1 | # This holds the errors to be suppressed from valgrind report for ISSM.
2 | # See: http://valgrind.org/docs/manual/manual-core.html#manual-core.suppress
3 | #
4 | # to add errors:
5 | # 1. in m/classes/clusters/generic.m,
6 | # add: --gen-suppressions=all
7 | # 2. in the errlog, copy and paste the suppression log
8 | # in this file.
9 |
10 | #OS specific errors{{{
11 | #http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14474691/wifstream-with-imbue-locale-produces-valgrind-errors (larsen)
12 | {
13 | <OS1>
14 | Memcheck:Addr8
15 | fun:wcscmp
16 | fun:_ZNSt10moneypunctIwLb1EED1Ev
17 | fun:_ZNSt10moneypunctIwLb1EED0Ev
18 | }
19 | {
20 | <OS0>
21 | Memcheck:Addr8
22 | fun:wcscmp
23 | fun:_ZNSt10moneypunctIwLb0EED1Ev
24 | fun:_ZNSt10moneypunctIwLb0EED0Ev
25 | fun:_ZNSt6locale5_ImplD1Ev
26 | fun:_ZNSt6localeD1Ev
27 | fun:__cxa_finalize
28 | obj:/u/astrid-r1b/morlighe/issmjpl/cron/trunk-jpl/externalpackages/boost/install/lib/libboost_filesystem.so.1.49.0
29 | obj:/u/astrid-r1b/morlighe/issmjpl/cron/trunk-jpl/externalpackages/boost/install/lib/libboost_filesystem.so.1.49.0
30 | fun:__run_exit_handlers
31 | fun:exit
32 | fun:(below main)
33 | }
34 | {
35 | <OS2>
36 | Memcheck:Leak
37 | fun:_Znwm
38 | fun:_ZNSs4_Rep9_S_createEmmRKSaIcE
39 | fun:_ZNSs12_S_constructIPKcEEPcT_S3_RKSaIcESt20forward_iterator_tag
40 | fun:_ZNSsC1EPKcRKSaIcE
41 | }
42 | #}}}
43 | #PETSc {{{
44 | {
45 | <petsc0>
46 | Memcheck:User
47 | fun:PMPI_Get_count
48 | fun:maybe_complete
49 | fun:PMPI_Waitany
50 | fun:MatStashScatterGetMesg_Private
51 | fun:MatAssemblyEnd_MPIAIJ
52 | fun:MatAssemblyEnd
53 | }
54 | {
55 | <petsc1>
56 | Memcheck:User
57 | fun:PMPI_Get_count
58 | fun:maybe_complete
59 | fun:PMPI_Waitany
60 | fun:VecStashScatterGetMesg_Private
61 | fun:VecAssemblyEnd_MPI
62 | fun:VecAssemblyEnd
63 | fun:_ZN8PetscVec8AssembleEv
64 | }
65 | {
66 | <petsc2>
67 | Memcheck:User
68 | fun:PMPI_Get_count
69 | fun:PMPI_Recv
70 | fun:_Z14VecToMPISerialPPdP6_p_Veci
71 | fun:_ZN8PetscVec11ToMPISerialEv
72 | }
73 | {
74 | <petsc3>
75 | Memcheck:User
76 | fun:PMPI_Get_count
77 | fun:maybe_complete
78 | fun:PMPI_Waitany
79 | fun:VecScatterCreate_PtoS
80 | fun:VecScatterCreate
81 | fun:MatSetUpMultiply_MPIAIJ
82 | fun:MatAssemblyEnd_MPIAIJ
83 | fun:MatAssemblyEnd
84 | }
85 | {
86 | <mumps0>
87 | Memcheck:Leak
88 | fun:malloc
89 | fun:mumps_397.3148
90 | fun:__mumps_static_mapping_MOD_mumps_369
91 | fun:dmumps_537_
92 | fun:dmumps_26_
93 | fun:dmumps_
94 | fun:dmumps_f77_
95 | fun:dmumps_c
96 | fun:MatLUFactorSymbolic_AIJMUMPS
97 | fun:MatLUFactorSymbolic
98 | fun:PCSetUp_LU
99 | fun:PCSetUp
100 | }
101 | {
102 | <mumps1>
103 | Memcheck:User
104 | fun:PMPI_Get_count
105 | fun:PMPI_Recv
106 | fun:mpi_recv
107 | fun:dmumps_664_
108 | }
109 | {
110 | <mumps2>
111 | Memcheck:User
112 | fun:PMPI_Get_count
113 | fun:maybe_complete
114 | fun:PMPI_Waitany
115 | fun:mpi_waitany
116 | fun:dmumps_664_
117 | }
118 | {
119 | <mumps3>
120 | Memcheck:User
121 | fun:PMPI_Get_count
122 | fun:PMPI_Recv
123 | fun:mpi_recv
124 | fun:dmumps_282_
125 | }
126 | {
127 | <mumps4>
128 | Memcheck:User
129 | fun:PMPI_Get_count
130 | fun:PMPI_Recv
131 | fun:mpi_recv
132 | fun:dmumps_255_
133 | }
134 | {
135 | <mumps5>
136 | Memcheck:User
137 | fun:PMPI_Get_count
138 | fun:maybe_complete
139 | fun:PMPI_Wait
140 | fun:PMPI_WAIT
141 | fun:dmumps_255_
142 | }
143 | {
144 | <mump6>
145 | Memcheck:User
146 | fun:PMPI_Get_count
147 | fun:PMPI_Recv
148 | fun:mpi_recv
149 | fun:dmumps_638_
150 | }
151 | {
152 | <mumps7>
153 | Memcheck:User
154 | fun:PMPI_Get_count
155 | fun:PMPI_Recv
156 | fun:mpi_recv
157 | fun:dmumps_640.3488
158 | }
159 | {
160 | <mumps8>
161 | Memcheck:User
162 | fun:PMPI_Get_count
163 | fun:MPI_GET_COUNT
164 | fun:dmumps_638_
165 | }
166 | {
167 | <mumps9>
168 | Memcheck:User
169 | fun:check_mem_is_defined_untyped
170 | fun:PMPI_Pack
171 | fun:PMPI_PACK
172 | fun:__dmumps_comm_buffer_MOD_dmumps_62
173 | }
174 | {
175 | <mumps10>
176 | Memcheck:User
177 | fun:check_mem_is_defined_untyped
178 | fun:PMPI_Pack
179 | fun:PMPI_PACK
180 | fun:__dmumps_comm_buffer_MOD_dmumps_62
181 | }
182 | #}}}