMPLE=1
| 539 | elif [ "${dir}" == "./LcurveAnalysis" ]; then
[25983] | 540 | sed -i.bak -e 's|steps=\[1\];|steps=\[1:4\];\n\ntry\n|' $RUNME_FILE
[25915] | 541 | RUN_EXAMPLE=1
| 542 | elif [ "${dir}" == "./Mesh" ]; then
| 543 | # NOTE: Cannot test exptool region selection without GUI
[25986] | 544 | #
| 545 |
| 546 | # RUNME #{{{
| 547 | RUNME="\
| 548 | try\n\
| 549 | steps=[1:7];\n\
| 550 | \n\
| 551 | if any(steps==1) % Model\n\
| 552 | md=model;\n\
| 553 | end\n\
| 554 | \n\
| 555 | if any(steps==2) % squaremesh\n\
| 556 | md=squaremesh(md,100,200,15,25);\n\
| 557 | plotmodel(md,'data','mesh');\n\
| 558 | end\n\
| 559 | \n\
| 560 | if any(steps==3) % roundmesh\n\
| 561 | md=roundmesh(model,100,10);\n\
| 562 | plotmodel(md,'data','mesh');\n\
| 563 | end\n\
| 564 | \n\
| 565 | if any(steps==4) % triangle\n\
| 566 | md=triangle(model,'Square.exp',.2);\n\
| 567 | plotmodel(md,'data','mesh');\n\
| 568 | end\n\
| 569 | \n\
| 570 | if any(steps==5) % bamg\n\
| 571 | md=bamg(model,'domain','Square.exp','hmax',.05);\n\
| 572 | plotmodel(md,'data','mesh');\n\
| 573 | end\n\
| 574 | \n\
| 575 | if any(steps==6) % Non-Uniform mesh\n\
| 576 | hvertices=[0.2;0.2;0.005;0.2];\n\
| 577 | md=bamg(md,'domain','Square.exp','hvertices',hvertices);\n\
| 578 | plotmodel(md,'data','mesh');\n\
| 579 | end\n\
| 580 | \n\
| 581 | if any(steps==7) % Mesh adaptation\n\
| 582 | md=bamg(model,'domain','Square.exp','hmax',.05);\n\
| 583 | vel=shock(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y);\n\
| 584 | plotmodel(md,'data',vel,'edgecolor','w');\n\
| 585 | \n\
| 586 | md=bamg(model,'domain','Square.exp','hmax',.005);\n\
| 587 | vel=shock(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y);\n\
| 588 | md=bamg(md,'field',vel,'err',0.05,'hmin',0.005,'hmax',0.3);\n\
| 589 | vel=shock(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y);\n\
| 590 | plotmodel(md,'data',vel,'edgecolor','w');\n\
| 591 | \n\
| 592 | md=bamg(model,'domain','Square.exp','hmax',.005);\n\
| 593 | vel=shock(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y);\n\
| 594 | md=bamg(md,'field',vel,'err',0.03,'hmin',0.005,'hmax',0.3,'gradation',3);\n\
| 595 | vel=shock(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y);\n\
| 596 | plotmodel(md,'data',vel,'edgecolor','w');\n\
| 597 | \n\
| 598 | md=bamg(model,'domain','Square.exp','hmax',.005);\n\
| 599 | vel=shock(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y);\n\
| 600 | md=bamg(md,'field',vel,'err',0.03,'hmin',0.005,'hmax',0.3,'gradation',1.3,'anisomax',1);\n\
| 601 | vel=shock(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y);\n\
| 602 | plotmodel(md,'data',vel,'edgecolor','w');\n\
| 603 | end\n\
| 604 | \n\
| 605 | if any(steps==8) % Mesh refinement in a specific region\n\
| 606 | plotmodel(md,'data',vel,'edgecolor','w');\n\
| 607 | exptool('refinement.exp');\n\
| 608 | h=NaN*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);\n\
| 609 | in=ContourToNodes(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,'refinement.exp',1);\n\
| 610 | h(find(in))=0.02;\n\
| 611 | plotmodel(md,'data',in,'edgecolor','w');\n\
| 612 | \n\
| 613 | vel=shock(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y);\n\
| 614 | md=bamg(md,'field',vel,'err',0.03,'hmin',0.005,'hmax',0.3,'hVertices',h);\n\
| 615 | vel=shock(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y);\n\
| 616 | plotmodel(md,'data',vel,'edgecolor','w');\n\
| 617 | end\n\
| 618 | "
| 619 | #}}}
| 620 | touch $RUNME_FILE
| 621 | perl -0755 -p -i'.bak' -e "s|^.*$|${RUNME}|s" $RUNME_FILE
[25915] | 622 | RUN_EXAMPLE=1
| 623 | elif [ "${dir}" == "./Pig" ]; then
| 624 | # STEP_SIX #{{{
| 625 | STEP_SIX="\
[25986] | 626 | if any(steps==6)\n\
[25915] | 627 | % Load Model\n\
| 628 | md = loadmodel('./Models/PIG_Control_drag');\n\
| 629 | % Disable inversion\n\
| 630 | md.inversion.iscontrol=0;\n\
| 631 | % Extrude Mesh\n\
| 632 | disp(' Extruding mesh');\n\
| 633 | number_of_layers=3;\n\
| 634 | md=extrude(md,number_of_layers,1);\n\
| 635 | % Set Flowequation\n\
| 636 | disp(' Using HO Ice Flow Model');\n\
| 637 | md=setflowequation(md,'HO','all');\n\
| 638 | % Solve\n\
| 639 | md=solve(md,'Stressbalance');\n\
| 640 | % Save Model\n\
| 641 | save ./Models/PIG_ModelHO md;\n\
[25986] | 642 | end\n\
[25915] | 643 | "
| 644 | #}}}
| 645 | mv ./DomainOutline.bkp ./DomainOutline.exp > /dev/null 2>&1
[25983] | 646 | sed -i.bak -e 's|steps=\[1\];|steps=\[1:7\];\ntry\n|' $RUNME_FILE
[25915] | 647 | perl -0755 -p -i -e "s|if any\(steps==6\).*% step 6 end|${STEP_SIX}|s" $RUNME_FILE
| 648 | RUN_EXAMPLE=1
| 649 | elif [ "${dir}" == "./Pig2" ]; then
| 650 | STEP_NINE="\n disp('Needs work!'); exit"
[25983] | 651 | sed -i.bak -e 's|steps=\[1\];|steps=\[1:9\];\n\ntry\n|' $RUNME_FILE
[25915] | 652 | perl -0755 -p -i -e "s|if any\(steps==9\).*% step 9 end|${STEP_NINE}|s" $RUNME_FILE
[25984] | 653 | RUN_EXAMPLE=0
[25915] | 654 | elif [ "${dir}" == "./PigSensitivity" ]; then
| 655 | # STEP_FOUR # {{{
[25925] | 656 | STEP_FOUR="\
| 657 | if any(steps==4)\n\
| 658 | %Load model\n\
| 659 | md = loadmodel('./Models/PIG_Transient');\n\
| 660 | \n\
| 661 | %Change external forcing basal melting rate and surface mass balance)\n\
| 662 | md.basalforcings.groundedice_melting_rate=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);\n\
| 663 | md.basalforcings.floatingice_melting_rate=25*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);\n\
| 664 | md.smb.mass_balance=2*md.smb.mass_balance;\n\
| 665 | \n\
| 666 | %Define time steps and time span of the simulation\n\
| 667 | md.timestepping.time_step=0.1;\n\
| 668 | md.timestepping.final_time=10;\n\
| 669 | \n\
| 670 | %Request additional outputs\n\
| 671 | md.transient.requested_outputs={'default','IceVolume','IceVolumeAboveFloatation'};\n\
| 672 | \n\
| 673 | %Solve\n\
| 674 | md=solve(md,'Transient');\n\
| 675 | \n\
[25983] | 676 | %Plot\n\
| 677 | plotmodel(md, 'data', md.results.TransientSolution(1).Vel,...\n\
| 678 | 'title#1', 'Velocity t=0 years (m/yr)',...\n\
| 679 | 'data', md.results.TransientSolution(end).Vel,...\n\
| 680 | 'title#2', 'Velocity t=10 years (m/yr)',...\n\
| 681 | 'data', md.results.TransientSolution(1).MaskOceanLevelset,...\n\
| 682 | 'title#3', 'Floating ice t=0 years',...\n\
| 683 | 'data', md.results.TransientSolution(end).MaskOceanLevelset,...\n\
| 684 | 'title#4', 'Floating ice t=10 years',...\n\
| 685 | 'caxis#1',([0 4500]),'caxis#2',([0 4500]),...\n\
| 686 | 'caxis#3',([-1,1]),'caxis#4',([-1,1]));\n\
| 687 | \n\
[25925] | 688 | %Save model\n\
| 689 | save ./Models/PIG_SMB md;\n\
| 690 | end\n\
| 691 | "
[25915] | 692 | #}}}
[25983] | 693 | sed -i.bak -e 's|steps=\[1\];|steps=\[1:4\];\n\ntry\n|' $RUNME_FILE
| 694 | perl -0755 -p -i -e "s|if any\(steps==4\).*% step 4 end|${STEP_FOUR}|s" $RUNME_FILE
[25925] | 695 | RUN_EXAMPLE=1
[25915] | 696 | elif [ "${dir}" == "./shakti" ]; then
[25983] | 697 | sed -i.bak -e 's|steps=\[1:3\];|steps=\[1:3\];\n\ntry\n|' $RUNME_FILE
[25915] | 698 | RUN_EXAMPLE=1
| 699 | elif [ "${dir}" == "./SlrFarrell" ]; then
| 700 | # TODO: Convert from md.slr
[25983] | 701 | sed -i.bak -e 's|steps=\[1\];|steps=\[1:5\];\n\ntry\n|' $RUNME_FILE
[25915] | 702 | RUN_EXAMPLE=0
| 703 | elif [ "${dir}" == "./SlrGRACE" ]; then
| 704 | # TODO: Convert from md.slr
[25983] | 705 | sed -i.bak -e 's|steps=\[1\];|steps=\[1:7\];\n\ntry\n|' $RUNME_FILE
[25915] | 706 | RUN_EXAMPLE=0
| 707 | elif [ "${dir}" == "./SlrGRACE_NIMS" ]; then
| 708 | # TODO: Convert from md.slr
[25983] | 709 | sed -i.bak -e 's|steps=\[1\];|steps=\[1:8\];\n\ntry\n|' $RUNME_FILE
[25915] | 710 | RUN_EXAMPLE=0
| 711 | elif [ "${dir}" == "./SquareIceShelf" ]; then
[25983] | 712 | sed -i.bak -e '1 s|^.*$|try\n\n&|' $RUNME_FILE
[25915] | 713 | RUN_EXAMPLE=1
| 714 | elif [ "${dir}" == "./UncertaintyQuantification" ]; then
[25983] | 715 | sed -i.bak -e 's|steps=\[1\];|steps=\[1:7\];\n\ntry\n|' $RUNME_FILE
[25930] | 716 | RUN_EXAMPLE=1
[25915] | 717 | else
| 718 | echo "Not implemented yet!"
| 719 | exit 1
| 720 | fi
| 721 |
| 722 | if [ $RUN_EXAMPLE -eq 1 ]; then
| 723 | echo "Testing example: $(basename $dir)"
| 724 | LOG_RUNME_FILE="matlab_log_$(basename $dir)_examples.log"
| 725 | echo -e ${STATUS_HANDLING} >> ${RUNME_FILE}
| 726 | $MATLAB_PATH/bin/matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -r "addpath $ISSM_DIR/src/m/dev; devpath; addpath $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog/; runme" -logfile $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog/$LOG_RUNME_FILE
| 727 | echo "starting: $(basename $dir)" >> $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog/matlab_log_examples.log
| 728 | cat $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog/$LOG_RUNME_FILE >> $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog/matlab_log_examples.log
| 729 | echo "finished: $(basename $dir)" >> $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog/matlab_log_examples.log
| 730 | mv -f ${RUNME_FILE}.bak ${RUNME_FILE}
| 731 | fi
| 732 |
| 733 | # Extra clean up
| 734 | if [ "${dir}" == "./ISMIP" ]; then
| 735 | mv -f IsmipA.par.bak IsmipA.par
| 736 | mv -f IsmipF.par.bak IsmipF.par
| 737 | fi
| 738 |
[25986] | 739 | if [ "${dir}" == "./Mesh" ]; then
| 740 | rm -f $RUNME_FILE
| 741 | fi
| 742 |
[25915] | 743 | if [ "${dir}" == "./Pig" ]; then
| 744 | mv -f DomainOutline.exp DomainOutline.bkp
| 745 | fi
| 746 |
| 747 | cd ..
| 748 | fi
| 749 | done